Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1715 New plan

Chapter 1715 New plan

Listen to what Cui Wenwen said.

Zhang Xu felt even more unbelievable. He never thought that such a small green bottle could have such great power.

"Are you sure this little green bottle has such a big effect? ​​This is not a joke. This is about the future of the earth and the life and death of the entire human race."

Cui Wenwen smiled slightly.

"You can try to catch one or two low-level protoss. Don't tell me that so far, human beings have been pushed to such a point that they haven't even caught a single protoss."

"That's not the case. Although humans have been captured, there are more of them, but humans are not to be outdone, and some protoss have been captured, but the number is very small." When this topic came up, Zhang Xu felt a little embarrassed.

Although some Protoss were caught, the number is too small, and the gap is too big compared to the number of humans lost.

Zhang Xu's battle plan is very clear.

He just wanted to wait for Fang Yu and others to come back.

Before that, we must do our best to protect the survival of human beings.

He doesn't have any plan of attack.Because of the power gap, the huge human beings in Thailand with a little bit of cultivation were taken to other dimensions to practice.

So the only way he could think of was to fight and retreat.

"Then try."

Zhang Xu shot back.

At this time, a subordinate officer and soldier came over with a basin of water.He put a drop from the small green bottle into the basin.

The plate of water suddenly became extremely dark green.And it looks extremely weird.It became darker green than the color in the bottle, and looked even more terrifying.

It was as if some kind of transformation had occurred.

Zhang Xu began to believe three points.

Maybe this little thing really has such terrifying power as the little girl said.

"Bring a protoss over."


After a while, two non-commissioned officers grabbed a Protoss and brought them in.

One of the soldiers directly poured the basin of water on the interviewer.

In a blink of an eye.

The interviewer's face was corroded.

Then screamed.

The whole body is like that.It turned into tofu blocks, falling down one by one.It looked extremely scary and disgusting.Because none of them thought that after such a little bit of water turned green, it would have such great power. The gods are not so rough and thick, and their cultivation is so advanced that even ordinary weapons cannot deal with it.

The weapons mastered by many practitioners cannot cause damage to it.

But this green water.

It's like pouring it on tofu cubes directly.

This is scary.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful."

"Of course, but your dosage is too great. One drop of medicine can turn a river into poison. I guess with your basin of water, it will turn into ashes and disappear after a while."

Zhang Xu was even more surprised.

"Let me ask you another question. Once this thing passes through the seawater, the whole seawater will be polluted. Will the creatures in the seawater be affected?"

"Yes. But this is a necessary sacrifice. Don't worry, this dark green poison will only last in one area. It will not affect the ecology of the entire earth, and it will be seriously affected in the short term. But for the survival of human beings, I think this Sacrifice is totally enough."

"If this is the case, the sea water will become poison. Then I will be a sinner for thousands of years."

Zhang Xu shook his head again and again.

He can't quite accept this method.

This is something that has plagued the millennium.

"You think too much, it only affects the business in the temporary water area. As for the water source, I have the antidote to undo these poisons."

"Is there an antidote?"

"Of course, all of this has to be done at the beginning. Wear the antidote by the way. He's in another bottle."

Cui Wenwen put a black bottle on the table.

Zhang Xu nodded.

"I really don't understand. You watched the Protoss die without any fluctuations."

"Because I have witnessed the filth of the Protoss with my own eyes. I have also seen the beauty of the earth with my own eyes. I don't want that filth to destroy the earth."

This answer is too general.Zhang Xu didn't believe it.But looking at the two bottles, he knew that the plan to defend against the godhead had to be changed.And it's the only way to choose.He had no choice.There is no other choice.

At this time, Master Cui who was sitting on the side did not speak.Seeing him hesitate and haw and haw a little.Grandpa Cui couldn't bear it.

"Young man, you don't need to be suspicious of people. Don't you understand such a simple truth? If you want to kill you. With the strength of this old man, you can't stop it at all."


A powerful wave of anger appeared all over Master Cui.

That air wave carried indescribable rules.

This made Zhang Xu feel a little shocked.He didn't expect to be affected by this kind of air wave under such circumstances.This shows that this old man is stronger than him.To know.Zhang Xu was only two ranks short of advancing to the realm of Lord of Heaven.

So how strong is the old man in front of him?He is very clear.

In other words, these two protoss were purely here to help themselves.Otherwise there is no reason why this should be the case.He can completely hold himself hostage.Or take more drastic measures to kill the human commander, then the human race will be in chaos.

"Okay, I believe you!"

At this moment.

Zhang Xu waved to the one next to him.

"Go down and arrange to use this bottle of potion to make an unlimited amount of poison. Use these poisons to attack the Protoss."

Cui Wenwen was a little surprised.

"Aren't you going to throw him into the sea?"

"Throwing it into the sea is absolutely impossible. But we can change the way. You also said that this poison can pollute the entire sea, so I believe that this bottle of green medicine can make countless kinds of weapons." Poison weapons. It just so happens that these weapons are the nemesis of the Protoss."

"But I think it will be put into seawater. Use seawater to rain heavily. That can deal a devastating blow to the Protoss. And it can keep humans from being affected when they attack frontally."

"Because I'm human. I chose that."

Cui Wenwen was taken aback for a moment.

Then I suddenly understood why the earth is so beautiful.I also understand that the resources on the earth will be so abundant.I also know that this earth will never belong to the Protoss.He really is only for humans and will always belong to humans.

"You two, thank you for proposing this plan. I thank you on behalf of the human beings on Earth. In addition, I believe that this plan will receive the support of all human beings."

"Well, I also believe that you can get everyone's support."

"Actually. I just need to wait until Mr. Fang comes back."

"Do you think Mr. Fang will be able to defeat the Pavilion Master?"

"of course."

Cui Wenwen smiled.

"It seems that human beings are not only caring, but also blindly narcissistic."

PS: The war is about to begin, and it is beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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