Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1697 The Value of Sacrifice

Chapter 1697 The Value of Sacrifice

The 23 senior officials shook their heads one after another.

Even though they knew that they were here to prevent the Pavilion Master's breakthrough, when they really faced all kinds of things, they still spontaneously respected in their hearts.

This is caused by being in a high position for a long time and being in awe of the pavilion master for a long time.

"Because at that time I really couldn't break through to the Supreme God. I stayed in the Dzogchen God longer than you. I can't remember how long it was. Many of you, when you were children, I have already reached this state.. At that time. You are romantic every day, and you don’t understand the world. I will teach you how to practice.. I will also tell you that people’s hearts are dangerous, but it’s a pity that time is gone forever.”

"Pavilion Master, so we still invite you to come out of the mountain. As long as you come out of the mountain, the Protoss will definitely turn the situation around."

The pavilion master shook his head.

He looked at everyone with regret on his face.

"This time is different from 1000 million years ago. In these 1000 million years, you have not sought a breakthrough opportunity, but I have. I have been looking for a way to break through to the Supreme God. After these years of continuous After exploring and testing, the success rate of this method is more than 50 percent.”

Hear this statement.

Everyone showed surprise.

Because they are very clear.

Once you find a way to break through to the Supreme God.

That would be devastating.They don't know if it's all because of the protoss.But what is certain is that it is definitely a bad thing for the top 25.

"What method?" Someone still asked.


Everyone looked at the pavilion master suspiciously.

They don't know what the word sacrifice means.

Can the high level of the Protoss be sacrificed?

And the protoss reached this level, there is no way to die.

How did they sacrifice?What kind of method is sacrifice?
Everyone has this doubt.

The pavilion master smiled slightly.

"If you want to break through to the realm of the supreme god, you have to sacrifice your lives. Then I will be fulfilled alone."

Everyone couldn't help but take a step back.

He looked at the pavilion master with horror on his face.

Is this a joke or is it serious?They can't see it at all.

Because the pavilion master speaks in this way, on the surface it looks like he is joking, but deep down he is often explaining things to you very seriously.Sometimes it is true, sometimes it is false.

But mostly serious.

If the pavilion master really has a way to kill them, then coming here today is probably a trap.

His ideas and intellect can do just that.

After all, it is 1000 million years.

In such a long time, it is not impossible to think of a way to kill the high-level.

That is at this time.

The master nodded and said.

"I guess you have already guessed it. Congratulations. In this secret realm, I designed everything by myself. Including the bamboos, rivers, mountains, grasslands, this cabin and all the flowers, plants, trees and leaves. Every part of them Every detail is my painstaking effort, and all the formations are carved by myself."


"The energy of 1000 million years has been condensed here. Do you know why I have not sought a breakthrough? Do you know why I can't go all out every time I fight? Because all my energy is spent here."


"It took me 1000 million years of practice here."

Everyone was stunned.

This time they felt they had fallen into a trap.

This mood made them unable to imagine how powerful it was here.

They guessed right, this place is indeed a trap.


The elderly executive turned around and was about to leave.

However, a light flashed at the exit.

The whole space was sealed off.

They knew they could never get out again.

They knew that the Pavilion Master's strength must have found a way.

They're so worried they don't want to face it.

"The sealed book mastered by 25 of you high-level people. In fact, it needs 25 people to use it together. So I deliberately let two of the high-level people die. I didn't save him. You guessed it right, the woman from the earth, only It's just a part of my design. When I was trapped in the world of spiritual consciousness by the earth doctor, I was worried that it would destroy my plan. Because no one can destroy the body of the high-level gods. But I didn't expect this woman The appearance of assisted my plan."


"So you didn't think about it at all. No matter what kind of care and urging the growth of the two high-level people is, it is impossible to grow in a short period of time. The same body cultivation as you can't use the seal. So I'm curious. What kind of guts made you dare not come here?"


Everyone was left speechless by the pavilion master.

They said nothing at all.

This kind of being seen through by others, calculated by others.The feeling of pressing and beating everywhere is really uncomfortable.

But this world is like this, the strong survive, the weak can only die.

"Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense. Since he has betrayed our Protoss, we should all work together to take it down." The elderly senior was very calm.He knew that at this time he had to be calm and not panic.

Panicking can't solve the problem at all, but it will help the pavilion master.

"Pavilion Master. We respect you. Please don't be obsessed with your own ideas. Otherwise, the 23 of us can forcefully cast the Great Seal."

"Really. You have forgotten again, what is this place? All the formations carved here for 1000 million years are not as good as a small seal of yours?"


"I hope you have a good awareness. Give up resistance. This pavilion master promises you that your sacrifice will be greatly rewarded. Your sacrifice will be of great value."

That is at this time.

The pavilion master slowly rose into the air.

The whole body is blooming with waves like sea water.

The waves are blooming.Everything in the secret realm moved.That's when the formation worked.

Countless formations were laid out overwhelmingly.

Breath is bound.

The world is frozen.

They are completely immobile.

They simply can't imagine how powerful the array accumulated over 1000 million years is.

Everything is explained at this moment.

There is absolutely no power to fight back.

It's like a young fish being slaughtered.

23 people were restrained in an instant.

They immediately chose to go out of their bodies.

Spiritual consciousness must never be caught.

Yet at this moment.

The secret realm twisted.

Those formations formed countless rules.All are rules of space and time.Gather them all.

23 people without exception.

All of them were absorbed by the weird energy in an instant, like a huge skynet.

The space is drastically compressed!

This is beyond their cognition and understanding!

At the same time an idea popped into their minds: how is this done?
(End of this chapter)

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