Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1518 Spiritual energy drops sharply, magic cave invades

Chapter 1518 Spiritual energy drops sharply, magic cave invades

"Meet the master!"

Another bad language.

When the owner of the manor saw Fang Yu, he immediately knelt down.He kowtowed reverently.

Fang Yu felt a little strange, these people are really shrewd, knowing that they are practitioners, so they come to apprentice.

"Your roots and environment are not suitable for cultivation, so don't waste your efforts." Finished.

Fang Yu headed towards the busy city.

The owner of the manor wanted to catch up, but was stopped by an invisible force.They were so frightened that they were sweating profusely, and they dared not catch up.

After visiting for a period of time, I found that foreign architecture and economic level have seriously lagged behind China.

No aura, no lively population.

Everyone yearns for Huaxia who can practice.

After finally meeting a practitioner from the East, they were eager to get to know each other and curry favor.

However, a practitioner of Fang Yu's level would not be something that foreigners like them could curry favor with.


at the same time.

This morning.

After the three major territories repelled all the beasts that invaded human cities.

There was another earthquake.

The earth is shaking like a mountain.

Human beings issued a notice to the world that there was an abnormal situation. All practitioners should take the world as their own responsibility and beware of the possible second wave of fierce beasts.

Fierce beasts are most likely to be frightened by this kind of earthquake.

Toss and run around again.

But soon.

The Association of Human Practitioners made another major discovery—the aura in the human world suddenly decreased by one-third!

Nobody knows why.

No one knows where the spiritual energy has gone.

It's like one day, and the next morning, the aura just disappeared.


When Chen Daotian learned of this, he was so shocked that he immediately called Fang Yu, and didn't bother to send a message.

"Brother Yu, where are you now!?"

"what's up?"

"The aura in Huaxia World has dropped by a third. I feel that something big has happened. Come back soon!" Chen Daotian said.

"it is good."

Hearing the news, Fang Yu didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

People have to wonder.

A world full of aura has already formed a wireless cycle, how could it suddenly drop by one-third.

Fang Yu planned to go back and have a look first.

Having mastered the fire of the stars, Fang Yu is not afraid of the trash from the Devil's Nest rushing up.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Yu's figure disappeared.


It took about half an hour.

Fang Yu returned to the top of the Chinese world at an extremely fast speed.

Overlook the whole world.

The wild consciousness is opened.

It can be said that it covers the entire China, including the city of Ten Thousand Immortals in the east.

Can't help frowning slightly.

"The spiritual energy has really dropped by could this be?"

Aura is the foundation of a practitioner, if there is no aura, then the practitioner will make slow progress.If we go back to the previous era of lack of aura, then in a few decades, when the new generation grows up, human beings will become ordinary people again.

This is a dire consequence.

But why is it so?
Fang Yu collected his mind, concentrated his attention, and exerted the will of Huang Shenshen to the extreme.

at that moment--

Fang Yu seemed to feel all the details from the entire Chinese world, observing the details——

The sound of ants crawling.

Traces of a bird flapping its wings.

The sound of raindrops falling.

Even the ripples seem to convey sound.

Everything entered his mind.

This feeling suddenly weighed on his head several times, making him extremely uncomfortable.

But he also enjoys the feeling of controlling the world and everything is under his perception.

Thousands of mountains and rivers have been searched, every corner has been searched, and any possible mistakes may have occurred.

I couldn't find where the aura went...

"It's really strange...the aura doesn't disappear for no reason, so what causes it?"

Fang Yu first thought of the dragon veins of the Devil's Nest World.

The moment Fang Yu became suspicious——

"How did I forget about this!"

Expand the wild consciousness again.

Fang Yu himself was surprised by the subtlety of his consciousness.

at last!

Fang Yu felt a certain pattern.

Reiki is falling!

It's falling like a mist!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the concentration of aura to decrease, but the downward trend now shows that there is some kind of strange force making them fall.

Fang Yu continued to follow...

The aura fell to the ground.

The difference is that the aura usually falls on the leaves and will be absorbed by the leaves, and the leaves will become stronger.

But this time, the aura was directly immersed in the soil, and just disappeared.

The soil didn't change at all.

"It's so brave!"

Fang Yu frowned.

Immediately withdrew his consciousness, took out his mobile phone and said to WeChat: "Daotian, notify other territories, strengthen defenses, and beware of the invasion of fierce beasts. There are also creatures in the devil's lair... I want to go to the devil's lair."

Not long after, Chen Daotian replied with a good word.

By the way, Fang Yu's reminder was sent to practitioners in other territories.

Chattering in the imperial capital immediately dispatched practitioners to protect the major cities.

All the elders of Wanxian City were also dispatched.

As the city with the most practitioners and the highest cultivation level, Wanxian City acted as a vanguard, and immediately went to various dark places to investigate and patrol.


at the same time.

Fang Yu used the cone-shaped weapon to enter the world of the magic cave again.

When she entered the magic cave world.

Can't help but be surprised.

"Sure enough, all the spiritual energy was taken away by the Demon Cave World. The dragon veins were suppressed..."

It can be clearly felt that the breath of the dragon vein has almost disappeared.

Raise your right hand slightly.

The colorful dragon chant sword appeared.

Blooming dazzling and eye-catching light.

Sweeping across the world of the devil's lair in front of him, the barren consciousness opened!

"Zhao Mengxue... come out... I know you are still alive."

A warning immediately alarmed all the creatures in the magic cave world.

In the ninth floor, the creatures of the Demon Cave immediately ran to the lower floor as if they were frightened.

Well-trained, as if prepared for a long time ago.

At this time.

Zhao Mengxue's voice came faintly.

"Respected Lord Yudi, it's a great honor to welcome you here!"


A figure was suspended in the void.

Fang Yu glanced at it, then asked in surprise, "Lord of the sky?"

"Your Majesty Yudi has good eyesight, you are also in the realm of the Lord of Heaven, we are mutual."

"Zhao Mengxue, you are a human being, why did you go astray? I will give you a choice, give up your cultivation, reshape your body, return to human society, and be an ordinary person!"

As soon as this is said.

Zhao Mengxue laughed.

That laugh seemed very pervasive.

"Emperor Yu, you are so naive... You have lived for countless years anyway, with extensive knowledge and rich experience... Do you think I will give up?"

Zhao Mengxue's voice suddenly became gloomy, "Isn't it all because of you who forced me to come here? Emperor Yu, you forced me—" The voice raised, even a little hoarse.

Followed by.

Zhao Mengxue throws her first weight——

"For today, I endured the humiliation, and did not hesitate to become a devil. Emperor Yu... If you dare to attack the devil's lair, I swear, I will slaughter all human beings!"

(End of this chapter)

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