Chapter 1527

Hear the word fate.

There is a sentence that feels disgusting for no reason. This person looks handsome and young.But I didn't expect to say such words to a strange woman suddenly.

What's more, Ye Wenjun already had a family and his heart belonged to him, and it was impossible for him to have any affection for a strange man.

So Ye Wenjun felt annoyed when this man was smiling and always thinking of getting close.

"You human beings are always so overestimated. Many years ago, someone accidentally broke into the entrance of the ladder. Unfortunately, that person has not practiced in his regular practice for more than three years and disappeared. However, I didn't expect you to be there It's been in there for hundreds of years,"

Hundreds of years?
Ye Wenjun couldn't help being surprised. She remembered that she had only stayed in the practice site for a few months, and it was hundreds of years in a few months.

This shows that that place also has the function of time conversion, and with that abundant aura, it is no wonder that her cultivation has improved so rapidly.Now Ye Wenjun's behavior has reached the peak of the state of the Lord of Heaven Dzogchen, when she reached this state, she tried to go further, so she walked forward, but when she tried to continue to go deeper, she was rejected Those substantive auras were repelled, that is to say, those spaces, not that the realm of the Lord of Heaven can pass through.

In the end, Ye Wenjun discovered that he could rely on the strength of his body to overcome that resistance.

So Ye Wenjun began to strengthen his body in the training place, and at the same time cooperated with the power of Suzaku given by the fire phoenix to continuously refine his body.

But I didn't expect to be blocked by an inexplicable force at the critical moment of the breakthrough.

Then she was guided up by a strange force, and Ye Wenjun also discovered the stepping ladder at that time.Until I met two unknown creatures, they looked like humans, with slender ears, more like elves, very similar to her sister Bai Yuxianyao.

These are the protoss in front of them.A creature that claims to be a protoss, very proud and superior.

"When I entered the sky ladder, you could completely stop me. Why did you let me enter the Chixian star field?" Ye Wenjun felt puzzled.

"Because of fate. As I said just now, there is a great fate between you and me. I feel that you have the aura of the gods on your body. I even feel that you have the ability to be reborn from nirvana. This is very important for our life. It is a rare power, so if you and I can combine, the genes of our Protoss will be further changed."

Ye Wenjun frowned slightly, feeling extremely sick.

"You think too much. I only belong to one person in this life. He is the most beloved man in my life. I already have a husband. We will have many children in the future. We will live in a very ordinary place. Be calm and happy." Ye Wenjun said seriously.

"I'm afraid that's impossible. You are a human being and you are the 6th generation of civilization on the earth. You have the ability to practice. I remember that in the 5th generation of civilization, human auras disappeared completely, and there is no ability to practice at all. It's just normal. , You have no power to restrain the chicken, it is very valuable to have the breath of the gods in your generation, so our Chixian star field will definitely screen and judge the earth. If the earth threatens us, then we will Destroy it!"

"Destroy the entire human race, wipe out the entire planet, and then you won't have any men left to choose from."

Ye Wenjun couldn't help being surprised.

If what the protoss said is true, then the earth is really in danger. Ye Wenjun can feel the terrible aura from him, the unfathomable aura like water.

This has never been felt among human practitioners.

She never thought that there would be a so-called Chixian star field, a so-called protoss, in this endless void scene.

Only then did Ye Wenjun realize how insignificant human beings are. In this endless universe, there are powerful civilizations everywhere. What she didn't even know was that human beings have entered the sixth civilization.This process lasted for a full 6 million years.

"And once you pass the ladder, you will never be able to return to Earth, because you don't have the strength. You don't know anything about the Chixian Starfield. This is not a single planet. There are 10 planets here It is several times larger than the earth, and the gods on each planet are stronger than all the practitioners on the earth. In the language of the earth, human beings are to the gods what ants are to humans."

"Here has a perfect system, a perfect practice system, can change genes, can change blood, and even has the greatest science in the entire galaxy, as long as you are willing to combine with me, from now on you will become a true Protoss , I will also let you slowly enter the cultivation system of the Protoss."

Hearing this, Ye Wenjun's heart was even more turbulent. Ye Wenjun suddenly remembered the law of the dark forest that Fang Yu had told him back then.At that time, I just felt that as long as the human practitioners on the earth reached their most powerful cultivation level, they could ignore the existence of the law of the dark forest.

But I didn't expect that when humans reached a certain level.It really shocked the powerful protoss outside the earth.

The protoss spoken of by this young man seems to be far beyond human imagination.Even the realm of the Lord of Heaven, who has reached the realm of the same longevity as heaven and earth, cannot compete with the gods.So how strong is the Protoss on the Chixian star field?
this is too scary.

"You say these things just to scare me. No matter what you say, you can't deny that human beings will be the most gifted species in the universe. The Creator created the gods and human beings, so he must be in it. Some kind of balance. If humans or the earth could be wiped out, they would have done it long ago, so why wait until now?"

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help being slightly surprised, and then smiled.

"I really admire you more and more. I didn't expect you to be so smart that you can even think of this. But anyway, the Protoss is much stronger than the Earth. You have no chance to return. Do you have other options? ?”

"Isn't there some human beings trying to step on the ladder now? Perhaps, human beings are like this. Even if they know that the future is bleak, even if they know that it is as difficult as climbing the sky, they will be willing to try."

"Don't be ridiculous, although this human being is in the same realm as you, he will never pass the ladder." The young man said very firmly.

Ye Wenjun was startled.People in the same realm as him on earth.Is there anyone else besides Fang Yu?

In other words, the man who is stepping on the ladder is his husband Fang Yu.

If the Protoss is really so dangerous.So if you want to step on the ladder at this time, wouldn't you be looking for a dead end?

Thinking of this, Ye Wenjun became worried instead. Obviously, Fang Yu found the passage to the secret realm for himself, and then passed through the passage to the ladder.

At this moment, a protoss holding a trident appeared outside.He bowed and said, "Young master, that human has already started to climb the ladder, and is now at level 132."

(End of this chapter)

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