Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1662 Whereabouts

Chapter 1662 Whereabouts
Mention the alternate ladder.

Pavilion Master Ning's eyes fell on Jiang Lao, and he looked carefully for a moment.Then smile slightly.

"The spare ladder has always been a high-level secret. But since Mr. Jiang has returned to the high-level position, he should also know about the spare ladder. In fact, the spare ladder has been stored in a separate space by us. This separate space There are special protoss guarding it all the time. Although the spare ladder is closed and no longer used, it consumes a lot of energy every day. Therefore, the place where the ladder is placed must have a supply of vitality. But in this way, the people who are using it The recovery speed of the ladder will become slower."

Master Ning's tone paused for a moment.

"Today's weather is in good condition. Even if the backup weather is used, the energy needs to be replenished. So there is no need to use the backup ladder."

Old Jiang nodded slightly.

"I see."

"Mr. Jiang, I heard from other colleagues that you broke through the Dzogchen God Realm because of a doctor. Is this true?" Pavilion Master Ning asked.

Jiang Lao had expected that he would ask these questions a long time ago, and had already thought of various answers in his heart, but he did not intend to lie, or add embellishments, because in front of practitioners of this level, all lies are easy Be seen through.

"Yes. It was indeed achieved by a doctor!"

"Then this doctor is really capable. If possible, you can invite him to sit down and have a cup of tea together."

Hear this.

Fang Yu, whose consciousness was still on Jiang Lao, couldn't help being startled.

If this is the case, it means that I have to face these masters in advance.In front of these masters who are much higher than their own cultivation base.It's hard for him to say that he can hide himself 100%.Especially his super high, super spiritual realm.

A master's move is often just a glance.You can see everything about people whose strength is lower than your own.It's like an adult seeing a child playing tricks in front of him.No matter how clever a child is, adults think it is childish.That is to say, only when the same strength is be eligible.hide yourself.

If we meet face to face.

These things are trying to avoid.

"Of course, if the pavilion master agrees, it's fine, but I'm afraid it will break the high-level rules. After all, those who can step into this place, even those with the lowest level of cultivation, are in the realm of consummating gods." Jiang Lao said.

"These are minor problems. If he is really a talent, we presumably our senior management will not mind his cultivation. Besides, he can help you improve your cultivation, which proves that he can also help other people improve their behavior. Senior management There are still a few people who are only in the realm of the perfect god, and have not yet reached the realm of the great perfect god."

This is also the reason why Fang Yu was plotted against by Jiang Lao in the first place.It was this scene that he was most afraid of.It was also expected that this would be the case.In the upper floors he fell out.It is equal to the last consummation god.Coupled with being too old, he has lost a lot of life in the cracks of time and space.Naturally forgotten.This time it was hard to break through the Dzogchen God.The status is naturally raised a lot.He didn't want those people to break through to this realm like him.Otherwise he will be last again.

Elder Jiang smiled and said, "If that's the case, I'll definitely ask him face to face when I have a chance someday."


"Governor Ning is right, you can't do it alone, it's cheap, we all want to try, how to break through this Dzogchen God realm."

"If you can make a breakthrough, that would be the best. I must treat Mr. Jiang to have a good drink some other day!"

Elder Jiang also knew that the protoss would not have any good intentions.

"Good talk good talk!"

The master stood up.

"Let's get here first today. Everyone's time is precious. Those who should practice should practice."


The other senior executives left one by one.

Just as Mr. Jiang was about to leave, Pavilion Master Ning suddenly stopped him.

"Old Jiang, wait a minute!"

Old Jiang's heart skipped a beat.He didn't know why he called him, but he always felt that Pavilion Master Ning was not simple.And under the scrutiny of his eyes.It always feels like something has been seen through.

But Mr. Jiang was sure that he couldn't be seen through.

Especially Fang Yu was sure that he hadn't been seen through.

When he was hiding on Jiang Lao's body, he didn't display his super-spiritual consciousness, and he didn't exude any aura at all.So if it's really possible for him to feel himself, there's only one word to explain it.

That is.


Intuition is not clear, it's like blind guessing.Guess based on feeling, sometimes the guess is right, and sometimes the guess is wrong.

Wait until all the high-level people leave.

Jiang Laocai bent down and said.

"What is the master talking about?"

"I keep you because I have an unfeeling request."

"Pavilion master, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Pavilion Master Ning smiled slightly.

"It's about that doctor. In fact, I heard about the ladder. The management office of the ladder said that it was discovered that a protoss stepped into the 600-step ladder. This is an unprecedented feat. Later I I asked the management office to inquire again. I suspect it may be this doctor."

Elder Jiang was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect Fang Yu to be in the main city of the Protoss.He did such a big thing.Stepping into the 600-level ladder caused a sensation. After all, so far, no Protoss has been able to reach this point.Of course, the high-level protoss did not participate, but all the protoss below the upper gods do not have this ability, after entering level 600.

In other words.

That master Fang's means surpassed all the upper gods.

Keep pace with the top.

"There is still such a thing? If the pavilion master doesn't tell me, I don't know." Jiang Lao is also very honest.After all, he really hadn't heard of it.Before that, I was concerned about my own practice.Pure and pure, keep your ears out of the window.

"So I have reason to suspect that his cultivation has reached above the level of a consummate god. If possible, I would like to meet him in person!" said the Pavilion Master.

"It turns out that the owner of the pavilion is for this matter. I will definitely tell him this when I go back." Jiang Lao had no choice but to refuse.

No one in the upper echelons knows the power of the pavilion master.Moreover, his cultivation base is extremely terrifying, and he reached the peak of the Dzogchen God a million years ago.And it is very likely that he has already broken through the realm of the Supreme God.

If so.

Pavilion master.You can kill with your mind.

It is the annihilation of a cosmic starry sky at every turn.

This is the Supreme God.

But therein lies the problem.If he really reached the realm of the Supreme God.Then he can directly reach the earth civilization with such a cultivation base.A practitioner who can wipe out the entire human race with one thought, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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