Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1506 The Devil's Cave Changes Owner, 8-Life Clone

Chapter 1506 The Devil's Cave Changes Owner, Eight Lives Clone

Fang Yu already knew the reason.

It turned out that the so-called expert should be a kind of cat demon.

Cats have nine lives, which is recorded in many ancient books.

Fang Yu had seen relevant information in ancient books.At that time, he wondered how there could be such a monster in the world.Although the saying that cats have nine lives is circulating, most people think it is just a legend and not true.

But today.

Fang Yu was convinced that this thing existed.

It's like a Shikigami puppet of an island country.

It's also a very evil spell.

Unexpectedly, this kind of magic was planted in Zhao Mengxue's sea of ​​qi.

At first, Fang Yu checked her sea of ​​qi, and felt a little strange at that time.

But didn't think much of it.

Unexpectedly, it is really the inheritance of the cat demon.

"This is probably life..."

Fang Yu waved his hand.

Zhou Hai on the side looked at Emperor Yu suspiciously, not knowing what he meant, the Zhao family had already answered his question honestly, so should we punish them according to the punishment just mentioned, or let them go?
Zhou Hai was stunned for a moment.

Fang Yu said in a deep voice: "All the children of the Zhao family, as well as all the practitioners involved in the Zhao Mengxue incident, will be abolished in Qihai, expelled from China, and they will not be allowed to enter forever."


Zhou Hai took a breath.

This is much worse than killing them.

Zhou Hai was even more convinced that today Dushan Yudi is a man of his word.

Once a decision is made, no matter how many things happen in the middle, no matter what kind of interests are involved, it will not change his decision.

This is boldness.

This is strength!


"Emperor Yu, have mercy!"

"Emperor Yu, Mrs. Zhao doesn't dare anymore! Mrs. Zhao begs you to forgive me!"

Zhao's children, all kowtow together.

Where is the dignity taken into account, and where is the injury not to be taken into account?
Seeing Emperor Yu remained unmoved, Zhou Hai said in a deep voice, "Take them all away!"


A group of practitioners rushed in and took the Zhao family out.

Although Zhao Tianzhao is a strong man of Yuan Renxian, does he dare to resist?

As long as he dares to do something, Tiandu Mountain will make the Zhao family disappear from this earth in a short time.

It would be good enough to keep them alive.


In fact.

Fang Yu didn't kill them on the spot because of two considerations.

One, Zhao Tianzhao and the others did not make a huge mistake, but their attitude was a little arrogant, so they wouldn't kill their whole family just because of this, instead it would highlight their violent character.Two, keep them, Zhao Mengxue will definitely come out to find them.

Fang Yu left faint imprints on them, as long as Zhao Mengxue appeared, he would know the exact location of Zhao Mengxue immediately.


at the same time.

The magic cave world.

In the ninth floor space.

The Emperor Qimotian sat alone on the throne, wondering what he was thinking about.

The red eyes became much weaker.

After this battle with Emperor Yu, he suddenly found that the gap between him and Emperor Yu was really too big...unimaginable.

"According to Emperor Yu's cultivation base, even if this emperor's cultivation base is tripled on the day of Nine Stars Lianzhu, it is impossible to be his opponent! Could it be...Emperor Yu really entered the realm of the legendary Lord of Heaven?" The voice of the Demon Emperor's voice became hoarse.

The Emperor Qimo suddenly stood up and paced back and forth.

"How is this possible? The realm of the Lord of Heaven should not appear in this space of human society! How could this space carry such a powerful force!"

Human society has entered the era of practice.

It is no longer realistic to rely on simple rules to constrain.

The Ten Thousand Immortals City's ten guardians rely on their powerful cultivation to deter the entire world.

Together with the practitioners from the other two territories, they all acted as a deterrent.

It can be said……

This is a generation where cultivation power explosion and deterrence coexist.

In the era of deterrence, it does not mean that no one will not make mistakes because of deterrence.

As long as a practitioner with a strong cultivation base, the power that erupts is enough to cause huge destructive power.

Who can absolutely restrain those who cannot use their fists?
Heaven is fair.

In the relative space, too powerful humans are not allowed to appear.

so as not to cause an imbalance.


The appearance of Fang Yu completely broke this rule.

This made the Qimo Heavenly Emperor puzzled.

"It's really strange... Human society has been progressing slowly... The last 70 years have been a bit unbelievable. The recovery of spiritual energy is understandable. Is the energy provided by the dragon vein really so powerful?"

The Heavenly Emperor Qimo believes that the rapid progress of human cultivation is not only aura, but also dragon veins must play a huge role.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qimotian sighed: "It's a pity that the negative energy of a million years, if you know that Zhao Mengxue is such a waste, you shouldn't sacrifice such a big price. Without the negative energy of a million years to suppress the dragon veins, I don't know How long can the Demon Cave World suppress the dragon veins!"

"Once the dragon veins are restored, the world of the Devil's Cave will inevitably lack energy. The dragon veins will return to the surface to form a mountain range of spiritual energy, providing powerful spiritual energy for human society. If the spiritual energy is abundant, the sunlight will also be strong. At that time... I, the Demon Cave clan, will lose my attack forever Great opportunity for humanity!"

The voice just fell.

A gloomy voice came faintly——

"Just because of you, you want to attack human society? Just because of you, you want to defeat Emperor Yu, the Lord of Heaven?"

The red eyes of the Emperor Qimo suddenly widened.


"Who do you say I am..."

In the black void 50 meters in front of the Qimotiandi, a woman's figure slowly gathered into shape.

Charming, stunning and moving.

Between the eyebrows exudes nobility and elegance.

"Zhao Mengxue?"

She didn't die?
This horrified the Qimo Heavenly Emperor.

"Respected Demon Emperor, are you alright?"

"Zhao Mengxue, you are so bold... How dare you speak to this emperor in such a tone!?" Heavenly Emperor Qimo said in a deep voice.

Zhao Mengxue giggled.

"Even Emperor Yu, who is in the realm of Lord of the Sky, can't kill me... What can you do to me?"


"Emperor Abandoned Demon... You have been in this position for too long... It's time to abdicate and make way for the virtuous!"

talking room.

Eight figures appeared in the black void.

At the same time, the eight figures rushed towards the Emperor Qimo.

"Small skills are worthy of fighting with this emperor?!"

The Emperor Qimo stretched out his arms and began to fight fiercely.

Bang bang bang!
The Gang Qi of the eight figures smashed over.

In an instant, the entire Demon Nest World fluctuated accordingly.

The Heavenly Emperor Qimo suddenly discovered that these eight figures were not fake bodies, but real bodies.

"how can that be?"

Just when the Abandoned Demon Emperor was preparing to brew a big move.

Zhao Mengxue groaned and said with a smile: "It's late... I'll fight you with eight... It's equivalent to eight ancestors! Even if you are the peak of the ancestors, you have to die for me—"

This eight-sided siege move seemed to have been practiced for a long time.


The black energy all over the sky was vented.

Zhao Mengxue said with a dark smile: "You still want to escape with energy?!"

(End of this chapter)

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