Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1592 Is It A Coincidence?

Chapter 1592 Is It A Coincidence?
Master Fang once said in front of them that Wang Duo's mother, who is now the wife of the Wang family, is terminally ill and has only 7 days to live.

But after Master Fang said this, all the spearheads were pointed at Master Fang.I think he is disrespectful and suspected of insulting Mrs. Wang.And told Master Cui about it.Master Cui also decisively expelled him from Cui's house.

Is what he said true?
Thinking of this, Wang Duo's heart clenched together.

I'm afraid it's true.

"Mr. Doctor, is there really no other way? Are you making a mistake?"

As soon as he mentioned making a mistake, the doctor's expression changed.

"Young Master Wang, I respect you, and please respect me. If you feel that I have made a mistake, you can complain to the Medical Association. I can't treat Mrs. Wang's illness. Please be smart and leave!"

Young Master Wang Duo couldn't help but froze in place.

This doctor is not as kind and respectful as Master Fang.There was a word that was not pleasant to say, and immediately turned away in anger.

Wang Duo did not expect this to happen.

This attitude alone is a far cry from Master Fang.

It just so happened that Master Cui hadn't left at this time.

Seeing Wang Duo's face full of anxiety.

Then he said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I'll contact the Physician Association."

"Thank you, Master Cui."

After all, Wang Duo is just a young man of the younger generation who wants to invite a brilliant doctor. It is still difficult for Mrs. Wang to be popular, but he is suffering from an illness after all, so how can he speak clearly? As for his father who has been fighting abroad all year round, he does not know which planet among.

It would be best if Master Cui could help to speak.

Master Cui pinched the seal in his hand with a thought.

A signal to convey a message was sent out with a whoosh.

About 10 minutes passed.

Three doctors took the boxes and landed in the courtyard of the Wang family.

In the main city.Just grab the toolbox and measure the first aid signs.It can be unimpeded, and the orderly people don't care, and even escort them all the way.

Falling into the mansion of the Wang family, the three senior doctors rushed into the mansion.

"The doctor is here, hurry up, hurry up."

The crowd surrounded the three doctors and walked in.

At this time, Mrs. Wang was already coughing, her face was flushed, and she was almost suffocating.

It is said that the protoss have reached a certain level, and they no longer need to breathe through their mouths.


Mrs. Wang's suffocation is not an ordinary illness.It's as if a kind of toxin is constantly spreading and bursting out at the same time.

As a result, the aura of the whole body cannot function.No matter how powerful your genes are, without the supply of oxygen and the operation of aura, you are no different from ordinary people, and you will die if you have any disease.

"Master three doctors, quickly take a look at my mother." Wang Duo stepped aside.

Mrs. Wang was already lying on the ground.

Even bedding was prepared on the spot.

Lay it flat on top of the bedding.

"Irrelevant people can all withdraw."

One of the physicians dismissed the maids on the left and right, as well as other servants and so on.They will only delay things if they stay here, and it will also hinder the smooth flow of aura and air.

Soon there were only Master Cui, Wang Duo, and Guanshi Wang left in the hall.

Three doctors began to check Mrs. Wang's body.

The three of them checked very carefully.

But his face became more and more ugly.

After checking.

The three shook their heads at the same time.

Brows furrowed.

"What happened to my mother?" Wang Duo asked.

Master Cui said next to him: "The three doctors, please speak up if you have anything to say. There are no outsiders here. Master Wang and I only make friends. We happened to meet today. Why do you help? Just tell me."

The doctor who took the lead shook his head and sighed, "Young Master Wang, Lingtang's illness is very strange. After continuous inspection by the three of us, we still can't find the root cause. But Mrs. Wang's condition is getting worse. The muscles and veins of the whole body, as well as oral They are all being swallowed by a strange toxin. The three of us are going to use tools to force these toxins out."

"Then hurry up!"

"But I can't guarantee it will work."

"I beg the three doctors to be successful. Be sure to succeed!" Wang Duo was burning with anxiety.

This is his mother, if something happens to him, then something big will happen to the Wang family.

"Do your best."

Three physicians began treatment.

He took out all kinds of strange tools from the toolbox, and then checked Mrs. Wang back and forth constantly.At the same time start trying to force those toxins out.

In a short while, the dazzling light flickered around Mrs. Wang's body.This is a unique ability of doctors, which can channel the energy in the body into the meridians.



"Work harder!"

"No. The preparation is over."

"It doesn't work on the right either. All are blocked!"

"Let's deal with the middle together."

"Oops, it's all getting more violent!"

"Quickly stop! Quickly stop!"

That set of poison was not a real poison, but a strange energy burst out in a moment.The three doctors flew out backwards.

The plop all fell to the ground.

She looked at Mrs. Wang in shock.

"how can that be?"

Both Wang Duo and Master Cui were dumbfounded.

Okay, why was it blown away?

On the other hand, Mrs. Wang was still lying on the ground motionless.And his face became even uglier.The skin also started to become a little darker.It can be felt that Mrs. Wang's complexion is getting worse and worse.Before, I could still struggle and feel like I was suffocating to breathe.Now it's like completely passed out.

"How is my mother?" Wang Duo asked anxiously.

He only cares about his mother's situation now, and doesn't ask about anything else.

The three doctors were sweating profusely.Still trembling all over.

It took a while.It barely calmed down.

The doctor who took the lead said: "I'm sorry, we can't cure Mrs. Wang's disease. Please ask someone else to be wise. Farewell!"

The attitude of the three of them was very direct and obvious, and they didn't even have an explanation.Immediately leave.

This surprised both Wang Duo and Master Cui.

Hastily stepped forward to stop.

"Three gentlemen, what happened to my mother? Even if the three can't be cured, at least give an explanation?" Wang Duo was a little panicked.

"Prince, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that I said it because I'm afraid you won't be happy."

"Sir, please speak directly!"

"We can't do anything about Mrs. Wang's illness. It's not an ordinary toxin, and it doesn't seem to be a toxin. We can't be sure. We gathered the strength of three people to deal with it at the same time, but it was rebounded. And we found that the toxin invaded The speed is very fast, and we were almost affected. According to the current rate of corruption, Mrs. Wang will be gone within 7 days."


(End of this chapter)

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