Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1544 Refused to treat?

Chapter 1544 Refused to treat?

The moment the maid left the room.

Miss Cui said: "Mr. Doctor, if you have anything to say, you can say it directly."

"Miss Cui, you are human!"



Fang Yu heard the sound of clothes falling behind the tent.

Obviously, Miss Cui was surprised by her identity.

The whole house was silent for a moment.

As if caught in a brief stagnation.

"How is this possible? You lied, you must be lying to me! How could I be a humble earth human, how could I have a humble blood, I am a noble protoss, and I belong to the Cui family, a high-level protoss in the Chixian Star Region Miss Cui!"

"Don't deny it, you are human. Of course, you also have a certain amount of protoss blood in your body, but not much. More than half of your body is human genes!"

What Fang Yu said is very clear, in other words, Ms. Cui is a mixed race.

A hybrid of the Protoss and Earth humans in the Chixian Starfield.

"Your facial features and body structure are very similar to human beings. Your internal body structure and blood vessels are highly overlapped with human beings. These injuries on your face can be fully recovered only by reshaping. The reason for the disfigurement lies in your anger. Human genes and protoss genes conflict with each other and cannot be fully integrated, which leads to your anger, and there are shortcomings, so you need to change your liver."

Fang Yu began to talk about Miss Cui's condition endlessly.

She was speechless without any rebuttal.

In fact, Ms. Cui had doubts about this for a long time.I even went to the library to search for information such as images and information about humans on Earth.It doesn't matter if you don't check it, but after a check, you find that you are really similar to humans on Earth.

My father explained that there is nothing serious about genetic evolution, but as time goes by, this phenomenon becomes more and more obvious.As a result, many high-level students are also discussing behind their backs.

At this time, Miss Cui would ask her father for advice, but her father would always comfort her, not to care about the gossip outside.

But as the young lady of the Cui family, as a higher creature and as the goddess of the future, how could she allow such stains to appear on her body?
So, she denied the answer long ago, unwilling to admit it.

But right now, I have to admit.

After a long silence, Ms. Cui asked, "You seem to know the humans on Earth very well."

"Well, I do know a lot about humans on Earth. When I was studying medicine with my teacher, my hobby was searching for various civilizations. Among them, human civilization attracted my interest, so I started to study them. I dare not Say you know everything, but you also know a little bit.”

"Since you know the human beings on Earth, you should know that I, as a high-level protoss, must not have such a problem."

"What kind of question?"

"I am a protoss, and I absolutely cannot allow human genes in me."

"So you're ashamed of it?"

"Yes, I am ashamed of it!"

"If this is the case, I'm sorry, I can't treat you, even if I can cure your illness."

As soon as these words came out, Ms. Cui opened the window screen again, and looked at the doctor who was standing with his hands behind his hands in complicated eyes, with a calm and composed attitude.

"If you don't treat me, I'll have someone chop you up into 8 pieces and throw them out to the dogs, no matter what you mean, no matter how high your status is."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Yes, I'm threatening you, very seriously."

"It's a pity that I don't like this. I have to tell you that I am the only one in this world who can cure your disease. There is absolutely no such possibility for others, even if the organ is replaced. I guarantee that within the next year, you will definitely be able to cure your illness." Will die of illness." Fang Yu said.

"You dare to curse me to death?!" Miss Cui was a little angry.

"I'm just seeking truth from facts. Your high-level protoss doctors can't cure you. Don't you even have the ability to predict this?"

This sudden question made Ms. Cui stunned. Yes, although the Cui family's high-level protoss could not cure her condition, they still had the ability to predict the deterioration of the condition.

One year, maybe not even a year, which is why the Cui family is anxious to issue a reward order to mobilize all doctors to treat themselves.

"Your disease not only appeared on the face, but also appeared on the whole body. Before long, your whole body will fester and die. Every night at 12 o'clock, you will be tortured deeply. The genes of human beings and the genes of gods continue to The conflict will make you more painful, every day is like suffering in a sea of ​​fire, am I right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ms. Cui was full of surprise. The doctor in front of her was obviously not simple.

He can see all the faults and problems, and he is confident that he can cure his illness. If what he said is true, he is the only one in the world who can cure him. If he kills him, won't he be sure to die?
Killing him is tantamount to suicide.

"Okay, I won't kill you, I didn't mean to threaten you, but you also have to tell me why you don't want to treat me?"

Ms. Cui found that the hard ones were not enough, so she started to be soft.

"Miss Cui, let me ask you a question, are you really ashamed of human genes?"

"Mr. Doctor, you should know, it's not up to me!"

"According to my research, in fact, the human beings on Earth are not as lowly and humble as the gods imagined. On the contrary, human beings have love, strive to be positive and bright, and I heard that human civilization has evolved to the sixth generation. In less than 6 million years, they will be able to sit on an equal footing with the protoss of the Chixian star field." The defense is weak.

"Human beings are full of filth and greed, how could they be as good as you said?"

"That's because you know too little about human beings. I suggest you ask your father when you have time," Fang Yu said.

"my father?"

"Yes, it is your father!"

"You are also a protoss, why do you speak for humans?"

"Because I have been to the earth. I have even lived with humans. Overall, humans are much better than the protoss. The so-called lowliness and humbleness are nothing but the protoss' self-righteousness."

Hearing this, Miss Cui was shocked and wanted to get up, but the pain in her body made her sit back again.

"How did you get to Earth, and which planet did you come from? Only the Orderers of the main planet in the top ten planets are eligible to leave the Chixian Starfield." Miss Cui suddenly became vigilant.

"You don't have to be so vigilant. I have a magical object that can travel through space. But it's also because the energy I have accumulated over the years has been used up in traveling through space." Fang Yu said confidently.It's perfect logic, without any flaws.

"Okay, let me believe what you said. But so what, don't forget that you are a protoss, you won't refuse to treat me just because of this, right?"

"Yes, that's why, you're right."

"You are really strange."

"I don't like protoss who discriminate against other races. Even if he has a high status, I won't treat him. Let's leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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