Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 1717: The Edge of Crisis

Chapter 1717: The Edge of Crisis
After hearing this news, the pavilion master obviously felt angry.

A commander with the strength of a high god entered outside.

"What is the order of the pavilion master?"

"Notice, everyone will attack with all their strength, wipe out all the people on earth, and kill all the rebels. Remind everyone, use shields to block the toxin."

Hear this.

The commander said with some surprise.

"Pavilion Master, some of our people have also been arrested, what should they do with this threat?"

"Those who achieve great things don't care about small things. If they are caught, it is because they are incompetent." The pavilion master has already decided.It is necessary to act vigorously and resolutely at this time.Rather than twitching.

However, the commander was even more surprised.Because the number of Protoss has always been very limited, completely unable to compare with the number of humans on Earth, and the reproductive ability of the Protoss is also very low, such a sacrifice is too huge.


The order of the pavilion master is not to be resisted.

All must obey his orders.The Commander also senses the Protoss.It seems that a critical battle has been ushered in.The pavilion master doesn't even care about the 25 high-level officials, so how could he care about these captured gods?

These protoss are not enough to succeed, but more than fail.He hates this kind of people the most.

"Didn't the pavilion master say that he planned to wait?"

"There's no need to wait."

The pavilion master stood up, "All our protoss are about to arrive on the earth, but the human practitioners have not shown any killers. Let us go and arrest them. What are they waiting for? It is obvious that their senior practitioners are hiding, and they are looking for Opportunity to break through. Why not take this opportunity. Kill them all."


next moment.All the Protoss mobilized.

There is only the pavilion master.Suspended in the universe.Consciousness enveloped the entire earth.Feel everywhere where Fang Yu may appear.

But no matter how he perceives it.

Fang Yu and the others could not be felt at all.It was as if it had completely disappeared.

He felt very strange.

He has now concluded that Fang Yu and the others are practicing.So they must be in some space-time rift.Use the method of time acceleration to practice.He knew very well that the more time passed.The more unfavorable it is for him.

The conversion of time scale is very scary.

If they can be promoted to a higher level of cultivation in a short period of time.It is very likely that the protoss will not be able to occupy all of the earth in a short time.

At that time, there will be a tug of war.

This is also the reason why the Protoss ordered the whole army to attack.

He knows the sooner the better.

as he wished.

In the case of a full-scale attack by the Protoss.

Humans are vulnerable.

A large number of practitioners were wiped out.

Humans began to retreat.

Start retreating north.

Humans know they are totally irresistible.

The power of the Protoss is really terrifying.

Humans had to retreat.

at the same time.

In the temporary command center of human beings.

Zhang Xu looked anxiously at the report in front of him.

And fellow commanders.

"What do you say now?"

"Boss, now we have no way to withstand the attack of the Protoss. The method adopted by the Protoss blocked our toxin. We wasted this opportunity to attack. It could have been a surprise. Now they know that we have Such a toxin. Our deterrent effect is greatly reduced," said a commander.

"Have the two comrades from the Protoss come?"

This is about Cui Wenwen and his father, Master Cui.

It didn't take long.

Cui Wenwen and Master Cui really rushed over.

Today's human protoss has reached a completely anxious situation.

A large number of human practitioners were killed or injured.

Has reached the white-hot stage.

"Miss Cui is here!"

"Outside now!"

Zhang Xu said quickly.

"Invite them in quickly."

Not long.Cui Wenwen and Master Cui walked in.

Seeing that all the commanders were present, they just nodded symbolically to say hello.

Zhang Xu said.

"Miss Cui, I think you already know the things. Human beings are now in a very difficult situation. Our team is retreating steadily. The practitioners suffered heavy casualties. We can no longer retreat. Otherwise, we may have to push to the northernmost end. At that time, humans will enter an environment without resources."

All the commanders' eyes were focused on Cui Wenwen.

They didn't expect that they would be reduced to this point.

The future circle of mankind must rest on the Protoss.

What an irony.

"I do already know the matter." Cui Wenwen sat down.

Master Cui also said: "The Protoss has already attacked in an all-round way. From this situation, it can be inferred that the pavilion master has concluded that we humans have no better way. Therefore, they will definitely use power to wipe out humans. But the current high-level practitioners of humans are all It is already in the process of cultivation. So there is no good way at the moment."

Even Master Cui said that.

Then it is no more impossible for other people to help human beings.

Zhang Xu said with a worried face.

"Is there no other way? The life and death of human beings is at this moment!"

"The owner of the pavilion is terrifying. You can't imagine it at all. I can only tell you that he is an old monster who has lived for countless years. No one in the Protoss knows when he appeared. All we can know is that the owner of the pavilion is The earliest batch of protoss. Primitive protoss. His strength and cultivation have reached a very terrifying level. What's more frightening is that he is a kind of person who has no emotion, no throbbing, and is even used to seeing all the intrigues and numbness. , It can be said that they dared to make this decision. It shows that they have seen through it and are fully prepared." Cui Wenwen said.

"According to what you say, we just sit and wait for death. Just wait for death!" said a commander.

"That's not what I mean. I'm stating a fact. We're not absolutely helpless. Are we not the last hope?"

"You mean to wait for Mr. Fang to come back?"

"That's right. Mr. Fang is the only hope. Now we can revitalize the situation only when he comes back. If we can't retreat, we must retreat. Even if we push it into the ocean." Cui Wenwen said.

What they said, they were speechless.

Human commanders really can't think of a good way, and this is the only way they can think of.Since Cui Wenwen said so, that's the only way to go.

That is at this time.

A practitioner came running outside.

"It's not good, the army of the Protoss is attacking in an all-round way. This time they took the method of direct destruction. All resisters were killed."

at the same time.

The images brought by the monitoring equipment showed scenes of human beings being killed continuously.

It was frightening to watch.

Zhang Xu ordered decisively.

"Go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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