Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1694 Ragnarok

Chapter 1694 Ragnarok
The human beings on the earth have entered the practice plan of the great gods of the whole people.

At this time, the divine arrowhead had indeed entered a particularly helpless situation.Gao and the others repeatedly went to find the pavilion master for a meeting.However, the pavilion master never appeared at all.And they have already guessed that the pavilion master should be at the critical point of breakthrough.

in this case.

The higher-ups also seemed very helpless.

This kind of time lasted for about a month.

One of the senior officials couldn't bear it anymore.

Send messages to other senior management.

Ask the other top executives to hold another meeting.But this meeting is not in the exclusive territory of the original high-level.It was in a small house that they decided temporarily.

It is in the main planet.

"Everyone, the pavilion master has disappeared for a long time. If he doesn't appear again, it will be difficult to maintain the order of the gods. Now the gods below the upper gods and ordinary people are panicking. This requires us to make a decision. To calm down or prepare to wait for the invasion of Earth."

"The reason for this is not because the ladder was destroyed. In addition, two planets fell. The entire Protoss was in a panic environment, and many Protoss even went on strike. They didn't know what they were doing at all. The current situation It seems to have a feeling of the twilight of the gods."

"Stop worrying about nothing. The top priority is not to solve everyone's panic. Didn't you realize that the Pavilion Master doesn't care at all? How can he control the life and death of the Protoss by himself?"

"Then what do you say?"

"This is easy to handle, I think we should continue to check and balance."

Continue to check and balance.

Why don't they think so.But therein lies the problem.The current strength and cultivation of the pavilion master are about to break through. If he really wants to break through to the realm of the supreme god, where will he continue to check and balance?The entire Protoss will be under his feet. The top 25 will also never have any means of restraint.The whole of Chengdu will become a world where one person has the final say.

The consequences of that are extremely dire.

After all, everyone here is a person who has lived for a long time, and they all have their own arrogance and arrogance.No one wants to obey others.Like being a slave.

The current state of checks and balances.It is also the result of their joint maintenance.On the surface, the pavilion master will unify the 25 high-level officials, but in fact, as long as it doesn't suit their wishes. The 25 high-level officials are qualified to oppose the opinion of the cabinet master.

"You mean, we continue to check and balance. Then there is only one way to continue to sub-branch!"

Another senior executive did not finish speaking.

Because what they said has been very clear.

Click until the end.

Everyone was dumbfounded.They looked at each other in blank dismay.They know exactly what this method is?
Want to continue to check and balance.So naturally, there is only one way.

That's what stopped his breakthrough.

Everyone knows this method in their hearts, but they just don't want to say it all. It would be a big joke if other civilizations know that the internal struggle of the Protoss is so terrible.

Especially the earthlings who are still living in the main city of the Protoss.

They will be very happy with the infighting of the Protoss.

"The method you mentioned is indeed a good idea, but the problem is, if the strength and behavior of the pavilion master cannot be broken through, then how will we deal with the earthlings in the future?"

"People on Earth are despicable and shameless. From the sudden appearance of these two people on our Protoss, we can see their character and racial inferiority."

"That's true. The earthlings are not the same as before, and they are not so easy to deal with. These two earthlings who have been living in the Protoss, even our 25 high-level people can't take them down. The pavilion master can't kill them. people."

The crowd nodded.

Started to get tangled up.

After all, the Protoss has come to this day completely relying on this set of checks and balances to develop to the present. If it is out of balance, the consequences will be disastrous.Neither party can guarantee the balanced development of the gods.

However, in order to achieve long-term stability and stability of pigs, sufficient resources must be available.At present, the resources of the Protoss are almost exhausted. 9 sequential planets.Also lost two, although they are all garbage planets.But in this case, it must be supplemented by a planet rich in resources and aura like the earth.

But the people on earth have become obstacles.

"This matter still needs a long-term plan."

This is so contradictory.

If this is the case, it really can't stop the Pavilion Master's breakthrough.

The senior officials of the Protoss shook their heads, expressing some helplessness.

They are also very clear that once it rises to racial contradictions.If there are so many contradictions, it is natural to retreat.

However, just when everyone felt very helpless.

An old god arrow suddenly stood up.

"I don't think there is any need to wait. Although the people on Earth are powerful, their overall strength is still far behind us. Otherwise, there is no need for them to come here as undercover agents and then ask for a truce. In addition, we have received news that the people on Earth are sending information to Earth It should be information on practice. If this is the case, it can only show that the civilization of human practice is still far behind. No matter how powerful this earthling is, he cannot fight against the entire god race. If there is a real fight, it will be the army Combat. A comparison of two civilizations. What's the use of him living alone?"

"what do you mean?"

"The method just now, I think is very appropriate."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

They showed surprised expressions.Obviously, everyone already knows the method.But speaking from the mouth of this old senior executive again, I always feel a shocking feeling.

Everyone was stunned.

They don't know whether to agree or not.

They are all making their own calculations.

Think about the aftermath of this incident.

Obviously, their opinions at this meeting were not very unified.

So they need time to think.

After a while.

One or two high-ranking Protoss stood up to support his decision.

"I support it."

"I support it too."

If someone takes the lead, then other people will have no choice. If a small number of people choose this path, other people, you can't form a real check and balance if you just sit and don't look at it.

Then the rest of the deep high-level can only express support.

"If that's the case, then follow the plan."

"Agreed to meet at noon tomorrow."

"If you disagree, you can leave now. Of course, for the sake of the confidentiality of the matter, the high-level executives who disagree will be temporarily expelled from the high-level group. They will not enjoy all the rights of the high-level people for the time being. They still have to stay at home and arrange formations. Well, that’s it for now, if you have an opinion, let’s raise it now.”

The senior officials of the Protoss shook their heads.

No objections were raised.

(End of this chapter)

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