Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1686 The Call of the Dragon

Chapter 1686 The Call of the Dragon
Hearing this voice, Fang Yu stood up abruptly.

Then he frowned and looked around.

"I'm going out."

He didn't care whether Ye Wenjun agreed or not.Just when Ye Wenjun reflected.In that instant he disappeared.

Fang Yu kept moving in that direction according to the direction the sound came from.The cultivation base of the Great Almighty is extremely terrifying.Today, I came to the outside of the starry sky in just a few breaths.

This is the result of Fang Yu's all-out effort.

Come to the starry sky.All the surrounding laws disappeared.Fang Yu, get rid of the rules.Then a group of shields appeared around his body.It behaves just like it does on Earth.Can breathe and walk.

Suspended in the starry sky.

Fang Yu searched for a long time but couldn't find the target that made that sound.

"It's really strange. I clearly heard that the source of the voice is here. How could it suddenly disappear?"

Fang Yu was extremely confident in his movement speed.

As he moves here, he's confident the target shouldn't have left.In other words, the target's behavior is much higher than his own, so he can leave his perception in such a short period of time.

The perception of the Great God.And the realm of spiritual consciousness.Enough to cover the entire planet.He stayed here, and the range of a hundred miles was under his consciousness.There is no possibility of evading his spiritual search at all.

"Could it be that the one calling out the dragon has something to do with the dragon in my body? Or is he the real creator of the dragon?"

Remember in the past.In order to find out the secret of Shenlong Jue.But no less effort.This time is no exception.Came to the land of the Protoss.Naturally, he also wanted to find the secret of Shenlong Jue by the way.


He didn't find it.

It's like waiting for the other party to take the initiative to contact me.But he couldn't find him.

Obviously very close to him, but suddenly became very far away.

"How strong is the opponent?"

This question suddenly arises in consciousness.

Then, in the distant vast starry sky of the universe, a voice responded in Fang Yu's mind: "Don't look for me, don't look for me"

"Who the hell are you? Did you create the Shenlong Jue? Answer me!"

Fang Yu knew he should be able to hear his own voice.asked on purpose.

"You don't need to know. You don't need to find me, and you don't need to get the secret, so be it."

"Wait a minute." Fang Yu shook his head.

"I feel that I have reached the end of the world and the end of my cultivation. Who are you? Also, are you the creator?"

Fang Yu suddenly swelled a little.He feels that only the Creator can compete with him, and the other protoss are not his opponents at all, and even the pavilion master has to weigh it.

He has a sense of invincibility.

But that's what makes it scary.

He doesn't know how far he is from the apex.I don't know how far away it is.

Ignorance is fearlessness.

But ignorance is more terrible, once you touch more advanced things.Then you don't know how you died.

"You are strong. But not enough. You are strong, but not enough." The voice kept calling, repeating this sentence.

And that voice always likes to repeat, but it has an ethereal and distant look.This made Fang Yu feel very mysterious.

Then the sound disappeared.Like last time, he will disappear every time the key is asked.

Then the problem is coming.

Why not allow yourself to find him?
When Fang Yu reached a certain level of cultivation.His only dream and goal is to find the secret of Shenlong Jue.

And he always had a hunch.Every time it gets closer and closer to Shenlong Jue, it suddenly becomes very far away.

"I just don't believe in evil anymore." Fang Yu showed a confident expression.

Do not find out the secret of Shenlong Jue.Fang Yu always felt that something was missing in his life?How could he give up and let this matter become his regret?
next second.

Fang Yu's figure disappeared.

at the same time.

Chixian Starfield.The headquarters of a high-tech civilization.There is a huge meeting going on.

"Now our ladder is broken, and the backup ladder is also broken. So we have to restart the production plan of the ladder. Please tell me if you have any suggestions."

"The sky ladder must be re-established. We have backup drawings that can be used. As long as we take out the drawings, we will ask the craftsmen to re-draw according to the drawings. Then we will send all the masters above the high gods to re-draw in terms of politics and law. It should be done soon. Get out of a ladder."

"It's not as simple as you said. The basic production of the ladder will take more than 20 years. The description of the rules is the difficulty. Even if all the high gods are gathered together, it will take a hundred years to describe the complete rules. It takes a hundred years to build a sky ladder. The day lily is cold!"

"Then what if it is described within the acceleration space?"

"In the accelerated space!? It's not that no one has tried this idea, but the problem is that once the ladder enters the accelerated space, the rules will also be accelerated collectively. The power will be greatly reduced. The quality of such a ladder will be greatly reduced."

"It's because we were limited in our thinking. What if we engraved a super-large time-slowing rule on our ladder?"

"How is this possible? You mean to say that you are making a slowing rule. Then the two are superimposed together to form the current ladder. This idea is indeed very fresh. But what kind of people can create such a What about the big time rules?"

"It's hard. Unless there is a real Supreme God."

"Supreme God? Don't be kidding, there has never been a Supreme God in the Protoss. Only the first founder of the Protoss became the Supreme God. All the Protoss have only reached the peak of Dzogchen so far. No one has ever been able to Reaching the realm of the Supreme God. This should be our punishment from the Creator."

"That's right. So far, no one has been able to reach the realm of the supreme god. So it is almost impossible to describe such a large rule."

Everyone shook their heads.


Then everyone sighed.

Just when they shook their heads.

An ethereal voice sounded above them.

"This idea is very good. Let's build the ladder according to the way time accelerates."

All the high gods present stood up, bowed and said, "See Pavilion Master?"

"Don't be too polite."

"The cabinet master agrees with this opinion?"

"Although this idea is difficult to achieve, it doesn't mean it's impossible. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if there is no Supreme God. The ladder we built in this way can also be used. It's just that the effect will be halved. So you just Don't you know how to use your brain more?"

(End of this chapter)

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