Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1539 The Cui family offers a reward order, the opportunity has come

Chapter 1539 The Cui family offers a reward order, the opportunity has come
Therefore, the protoss in the Chixian star field are very likely to capture the earth humans as slaves just like they plundered other planets.

I can't think about it, and I feel very scared when I think about it.

Fang Yu suddenly felt that if human beings had no aura like before, they would be very peaceful.It will not attract the attention of others like it is now.

What an evil law of the dark forest.

Not long after, Fang Yu fell into a dream.

To be honest, Fang Yu has never slept like this before on Earth.

Most of the time he is breathing and breathing, and he makes up for sleep through practice.

But today he suddenly wanted to sleep peacefully.

The aura here is so abundant that even breathing and sleeping is much more comfortable than practicing before.

In this way, the night was spent peacefully.

The next morning.

Fang Yu left the inn and headed towards the main city.

Then ask passers-by.Only then did I know that the main city is a place where only middle-level protoss and high-level protoss can live.

Primitives and other races as well as lower protoss.They can only live in the suburbs or fringe cities outside the main city.

It's really hierarchical.

After about half an hour, Fang Yu arrived outside the main city.

Fang Yu looked around.

There is no one around to ask.So back a few hundred meters.I saw a variety of bars and restaurants on a street.

Can't help but smile slightly, and head towards one of the bars.

Into the brightly lit bar.

Only then did Fang Yu discover that the protoss were much wilder than humans.

It was bouncing and twisting inside.Mixed with dynamic dance music.And gorgeous lights.

This point is the same as the human earth.

This made Fang Yu couldn't help but feel that many elements are the same as human beings.Probably, all highly intelligent creatures will do this...

Fang Yu came to a bar.He sat down and ordered a glass of wine.A place like this is a good place to inquire about news.

"Handsome, is this your first time here?"

"How do you know?" Fang Yu felt a little surprised.

"How can a regular customer just sit down and drink?" the bartender said with a smile.

"You're right."

Fang Yu didn't come here to find a girl, many people came to drink, they just had to target the girl, and then they could decide whether to drink or not.

"Let me ask you, do you know the Ding family in the main city?" Fang Yu said directly.

The bartender shook his head repeatedly and said: "Sir, the Ding family is a middle-level protoss, and so is the Ding family. The Jiangmen's family is not easy to mess with. I don't think you are a medium-level protoss. Why do you ask about this?"

This is all nonsense, if it is a middle-level Protoss, who would come to this fringe area to drink.Dirty and in poor condition.

"Oh, just asking casually."

It seems to be attracted by Fang Yu's innocence and purity.A man approached nearby.

He snapped his fingers towards the bar: "Have two good Bloody Marys."

In a blink of an eye, two glasses of wine were ready to be thrown up, and the man put one of them in front of Fang Yu and said, "Brother, is this your first time at this bar?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just want to get to know each other."

As the saying goes, if you are diligent in doing nothing, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Fang Yu is very vigilant about this. After all, he is a human being, and the gods are among the gods, so he must always be careful.The protoss is actually more developed than human civilization, so they will naturally have all the human weaknesses of human beings.

This man is so flirtatious.Is it a comrade?
Let me go, this kind of thing can also happen to me, but it is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"Brother, I don't think you are dressed like a protoss on the main planet. Are you from another planet?"

"How did you find out?" Fang Yu was a little surprised.

So he already had a good understanding of the Protoss, but he still didn't expect to be seen by people when he entered the bar.

"Because none of the protoss on the main planet is like you. Look at them, they are very casual, and they regard this as their own addition. Only you are very wary. It seems that they regard all the protoss here as enemies."

"You can see that too?" It feels more powerful than mind reading.

"Of course, the perception ability of the protoss is not comparable to that of ordinary creatures."

"I am a doctor, and I am indeed from other planets. I am qualified to enter the main planet only after I keep saving people." Fang Yu was very calm.

Fortunately, when he acquired that common sense, he knew that these 10 planets could be promoted from the lowest planet to the main planet.

To be promoted is to keep making contributions.

A profession like physicians contributes a lot and is respected.

As soon as I heard that Fang Yu was a doctor.The man was slightly surprised, and he didn't see his expression at all.

"It turns out that you are a doctor. I really didn't expect it. Let me introduce, my name is Munger."

"Hello." Fang Yu didn't say his name, but just nodded symbolically.

"You can be promoted from other planets to the main planet, which shows that your medical skills are very good. Brother, I have a way to make a fortune. Come with me?"

"Get rich?"

The man just winked, and then walked towards another corner. Fang Yu really found this man interesting, so he followed him out of curiosity.Fang Yu wanted to see what flowers he could find, and took this opportunity to learn about the main planet.

Not long after, I followed the man to the alley behind.

There were actually two people in the alley.

"Brother, is that him? Kill him quickly!" When the two saw Fang Yu, they rushed forward immediately.

Monger stopped them.

"Don't mess around, this is a doctor, I plan to let him join us."

"Doctor?" Those two were obviously also surprised by Fang Yu's identity.

"Brother, don't look out, the thing is like this. There is a protoss of the Cui family in the main city. He is sick and needs an organ to be treated. He has offered a huge reward. Unfortunately, the profession of doctors is too rare. There are no doctors in the main city who can treat them. Well, high-level doctors disdain to use organs, but there is no better treatment method, so they issued a reward order outside the main city, just let us low-level doctors find a way to get healing organs. I don’t know if you have it Interested in joining?"

Hearing this place, I understand it. Isn’t this the same as those human traffickers on the earth who sell human organs, there is no difference.

It's all a heinous business.

No wonder this man took a fancy to him. It turned out that he was sure that he was from another planet and was ready to attack.

If it wasn't for my identity as a doctor, I'm afraid I would have done it long ago.

But when I thought about it, the Cui family who needed medical treatment was in the main city.

Fang Yu asked doubtfully, "The Cui family in the main city needs organs?"

"Yes, they need a whole liver."

"So you're going to attack me?"

"Brother, whoever dares to attack the doctor will be punished with death."

(End of this chapter)

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