Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1551 Ding family forces, ready to attack

Chapter 1551 Ding family forces, ready to attack

The crowd was speechless.

They also didn't expect that Master Cui would go so far as to curry favor with a doctor.On the planet Chixian Starfield, the competition has always been very serious, and people like this who have been promoted from other planets.Even if they have achieved a very high status, there are no local aborigines, and their status is even higher.

Master Cui's Cui family has lived on the main planet for an unknown number of years.

With their status and identity, why should they curry favor with a doctor who has been promoted?

It can be seen from this that it proves that Fang Yu's medical methods have exceeded his status.Enough to please.

The protoss are not fools either, their civilization development is much more mature than humans.Whether it's the level of technology, the level of practice, or the level of evolution of the body's genes.are much taller than humans.

Humans can do such things, so can the Protoss.

The other family guests who came here had no choice but to smile and retreat when Master Cui spoke.Who can not give face to the host.

Cui Wenwen nodded.

Showing shyness.

After all, she was a woman too.If you think about it, there are other protoss who are fawning on them?But there has never been a matter of the Cui family needing to curry favor with other protoss.And even if Miss Cui is sick.But she is still the kind of person who is full of stars.Many sons of the protoss.I am also very willing to curry favor with such a family.

"Mr. Fang, the courtyard of our Cui family is very large, how about I take you for a stroll."


It's too lively and noisy here, and Fang Yu doesn't like dealing with so many protoss.Anyway, everything has been successfully obtained and the goal has been achieved, so there is no need to have anything to do with these irrelevant Protoss.It just so happens that I can also take this opportunity to ask Ms. Cui about pricing.

at this time.

Several brothers who followed Fang Yu came over.

"Brother Fang really didn't expect your medical skills to be so good." Menger was very impressed.

"Brother Fang, I shouldn't have doubted you before. Thanks to you this time, we eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

The other two brothers also stepped forward and patted Fang Yu on the shoulder.

To be honest, Fang Yu didn't like them very much. After all, they were just using each other. They needed to move forward, and Fang Yu needed to prove his identity.

Fang Yu just smiled at them.

"Eat and drink whatever you want."

The three nodded.

Only Menger felt a little different, he noticed a trace of place and vigilance from Fang Yu's expression.This shows that Fang Yu is not really a brother to them.Can't help but sigh.

Perhaps this is fate, and they never thought it would be like this from the very beginning. If they are not sincere in their treatment, how can others give back to themselves sincerely.

Munger felt he had missed a broad avenue.

This made him silent for a long time.

Under the gaze of all eyes and adoration.Fang Yu and Miss Cui went to Cui's back garden.

I have to say that the best back garden is very huge, even if there are such a large house and courtyard in the first-tier cities on the earth.That is definitely the first-class rich person level.

Fang Yu just felt that it was big, but he didn't know how big it was, and there was no specific data to support it.

There are various rockeries in the garden.Fake trees, fake flowers, fake rivers.Lots and lots of fake plants.

Yes fake.

This is indeed a very comfortable feeling for Miss Cui, but for Fang Yu who lives on the earth, walking is extremely unbearable.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think?"

"not so good."

Hearing this, Miss Cui froze for a moment.This is her favorite work. When these gardens were built in the first place, many types of flowers were promoted by him and selected by her. He even participated in the design of these rockeries and rivers.

Anyone who comes here to visit, no, don't say that this place is good.

But Fang Yu didn't expect Fang Yu to say that it was not very good.

The lady cared a lot about his opinion.


"Miss Cui, let me ask you, have you ever left the main planet, or the main city to look for real plants in the wild?"

"Really? This is not true. The wild is very dangerous, and it is difficult to grow plants on the planet in the Chixian star field, so scientists have studied the way steel grows. Even the wild is occupied by some metal plants. We have There is no need for those things."

"But you have made so many fake ones in the garden. If I ask you, if you can have the real ones, would you still choose fake ones?"

"of course not."

"That's it. I'm used to seeing real flowers, rivers, mountains and rivers. I can't bear to see you doing so many fake things."


This is true, but on this planet, it is difficult to have so many real positions.It is also very difficult to survive.Not to mention planting.This is not something that can be solved by technology, but by the temperature of the planet.environment.are not suitable for plant growth.

"How could Mr. Fang get used to seeing real things? These plants are very rare on our planet. Even in the wild, it is difficult to find real plants in the wild. Only some towering trees are real plants, which are left over from many years ago. It's gone."

"I have seen it on the earth. If one day you go to the earth, you will know that it is much more beautiful than here. There are many flowers there, with a wide variety of varieties. There are also mountains and rivers, which are much more magnificent and magnificent than here. .” Fang Yu’s words were not exaggerated at all.

A back garden is always a back garden, no matter how big it is.It is also difficult to compare with the earth.

Hearing Fang Yu say this.

Miss Cui nodded.

"Hearing what you said, I'm looking forward to Earth. If I really have a chance, I will definitely go and see it."

Fang Yu showed a smile and didn't explain much.

It seems to be thinking of something.

"Miss Cui, do you know the Ding family in the main city?"

"The Ding family? I heard that it is a middle-level protoss. The ancestors had generals and then continued to be hereditary. It is a pity that they have not made great contributions in the past few years. They have not been promoted to a high-level protoss."

"Ding family, do you have the strength of a high-level protoss?"

"Of course there is. Not to mention the middle-level protoss, even the family of the elementary protoss may have the cultivation base of the high-level protoss. These levels are just a kind of appellation. It often represents the foundation and overall strength, but No one knows individual strengths or weaknesses," said Miss Cui.

"Who is the strongest member of the Ding family?"

"I don't know much about this. I don't know much about the Ding family. With their status and qualifications, I don't have the qualifications to let me know."

Hearing this, Fang Yu nodded.

"Why is Mr. Fang asking this question?"

"It's nothing, there are some things I want to ask them to understand. It's just that there is no way."

"This is easy to handle. I will ask the housekeeper to introduce you to you later."

(End of this chapter)

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