Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1655 Action

Chapter 1655 Action
For General Wang and General Ding, this is definitely a matter of shame and humiliation.But now they can only grit their teeth and bear it all.


After Wang Duo apologized, he ran back immediately, drinking alone, where is he?Pound the table hard.

Elder Jiang looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction.

Then nodded.

"The only person I respect is Master Fang. If my wife sees who dares to disrespect him... then don't blame me for being rude."

Everyone was even more surprised.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang attached great importance to Fang Yu, to this extent, not only respecting him, but also giving him a talisman.

This was announced in public, that is to say, everyone who dared to attack each other was present.

Even Orderers have to think about the consequences.

However, the current Deacon Gui Jiang and Fang Yu have reached a preliminary mutual agreement.There may be no reason to arrest Fang Yu.

General Wang and General Ding started drinking each other.

They also know that today's plan has completely failed, and it is impossible to succeed.

It doesn't make sense to continue talking, it's better not to talk, so I just drink with my head depressed.

The people of the Eight Great Families are the same, they are even more depressed than them. They came here today to congratulate Boss Jiang on his recovery from a serious illness, but they didn't expect to pay an extra 5 million wealth.

This was all caused by General Wang.

But they can't show it. On the surface, they are happy and lively.

Drinking and drinking is very happy and lively.

Just like this one night passed.

Drink until about 10 o'clock.

Then leave.

The eight major families also went back to each house to find their own mothers.

Although there is no such thing as nightfall on the main planet.

But the protoss on the main planet are very good at living.In order to create the appearance and scene at night, they deliberately created a bowl of lights on the street, and some technology that looks like night time.

Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun didn't drink, and they felt that they couldn't drink the wine.

Master Cui, Miss Cui and Miss Liu were all drunk when they returned.

Obviously they were genuinely happy.

The two big families suddenly had such a good relationship with Mr. Jiang and Fang Yu.The future position will be more stable.This is a good thing, of course they are happy.

Some are happy and some are sad.

The other 6 major families and the middle-level family were unhappy. When they went back, they kept talking about General Wang and General Ding.

"Master Cui, Miss Cui, you go back first, my fiancee and I will walk alone."

"Okay, Master Fang, don't go shopping too late, go back and rest early."

It's normal for couples to talk about love and find a remote place to have some private conversations. Naturally, other people can't be light bulbs and go back first.There will be no doubts.

But for Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun.

They don't want to go back with these people.

It looked very awkward.

After all, the two of them really haven't enjoyed their time together for a long time.

The two walked slowly on the deserted road.

It's like taking a walk.

Endless beauty.Unchanging starry sky.The sun never sets.Not a dark sky.

Everything looks great.

It would be great if there is a beauty camera, it can leave a beautiful group photo for two people.

It's a pity that it is here.Chixian Starfield.

"You exercised some kind of control over Mr. Jiang today?" Ye Wenjun asked.

"It's good that you know, there's no need to say it."

"Fortunately, you have seen through their plan. I have been thinking, if Mr. Jiang is not on your side, how will you deal with it?"

"If Mr. Jiang hadn't been on my side, then I wouldn't have asked for 90 billion yuan in wealth. Even if I did, I would have returned part of it. Then I would have left a handle on him. Then he would have to be afraid of me. .”

"It seems that you are the most cunning."

"The protoss are the most cunning. Humans are just protecting themselves."

"How should we make plans for the ladder now?"

"Think again. Don't be in a hurry now. I guess it will take some time to attack humans. I guess there should be a problem within the Protoss, or else there has been no movement so far? Whether it is the eight major families or the high-level Jiang The old man has not received any news from the higher-ups. Jiang Lao's status has returned to the state of Dzogchen, and the higher-ups should pay attention to it." Fang Yu said.

"You are right. In fact, you have mastered all the rules of the ladder. Even if they attack suddenly on the spot, you will have time to stop them immediately."

"Daughter-in-law, you have become so smart!"


The two continued on.

After walking a few steps.

Suddenly the scene ahead changed.

It has become particularly dark, it has become very broad, and it has become completely different from before.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu looked around cautiously.

"Follow me. We seem to have fallen into a trap."


"It's an advanced space-type trap. It's hard for ordinary people to find it, even I haven't found it."

"Advanced space trap. Who set it up? This is the main planet!"

"Who else? Don't leave me three meters away. I'll find a way."

The surrounding scene becomes more and more blurred.

It was like entering a void space.

Black is not black, but a kind of cyan.

The space under the chaos appears very dim, and nothing can be seen.

Just as the two continued to walk forward.

A voice came out.

"Welcome to the chaotic space, both of you."

The voice was a little familiar.

Fang Yu looked up and looked up.

A pair of eyes floated down, and at the same time a figure appeared in front of them following those eyes.

This person is none other than General Wang.

General Wang looked at Fang Yu with a smile on his face.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"It turned out to be General Wang. I thought who it was. I just had a drink, and now I don't recognize anyone?"

"No, no, no, the me you met before was a hypocritical me, but the me you met now is the real me,"

"It's all the same, don't play philosophy with me, General Wang, you have designed a space trap here, what is it?"

"It's very simple, kill you!" General Wang's face became distorted.

Eyes are red.

At the same time the eyes disappeared from the night.

General Wang continued.

"The eyes just now are my son looking at us from the outside. He is still young. He wants to avenge his mother, but I don't want him to be in danger. Maybe let him watch from the outside. What you see now is me I am the real, undisguised, and not hypocritical me. From now on, I will torture you and let you have a good taste of what it feels like to be insulted!"

"I didn't expect General Wang to be so terrifying, with a twisted mind! Hidden so deep, the fox's tail, is it all exposed?"

(End of this chapter)

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