Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1644 Breaking the Record

Chapter 1644 Breaking the Record

Everyone was unwilling to leave, and all stared at the scene with wide eyes.

The projected screen is synchronized in real time.Very clear and very huge.

At the same time, Fang Yu continued to walk.

He didn't use the same speed as before, but took one step at a time.

According to the speed of ordinary people climbing up the steps, it is almost two or three steps per second.

Fang Yu is at this speed.

Even so, this speed has stunned them.

Because when they reached this step, they were already overwhelmed, and their whole body was weak like carrying a Mount Tai.It is very difficult to advance a step every time, let alone walk like a normal person.

However, Fang Yu was still able to maintain this speed.

Not in a hurry.Neither humble nor overbearing.

"Already reached the 300th step!"

There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Even breathing stopped.

Immediately afterwards, they were no longer as shocked as before, but when they saw Fang Yu's calm appearance, they absolutely believed that he could continue walking.

"This person is too strong!"

"Why have I never heard of this character before? People who can climb 300 steps are definitely masters above the median god!"

"The younger generation has not reached the middle god!"

"I don't know. I've never heard of such a character!"

"Stop talking and watch carefully!"

Fang Yu was indeed walking continuously.

Soon, he came to the 350-level ladder.

It is a big threshold for him to pass 50 steps.Every 50 levels will add a man. Level 50 is only about 50 seconds for Fang Yu.

It will be there in a blink of an eye.

At level 350, Fang Yu sighed.

The difficulty really increased.

But for his cultivation in the realm of the Great God Lord, it is completely acceptable.

The speed can still be maintained.

So Fang Yu maintained the previous speed and continued upward.

Step by step.

Very steady.

1 minute passed.

Fang Yu reached the 400-level ladder.

The students who were watching could no longer breathe, but they had completely stopped their outbursts, and their exclamations were no longer whispered.No more discussion.

Because they have been numb.

Just staring at the picture blindly.

"He's still going on!"


Another 1 minutes passed.

Fang Yu came to the 450 steps.

At this time Fang Yu stopped and began to examine the rules ahead.

According to the last experience.

These ladders are arranged according to the rules of space and time.

And the dialect has seen the tricks of the rules.

That rule has not changed so far.

What Fang Yu was worried about was that when he was moving forward, there would be a sudden change in the rules, so that he might go the wrong way.

As long as one step is wrong, then the whole game is lost.

So Fang Yu was very cautious.

Fang Yu's super-spiritual consciousness at this time played a very important role.

He can look at the rules around him with his super high level of spiritual consciousness.

Make sure there are no changes to the last 50 steps of the ladder.

Fang Yu continued to walk.

Not all come to the 500 steps.



The students who saw this scene were all stunned.

This time even the insensitive administrator came out and watched the scene with the students.

When he saw the picture of Fang Yu stepping on a 500-jin ladder.His eyes widened.

He ran back in a panic, the management room.

Then start making calls.

Notified the relevant Protoss of this news.

Fang Yu also knew that his progress had surpassed many of the current young protoss generation.If it goes further, it is likely to cause a shocking sensation.It's not that I'm afraid of anything.Rather, this stage needs to be a little more low-key.Not to be overly understated, either.

So Fang Yu began to block those signals.

This is where the power of super divine consciousness lies.

You can use super high mental level ideas to control the surrounding signals.

Form a substantial shield.

It's like building a wall on both sides.

Block all the monitoring signals outside.

Then all the people watching the big screen outside saw only the crashing snowflakes.

"Why can't I see it!?"

"What's going on? Why can't the broadcast work?"

"I'm really going, something went wrong at this time!"

The administrator ran out, looked up at a snowflake, and said embarrassingly: "It may be affected by the rules. After all, we are shooting in the current time period and space. If we go forward, there will be a huge change in the rules. Our machine It is difficult to keep up with the rules. For example, our equipment today cannot start what has passed yesterday. So please don’t worry, this gentleman should be continuing to climb the ladder, and the screen cannot be rebroadcasted!”

"What's the matter? Your technology is too backward, and you can't even shoot what happened yesterday."

"This is the law established by the universe, and even the high-level protoss cannot change it. Please forgive me!"

"Oh, it's a pity, I don't know how many steps I have passed."

"Don't care about the number of steps, these 500 steps have already broken the record. How many years has it been since such a high result?"

"I didn't expect this person to be so powerful. Being able to climb 500 steps is definitely a high god."

There was a lot of discussion.

Surprised to be surprised.Shocking is shocking.

But more people are unfortunately unable to see the real-time broadcast.

At this time, Fang Yu was advancing.

He is very clear about his whereabouts and cannot attract attention, so staying at level 500 is the best way.

Level 500 can suppress all ordinary protoss and break records.

At the same time, it will not attract the attention of high-level officials.

Although Fang Yu has Jiang Lao now.But after all, he is the only one.Jiang Lao is still the kind of protoss who was kicked out.

So it's better to keep a low profile.

Not much is relieved to come to the 600-step ladder.

This is the limit of the upper god.

At the same time, Fang Yu also felt the change in the rules.

On the steps after level 600, not only the rules change, but also the rules superimposed.

It is the superposition of rules.

"I didn't expect the person involved in the ladder to be so smart. This is definitely a work of genius. He actually thought of building rules within rules, forming a rule superimposed rule area."

"The combination of the two rules can produce different effects. It really opened my eyes."

Fang Yu is also a master of formations and knows the rules very well. , There is also a set of rules and formations to build by yourself.There is naturally no problem in cracking the formation.A real man is to build his own formation.Created an excellent formation.

"Continue!" Fang Yu smiled slightly and stepped forward.

He must speed up.

All the rules were seen through by him at this moment.

As long as there are no new rules, nothing will stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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