Chapter 1597
The head of the family, Wang Jun and the old man, Wang Tang sat in the hall.

The faces of both of them were not very good-looking.

Wang Duo was walking back and forth at the door.Like ants on a hot pan.


Steward Wang led a team of people to appear nearby.

"Steward Wang, have you found someone?" Wang Duo was the first to rush forward and asked.

Steward Wang showed a particularly ugly expression.

Had to shake his head.

"Master, we have searched every hotel in the entire main city, but we couldn't find Master Fang. It doesn't make sense, people are not allowed to live in all the remote corners of the streets in the main city, they have no reason, they won't stay in a hotel. Could it be that he was taken in by other families and refused to confess him?"

"Impossible. There are only a few high-level protoss families in the main city, and they have always been good with each other. As for the high-level protoss, they will not bother with such things. They will not intervene in the competition for talents. The middle-level protoss and the low-level protoss. How could Master Fang be willing with such an identity and status?" Wang Duo analyzed.

"Keep looking. No matter what, even if you turn the main city upside down, you still have to find Master Fang."


Steward Wang brought almost all the high-end protoss in our family.Look around for Master Fang.

But when the crowd left, the Wang family became quiet.

Wang Duo became even more impatient.

The whole person has become a lot more irritable.

Father Wang Jun glanced at it and shook his head, "This matter must be prepared with both hands."

"Father, my mother is in critical condition now, and all the doctors are unwilling to treat her. And many doctors say that there is no cure. If Master Fang is not found again, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I understand what you mean. Even if Master Fang is found right now, he may not be able to treat your mother. How about this, Master Fang will continue to search, and I will first ask someone to find out the tone of the higher-ups. If the higher-ups are willing to take action, Your mother may be saved."

"High-level? Will they take action? It is said that the high-level protoss never intervene, and everything below the upper god, this rule has not been broken for 10 years."

"Although the hope is slim, we still have to try."

"Well. Then I will continue to look for Master Fang."

This time, almost all members of the Wang family were dispatched.

Even the old man started to use his connections.

The old man has withdrawn from the arena for many years.Never participate in the various competitions of the Protoss.Not to participate in the disputes of various interests.

Seeing that his son Wang Jun was so worried, he even asked the higher-ups.

Wang Tang said: "The higher-ups should not take action. This matter is not as simple as you think. It is impossible for the higher-ups to break this rule for the life of a protoss."


"The protoss above the upper gods are too powerful. They can often destroy a planet with a single shot. There was such a battle hundreds of millions of years ago, which caused the destruction of hundreds of civilizations. The Chixian star field, civilization is even more It was beaten back to its original form. After that, the high-level officials agreed at the same time not to intervene in everything below the upper god. Once this rule is broken, the balance of power in the universe will be broken. At that time, it will not be a person. Life can decide."

"." Wang Jun was speechless.

"How can I try my best to find that so-called Master Fang now. Wang Duo also said that this person himself admits that only he can cure it. Then it can't be wrong."

"But now I can't find anyone else!"

"Don't worry. Don't forget that the protoss can become today's advanced civilization. It is not without reason. Whether it is the advancement of genes or the advancement of technology, it is far higher than many civilizations. Unless you encounter a god-level civilization, no one can threatened me."

"Father, what do you mean?"

"I have an energy crystal nucleus in my hand, and I have no choice but to use it to sustain my life."

Wang Jun's expression changed drastically.

"The energy crystal nucleus is a rare treasure, a rare energy, and it was obtained by my father's hard work on many planets. It is a symbol of honor for the Federation to give this treasure to his father. How can you give it to me?" Use it for Xiaofen."

"They're all from my own family, so don't say such nonsense. The energy crystal nucleus looks very precious, but if it's not used, it won't be of value for the rest of its life."

Having said that, Wang Jun still felt a pity.It would be a waste to use such an important treasure on Wang Fen.But the wife's life is so important. If she loses her, the Wang family will fall in half, so how could the natal family be willing?

It's really a dilemma.

Just when Wang Jun and his father Wang Tang felt helpless, a servant from outside quickly ran in, his face was flustered, but more of a kind of excitement.

"General Wang, there is good news!"

"Say it."

"The owner of a hotel outside the group said that they found the record of the identity card of a guest of the Cui family. His surname is Fang. The owner of the hotel suspects that it is Master Fang. He came here to tell us." The servant said.

"Great. Call the children of the Wang family who are still in the mansion to follow me to that hotel."


Not long after, there were still some Wang family children remaining in the Wang family, including many high-level protoss and some middle-level protoss.There are about 30 people in total, and they set off from Wang's house in a mighty way.

Of course the old man is old.His physical status does not allow him to travel freely.Therefore, the Wangtang stays behind, the Wang family.

Wang Jun led the children of the Wang family towards the hotel.

While heading to the hotel, Wang Jun even told Guanshi Wang and Wang Duo the news.

Wang Guanshi and Wang Duo were the main people who participated in the incident of Mrs. Wang's humiliation.So to get Master Fang's forgiveness, the two of them must be present.

When they learned that Wang Jun was going to that hotel, the two of them rushed there even more quickly.

Outside the hotel.

It was still very quiet.

With a gust of wind blowing.Breaks the tranquility of the hotel.

a time.

Over the hotel, dozens of protoss appeared.

One of them stood at the forefront, majestic, wearing armor and holding a bright silver gun.

This person is the general of the Wang family.Wang Jun is also.

"Is this the place the hotel owner reported?"

"That's right, it's here."

Wang Jun nodded. "Everyone go down with me. You must greet Master Fang in person, and you must not neglect anything."


"All the middle-level gods and elementary gods stayed outside and waited, and the other part went to meet them. Wang Duo and Wang are in charge."


"Go on. Although the high-level protoss can fly outside the main city, it is always disrespectful to be so condescending."

"The general is wise."

For a moment, all the children of the Wang family fell to the ground.

The high-level protoss suddenly appeared, causing some low-level protoss nearby to disperse in an instant.Even if some courageous protoss did not leave, they still prostrated themselves on the ground, worshiping the status of high-level protoss.

(End of this chapter)

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