Chapter 1588
Steward Wang quickly greeted a group of people to the courtyard.

The formation is very large.

Swish swish.

Steward Wang blocked the door.

Insulting their wives would be a serious crime, if not for the fact that he is a guest of the Cui family.At least break your legs.Mrs. Wang is kind and generous.Let you go, just make an apology.It is already a great kindness.

However, the so-called Master Fang and his fiancée just sat in front of the table, as if nothing had happened.

This made Manager Wang very angry.

Due to their status and face, Madam Wang and Young Master Wang Duo naturally wouldn't get too angry on the spot.But it was obvious that they were already very angry.

Guanshi Wang said loudly:

"Master Fang, Madam treats you like this, the young master even treats you like an elder brother. But you insult my wife outspokenly. My wife complained with virtue, and asked you to go back and tell Master Cui, and let the two of you go back to the door to apologize. Such a big En Dade, you not only have no reaction but also are so indifferent, which is unbearable. Brothers, drive them out!"

In an instant.

All the people brought by Guanshi Wang suddenly emitted dazzling light, and those were all golden light, appearing in front of them like a halo.

what is this?
Fang Yu didn't know this thing, but he could clearly feel that these movement circles contained great energy in them.Then he felt very strange. When he fought against Young Master Ding on the ladder, he didn't see that Young Master Ding make such a circle.

No time to think about these things.

That powerful energy dragged Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun up.

"Hold on."

Fang Yu slowly raised his hand.

"What else do you have to say, it's too late to say anything now."

Fang Yu put down the things in his hands.

It is not intended to be against them.

Instead, he stood up.

He said indifferently: "Since Mrs. Wang doesn't want to believe me, then I have nothing to say. I can leave by myself, and you don't need to chase me away. But before I leave, I need to clarify two points. First, I really don't know Where did you insult Mrs. Wang? If I insulted Mrs. Wang because I told the truth, you don’t need to force me to apologize now, but it’s obviously not because I told the truth; , If you want to invite me, I'm afraid it will not be so easy."

What time is it, and what a pretense.

Mrs. Wang and Mr. Wang Duo looked at the brows so coldly when they heard this, and even cast a glance at Wang Guanshi. It was obvious that they hoped that Wang Guanshi would drive them away quickly. Every second they stayed here would make them People feel angry.

"let's go."

Before Guan Wang got angry, Fang Yu grabbed Ye Wenjun and left the palace.

All the way to the gate of the palace.

Steward Wang's men and horses followed closely behind, all with serious faces, and some even stared, wishing to beat them both up.

"The so-called master is nothing more than that."

"get out."

"Get out now."

Fang Yu just smiled.

Frustration is only temporary.Sooner or later they will come to beg themselves, so why get angry with them.

Holding Ye Wenjun's hand, he left quickly.

on the way.

Ye Wenjun shook off Fang Yu's hand.

"Why do you disrespect Mrs. Wang? Isn't everything you did before was a waste of effort?" Ye Wenjun looked at Fang Yu with some doubts.

After all, in order to get to know the key people behind Wang Duo, Fang Yu put in a lot of effort to get close to them, so he even ran here today.

But I didn't expect that all my efforts would be ruined today just because of one or two sentences, which made Ye Wenjun feel incomprehensible.

Fang Yu smiled slightly.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you think of my medical skills?"


He said this extremely high evaluation almost without hesitation.So far, Ye Wenjun has never seen a patient that Fang Yu could not cure.And no matter what the condition is, as long as it is in his hands, it will become very simple.

"So you think I'm misdiagnosed?"

"Of course it's impossible. You mean that Mrs. Wang is really dying?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, lest others can't hear you."

Ye Wenjun might as well smile awkwardly and look around, but fortunately there is no one there, but this is the territory of the Protoss after all, so many things are unclear.No one can guarantee that there are eyes and ears behind the scenes.

"I know what you are going to do. That Mrs. Wang doesn't seem to agree with you. And is her illness really serious?"

"Of course it's serious."

"It's so serious that only you can save it?"

"Yes, only I can cure her disease."

"You are so confident, if other protoss doctors cure it, all your efforts will be in vain."

"Don't worry. Since I have this confidence, it will definitely be like this. Let's go back and wait for the news, and wait for them to beg us!"

Fang Yu took Ye Wenjun back to Cui's house.

However, after the two returned to Cui's house, they only rested for a short while.

Master Cui then asked a maid to call Fang Yu over.

The maid seemed to have been scolded.

When he came to the room, he looked at Fang Yu timidly.

"Master Fang, Master Cui asked you to come over, saying that he has something important to discuss with you."

"Did Master Cui say something?" Fang Yu asked with a smile while drinking tea.

"Master Cui said that he wants to take you to Wang's house to apologize. I don't know the specifics, but he seemed very angry when he went there, and even smashed the table in the hall."

"Master Cui is really angry."

The maid looked at Fang Yu in a daze.

No matter what time it is, you can still make this joke. Master Cui is angry and who dares to neglect.

And it happened because of you.

The servant girl even thought that the zoom in front of her was about to have an accident, and she might be expelled from the gate.Even Ke Qing can't do it.

"Master Fang, Master Cui is waiting for you."

"Go back and tell Master Cui that I won't apologize to the Wang family. If he wants to go, he can go by himself."


The servant girl was even more confused, and she looked at Fang Yu dully.

"Master Fang. I suggest you hurry up and see Master Cui. Something will happen if you do this."

"I've said it before, he's going to go by himself. If he wants me to go, let Master Cui come over and invite me in person. You go back, don't make me repeat it again."

Fang Yu's face has become serious, it's obvious, if you continue like this, Fang Yu will go crazy.

The servant girl was upset when she was scolded, offended at both ends, anyone could scold him, so she felt extremely aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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