Chapter 1682
Everyone was frightened by the disappearance of the physical bodies of the three companions, because it meant the disappearance of the physical bodies, and the souls would float in the universe forever.And with the constant friction of the universe starry sky.The power of the soul will continue to diminish.Sooner or later it will perish in this world.

In other words.

Destroy your physical body.tantamount to death.

But there's one more way the trio can be saved.

That is to let his companions bring their souls back, and then find a suitable target for him to resurrect.

But in this case, it will also take great risks.Because you don't know, will this soul you carry attack you?After all, taking away a weak target is tantamount to damaging his own cultivation, but if it is a high-strength target, it is a very cost-effective thing for him.

Generally speaking, very few protoss would be willing to carry other souls with high cultivation bases.It's too dangerous.

So when the high-ranking protoss heard that the bodies of the three companions had disappeared, they were extremely shocked and worried.

So what's next?
"Stop it." The Pavilion Master ordered decisively.

"Agree to my conditions earlier, why wait until now?" Fang Yu was also surprised.He didn't think that Ye Wenjun didn't take his own strength into consideration.Don't even need a face, just vented out.

at the same time.

Wenjun Ye who destroyed three physical bodies.It's really hard.But this is also his purpose.As long as the goal is achieved, so what if the so-called voice is gone?

The other physical bodies are just suspended in the air.There is no way at all, if they want to escape and resist, Ye Wenjun must.Break Fang Yu's spiritual shackles.But obviously it is.It is very difficult to do this.

In this case, the physical body outside can only be beaten by Ye Wenjun.

Although Ye Wenjun's strength and cultivation base were a little weaker than theirs, he faced an opponent who didn't fight back at all.Then keep beating.This ability is still there.

Because of the catharsis of energy.It caused Ye Wenjun's life to fall directly.

But this is a very common thing for Ye Wenjun.Because he knows it well.It won't be long before his life will re-nirvana.

as predicted.

It was where Ye Wenjun vented his energy.A mass of red light began to burst out dazzlingly.It is getting bigger and bigger, like a sun bursting in the sky.

Then a pair of huge wings slowly appeared.

Open left and right.

This is Phoenix.The fire attribute Phoenix occupies half, and the other half is ice attribute.into one.

In the middle of the giant phoenix.It is Ye Wenjun's body.

At this time, Ye Wenjun just closed his eyes slightly, as if he had fallen asleep, and soon he woke up.

He stared calmly at the universe in front of him.Ye Wenjun still remembered what he had done before, and why he came here.

Then his gaze became extremely sharp.

All memories are the same as normal people, and all are restored.

What's even more frightening is that the energy inside the human body is only a small part, almost negligible.

this is too scary.

If no one interrupts before his rebirth, then Ye Wenjun is really an invincible existence.

No one is not afraid of such a kind of ability of rebirth from Nirvana.

Fang Yu was also surprised by Ming Wenjun's rebirth.

Although he knew that the fire phoenix also had the ability to be reborn from nirvana, he never thought that it would go so smoothly and retain its original power, which was too scary.

This also gave Fang Yu incomparable self-confidence.

"Master, can we make this agreement now?"

Pavilion Master Ning's eyes fell on Fang Yu, and he looked at him for a moment.

"I have never seen a young man who has such a big scheming. I have never seen someone who dared to negotiate with me so boldly. But this is the way this world is, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. The strong survive The weak die. You won today. I said win, not that you defeated us, but that I need to preserve the Protoss, and I need to focus on the overall situation. I can promise you the three conditions you mentioned, but if you If you dare to violate these three conditions first, I don't mind, I choose to kill you. Even at all costs."

"Good point." Fang Yu nodded.

Seeing Fang Yu's indifferent expression.

Pavilion Master Ning added: "Don't doubt that I have the ability to kill you. It's just that the price you need to pay to kill a practitioner of your level is very high. If the damage you cause is much higher than this price, I believe you It will also be counted.”

"What you said makes sense. I put forward the conditions, and I will naturally abide by them. On the contrary, you should abide by them carefully. If I find out that you do not comply with these three conditions, then I don't mind. Expand 10 times, [-] times, and [-] times. Even if it means sacrificing your life."

If the 25 protoss also expected it, they would say the same thing.

After all, these three conditions were put forward by him.From just now to now, it was discovered that Fang Yu had a great advantage in negotiations.

Then it's time to cash in.

"Then it's a deal!" Pavilion Master Ning raised his hand.

Clapped a palm earlier.

The palm print flew in the air and flew in Fang Yu's direction.

Fang Yu also saw the palm print.Then he raised his hand and made a palm print. The two palm prints joined together like this, and then disappeared without a sound.

That's the deal.

Followed by.

Fang Yu casually turned around.

The space of consciousness disappeared.

Fang Yu's voice appeared directly beside Ye Wenjun.

At the same time, all the consciousness of the other party returned to the body.

But there are three high-level people in the state of soul.Floating in front of everyone.There is no physical body to go back to.

Fang Yu also saw it.Indicates powerlessness.

At this time, the pavilion master followed suit: "Take the three of them back. The last three will be taken away. Those who disobey the order will be directly kicked out of the high-level."


There are words led by the pavilion master.Things are much easier to handle.

After Fang Yu returned to Ye Wenjun's side, he briefly checked for him.No other injuries were found, and there were no problems with sequelae.

"Since there is a truce, let's take my leave."

Fang Yu casually turned around.A fetish at the level of Zizai appeared in his hand, which was also the fetish in Ye Wenjun's hand.Dong Tianshuo.

Followed by.

With a flash of light, Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun disappeared in place.

The other higher-ups glanced at each other while using energy.Fly back towards the main planet.

Who said that they know that it is a good time to fly along the way, but this is also something they can't help. They don't have a treasure like Dongtian Shuo, so they can fly by themselves.

Fortunately, their battle was not too intense.It's not very far to fly.

(End of this chapter)

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