Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1610 Master Fang is fine

Chapter 1610 Master Fang is fine

By the way, only Master Fang.

Is it true that this method is the only one that can cure this disease?

Deacon Jiang suddenly felt a strong desire to survive.

He wanted to live, wanted to live.Never had such a strong feeling.

"But where shall I find him?"

Deacon Jiang frowned tightly.

He started searching the Internet for news.

Checked for about half an hour.

Deacon Jiang understood the general situation.

The hotel has indeed been razed to the ground.Ding Haotian of the Ding family has also died.

The Ding family is hunting Master Fang all over the city.

This shows that even they haven't found Master Fang, so it will be much more difficult for them to find it.

And judging from the current situation, the relationship between the Orderer and Master Fang is not good, if you go to him as an Orderer yourself.

He would definitely be rejected, and he might even kill himself on the spot, not to mention medical treatment.

Is it really a dead end?
Deacon Jiang was stunned.

My heart trembled even more.

A wordless fear spread more and more deep in my heart.

He has never been so afraid of death as he is today.

The Protoss has developed to the point where it is today, and has long possessed various science and technology to deal with diseases.Therefore, many protoss do not have much fear of death.

But of course, when you know that you are bound to die, there is clearly a hope in front of you, but you still can't catch it. This is the most painful thing.

Just when he was feeling very desperate, a faint energy floated in from the window.

That energy flew in slowly like a butterfly, without any induction, without any fluctuation, without any breath.

But when this energy flies into the window sill, light and breath appear.

Deacon Jiang, who is also a middle god, caught this change immediately.

Suddenly his eyes changed.

A wave of energy was waved casually, covering the strange energy that appeared.

Followed by.

The energy spreads out.

Deacon Jiang saw a row of words in the middle of the energy.

There is no other information on it, just a simple address.

"what is this?"

"Slum, number 33?"

Deacon Jiang was very puzzled.

How could such an address appear at home?And it is at this critical time.

Who can have this ability to deliver messages to themselves?

If it is a protoss, it can be done in a formal way, so why be so sneaky.

He suddenly remembered someone.

That is Master Fang.

Can't help but be surprised.

If it's Master Fang, then it can be explained by passing the news like this, and everything makes sense.

Thinking about it this way, there is a high probability that it is Master Fang.

Persistence is worrying, there is nowhere to find him.

This opportunity popped up.

Let him feel some joy in his heart.

Where do you still remember your identity as an Orderer, where do you still remember that Master Fang was the target of the whole hunt, and where do you still remember that Ding Haotian also died because of this incident.

Hardly think about it.

Deacon Jiang planned to go to the slums.

He's not an idiot either.

Since he was going to meet Master Fang, he naturally couldn't bring anyone with him.

Otherwise, the one who dies is himself.

Master Fang is willing to leave his address to see him, which is obviously a chance for him.

Otherwise, let him die.

Think here.

Deacon Jiang simply packed his clothes.First went to the slums.

After about an hour.

Deacon Jiang appeared outside the slum.

The gap between the rich and the poor of the Protoss is much more complicated than that of the countries on Earth, and the gap between the rich and the poor can be said to be even greater.

Protoss who can live in slums.That is basically the kind of race that was abandoned by the Protoss.They are regarded as their own group by the Protoss at all.

But he didn't expect that Master Fang would make an appointment to meet here.

Not long after, Deacon Jiang came to the so-called No. 33 area.

Looking around, I found a very small tavern here.

Almost anyone can enter the tavern in the slum, it is very dilapidated, and the environment is not very good.

But after all, it is better than the place where the left and right live.

Ruin to dilapidation, everything is in order.

This is also restricted by the Protoss.If you dare to make trouble, you will be killed.

So the slum gods have the helplessness of the slums.


Just as Deacon Jiang was searching, a familiar voice came from his ear.

Deacon Jiang looked over sharply.

He saw a slightly familiar figure passing in front of him and walking in.

This is Master Fang.

It wasn't that there was a protoss greeting Deacon Jiang beside him.

"Hello, Deacon Jiang, my name is Meng, and I'm a friend of Master Fang. It's a great honor to meet you."


Deacon Jiang did not expect Fang Yu to have his own friends under such circumstances, which is really rare.The three Munger brothers were also the three who Fang Yu helped back then.After doing that, I seldom contacted them. This time, I contacted them in order to be able to find the slums.

Although the three brothers knew that Master Fang was in trouble, they still chose to help Master Fang.

There is no other reason.

Just because Fang Yu also helped him when they were most difficult.

Enter the tavern.

The three Munger brothers were letting the wind outside.

Deacon Jiang coughed, his face was not so good, and he followed Master Fang to the farthest corner.

Fang Yu talked quickly, and he didn't intend to play tricks with him.

Straight to the point:

"Deacon Jiang, let's stop talking nonsense. I know you have the same disease as Mrs. Wang. Only I can cure this disease. I asked you to come here to give you a choice. My request is very simple. I want you to admit that Ding Haotian will start from scratch. They were chasing me to the end, and Ding Haotian was being held accountable for murdering the doctor."


Deacon Jiang was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Master Fang in disbelief.

Hunting down, murdering a doctor?
"You are an Orderer. You should understand how serious the crime of murdering a doctor is? This time I escaped by chance, all because I have the means to protect myself."

"How could Master Ding kill you?" Deacon Jiang couldn't believe it.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Master Ding has nothing to do with you. When I joined forces with him to arrest you back then, we just wanted to claim credit. At the same time, we also wanted to win over the Eight Great Families. But when it came to murdering the doctor, he would never dare."

A smile flickered across Fang Yu's mouth.

"However, what I say is the truth. Of course, even if what I say is not the truth. Do you have a choice?"

Deacon Jiang froze in place.

Judging from his reaction, it's just that he doesn't know that he and Ye Wenjun are from Earth.Ding Haotian had selfish motives, that's why he thought of killing Fang Yu.

Deacon Jiang was completely treated as a pawn.

If someone sells them, they have to pay for them.

"Don't worry, what I said is the truth. Can my situation be worse than it is now? Similarly, you can also rest assured that I can definitely cure your disease. Of course, you can refuse my treatment, Choose to be like Mrs. Wang."


(End of this chapter)

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