Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1613 How dare you resist

Chapter 1613 How dare you resist
"What is my intention, General Ding, you know the best. Your son Ding Haotian is suspected of murdering a doctor. Do you know how serious the crime of murder on the main planet is? The emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. Don't you plan to cover you up?" Son?" Deacon Jiang said forcefully.

You must know that Deacon Jiang had some conflicts with Ding Haotian earlier.

Now Deacon Jiang said bluntly that Ding Haotian was guilty.At first glance, it really feels like public revenge.

So this scene seems to make everyone feel very confused.

Deacon Jiang, why bother?
No one knows why he does this.

"Presumptuous. Everyone here doesn't know that the so-called Master Fang is a quack doctor. He used the excuse of treating Mrs. Wang and put pressure on the Wang family. In the end, not only did he not get his own benefits, but he also made Mrs. Wang die because of it. Is that what a doctor should do?"

"General Ding is really good at talking. As far as I know, Mrs. Wang died because of General Wang, who refused Master Fang's request. Mrs. Wang insulted Master Fang first. According to normal logic, Mrs. Wang should also apologize to Master Fang first. General Wang refuses to apologize, so Master Fang will treat him with a face? What kind of gangster logic is this!"


"As a person of order, of course I have to get to the bottom of it. General Ding said that I am suitable for my intentions. My intention is to let any lawless person go, and I will not wrong any good person."

"No reason, my son is dead. Isn't that enough?"

"Whether he is guilty or not has nothing to do with his life or death. General Ding, at any rate, is a figure on the battlefield. We must speak of evidence in everything we do. Are you right? I have sufficient evidence that your son Ding Haotian is suspected of murdering a doctor. "

"Nonsense. If I, Ding Zhen, are here today, you won't be allowed to act wild here."

"Why do you want to resist arrest?"

Brush brush.

The brothers behind Deacon Jiang raised their weapons one after another.

Fenfen aimed at the children of the Ding family.

Everyone was dumbfounded now.

These Orderers are strictly trained characters.All they can do is obey orders.Even if they are in a state of confusion now.

Anyway, there are hundreds of characters.

No matter how powerful the Ding family is, they dare not directly resist arrest in front of these people.

Orderers, even the smallest ones, once they are offended and things go wrong, it is very uneconomical.

This made Ding Zhen.He frowned.

"Stop it!" Ding Zhen scolded.

The Ding family's sons behind them all took a step back and looked at each other angrily.

"Deacon Jiang, I can go with you, but at least you have to produce real evidence."

"I knew that General Ding was a sensible person. I have prepared the evidence for you a long time ago. Show them."

The two subordinates directly played the monitoring equipment that Deacon Jiang had prepared before.

The picture is very clear.

That scene is impressively the scene that happened in the hotel.

Everyone saw the familiar face.

Deacon Jiang, Ding Haotian, and that Master Fang.

"Deacon Jiang is actually inside!"

"No wonder!"

"It turns out that Deacon Jiang witnessed all the truth with his own eyes."

"No wonder Deacon Jiang is so persistent!"

At this time, the scene quickly reached the stage of fighting.

Then the three-way fight was very intense.

Deacon Jiang was injured.

Ding Haotian chased him out.

Then coincidentally.There are also some Skynet surveillance on the way of pursuit.

all the way beyond the suburbs.

It can be seen that Ding Haotian has been seducing Master Fang.

In the jungle, the photos are not so clear.

But it can be clearly seen that Ding Haotian above the jungle is sneering.

Skynet is long-distance.

If you can't take pictures of the specific situation in the jungle, you can see the protoss flying objects hanging above.


Ding Haotian was at the top at the beginning.

Surveillance equipment captured what he said.

"Long time no see, Master Fang."

A little fuzzy.But it can be clearly heard that Ding Haotian intends to lure Master Fang over.

"The purpose of bringing you here today is to catch both of you."

There was another vague sound in the middle.

No one cared what those voices said.

The wind was too loud.

Abnormal energy fluctuations make sound capture very difficult.

Finally couldn't hear what was being said.

Then it turned into a violent explosion.

The screen is over.

When seeing this scene, the Ding family's children couldn't believe it, and the Wang family couldn't believe it even more.

None of them thought that it was Ding Haotian who took the initiative to attack and had to kill Master Fang to have such a result.

But.What is Ding Haotian's motive for killing?
I can't figure this out.I can't figure it out either.

"General Ding, do you have anything else to say?"

"Deacon Jiang, you are also inside. You were injured by Master Fang. You fought side by side with my son. If you are convicted of the crime you said, then you are an accomplice?"

"General Ding, I forgot to tell you. Your son wanted to force Master Fang to treat Mrs. Wang, so he lied to me and went to the hotel to persuade Master Fang. I have a recording to prove it."

Deacon Jiang took out the recording equipment.This move stunned the people present again.

But this is also impossible.Who let others be orderly.It is normal to carry various devices with you.

"General Ding, do you want me to play it for you?"


"Your son lied to me, caused me to be injured, and deliberately lured him out to want to frame me. It's a pity that he didn't expect Master Fang's methods to be more clever, stealing chickens without losing rice, and throwing his own life away." It was taken in."


"General Ding, I suspect that you are instigating behind the scenes. It's all up to this point, with all the witnesses and material evidence, and you are still refuting and resisting. According to the regulations of the orderly, I have the right to force you to take you away."

Brush brush.

This time it wasn't Deacon Jiang's younger brother who came out, but the Ding family's younger brother.

When the Ding family's children heard that Ding Zhen was going to be taken away, how could they agree? They all stood up and glared at Deacon Jiang angrily.

"What, you dare to resist arrest?"

Deacon Jiang's voice became very gloomy and serious.No one present thought that Deacon Jiang would be so strict in enforcing the law.This is the first time seeing him like this.

The atmosphere became extremely tense.

The tense scene seems to be on the verge of breaking out, and a battle may break out at any time.

at this time.

Ding Zhen slowly raised his hand: "Everyone back down."

"now it's right."

"I, Ding Zhen, have always been aboveboard. If my son is really guilty of murdering a doctor as you said, you don't need to tell me, I will naturally exterminate my relatives righteously. Now that my son is dead, there is no such thing as exterminating relatives righteously, but if it is true , I will personally apologize to Master Fang."

"General Ding deserves to be General Ding." Deacon Jiang began to applaud.

"But...but what you said, what if it's not true?"

(End of this chapter)

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