Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 174 The Purpose of Chatting

Chapter 174 The Purpose of Chatting

Ye Wenjun didn't respond... because she was too lazy to respond to this kind of boastful behavior, but she had thousands of thoughts in her heart.Father, great-grandfather, and grandpa Zhong all looked up to him... On that night, when the Yinlong guards rebelled, she also felt that Fang Yu was the only person she could rely on.

So, she can only pray... this man, don't be too bad!At the very least, I hope his conduct matches his martial arts strength.

Fang Yu froze for a moment.

Why isn't this woman chatting anymore?

After a moment of silence, Fang Yu heard Ye Wenjun's breathing.

At this moment, Ye Wenjun stretched out his jade hand and turned off the bedside lamp.


Everything fell into darkness.

After half an hour.

Fang Yu's eyes always competed with each other, looking up at the sky, it was filled with darkness, like the endless starry sky of the universe.

Usually at this time, Fang Yu should be snoring, dreaming sweet dreams, and sleeping soundly.

But today, the inexplicable mental excitement makes people toss and turn.

"are you asleep?"

Fang Yu could feel that the beautiful woman next to him was also not asleep, so he tried to ask aloud.

"No." Ye Wenjun replied in a very light voice, without any emotion.

"Strange, I can fall asleep as soon as I fall down." Fang Yu muttered, "Maybe your bed is too soft."

too soft?

Ye Wenjun opened his eyes and said slowly, "That's because two people slept together."


Fang Yu simply put his arms under his head and said in a chatty tone: "You don't regret getting the certificate with me?"

Ye Wenjun was silent.

Seeing that she didn't interrupt him, Fang Yu continued: "Actually, you have no chance to regret it. I think I am a very good man, just like now, I still haven't touched you."

"..." Ye Wenjun.

"With my strength, in this environment, I can do whatever I want." Fang Yu also turned sideways, with his back to her.

The arm is under the head, and it is a little sore after a long time.

The two turned their backs, Fang Yu facing outward, and Ye Wenjun facing inward.

"Why don't you do it?"

Ye Wenjun asked suddenly.

In fact, she has a sense of being seen through, which makes her more uneasy.

"Because, I prefer beautiful women throwing themselves into my arms." Fang Yu said lightly, then changed the topic, "Is it Mr. Ye who forced you?"

"No." Ye Wenjun denied.

"you're lying."

"I do not have."

"Okay, I think you are taking the initiative."

Fang Yu said, "You can let a big man sleep next to you, and you can still wear so little, at least it shows one thing. You are ready to lose your virginity."

"You—" Ye Wenjun blushed with shame.

"Just kidding you." Fang Yu chuckled softly, "Let's talk about another topic, preferably a topic that can enhance mutual understanding."

"Go ahead." Ye Wenjun did not refuse.

"Dream... what is your dream?" Fang Yu asked suddenly.

"Make money." Ye Wenjun said bluntly.

"But you already have a lot of wealth?" Fang Yu wondered, money can never be earned, and there is always an end.

Ye Wenjun suddenly interrupted him and asked, "What is your dream?"

"Me? I have a lot of dreams... When I first returned to Jiangzhou, my dream was to have some fields in Nongfu Spring. I later found out that housing prices are too expensive, and they are rising very fast. My dream now is to earn money to buy A house!" Fang Yu said seriously.

"..." Ye Wenjun was stunned by the thunder.

"Haven't you thought about finding a boyfriend, dating, getting married and having children?" Fang Yu suddenly asked again.

Ye Wenjun didn't answer.

From the moment she entered a prestigious university, her goal was to be a strong woman.I really didn't think about the relationship.She becomes different.With the passage of time, she has become more mature and stable, and her experience in her youth has given her a temperament and wisdom far beyond her peers.

However, she was always a woman.

Women will eventually face the choice of destination.

How many people will die alone?

To tell the truth, she did imagine that there would be an upright man to bear all these burdens for her, while she would be free, stay at home, get a good night's sleep, and not have to bear these pressures.

Fang Yu's question confused her mind.

"A woman always needs a man to stand in front of her. If you keep rushing to the front, you are not afraid that one day you will grow old and no one will want you?" Fang Yu asked again.

Faced with these problems, Ye Wenjun was also thinking for himself.


These problems are real.

"Maybe." Ye Wenjun still said calmly.

"You can think about me..." Fang Yu said narcissistically, "During this period of contact, you also know who I am."

Ye Wenjun was slightly taken aback.

Is this a confession?
Lying on the same bed and confessing, this is...

"I haven't seriously thought about falling in love in the past." Ye Wenjun said.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't really think about it when I fell in love. I fell in love without paying attention..." Fang Yu said, "Actually, what else can a man and a woman have in a relationship, it's nothing more than chatting together. say something."

"Yes." Ye Wenjun replied.

"Even if we fell in love, nothing would change." Fang Yu said.

"What do you mean?"

"We even got our marriage certificate," Fang Yu said.

Ye Wenjun froze for a moment, and remained silent.

"By the way, Mr. Wen, have you ever thought about having a baby?" Fang Yu's voice was careful, but serious, without any intention of infringement.

The problem that women all over the world will face - having children.

"No." Ye Wenjun's tone became slightly serious.

"I heard that a woman who is over [-] is an advanced maternal age, and it will be very dangerous to have a child." Fang Yu said in a calm voice, "I think you should also consider having a child."

Ye Wenjun frowned slightly.

Is it too far away to talk about having a baby now?

"Let's go with the flow." Ye Wenjun said lightly.

"When you got the certificate with me, you even thought about the divorce, but never thought about having a baby?" Fang Yu said strangely, "Impossible, this is not like your usual style."

"Fang Yu, what exactly do you want to do?" Ye Wenjun's mood finally rose and fell.

It's no wonder that the topic of Fang Yu's chat is a little too tight.

"Don't get excited. It's just chatting." Fang Yu looked embarrassed.

He sighed slightly.

After a long silence, he never spoke again.

As if thinking of something, Fang Yu said softly, "No matter how you say it, we've got a marriage certificate. If one day you really don't like me, it's not too late for us to divorce... If we don't divorce for the rest of our lives, It will work too!"

"Well, I'll take it as your acquiescence. Silence means agreement." Fang Yu waited for a while, but Ye Wenjun never answered.

"Wife? Daughter-in-law? Why don't we consider having a baby now, today is a good opportunity..."

Then bursts of even breathing came from Ye Wenjun.

He called twice in a row, but there was no response.


After brewing emotions for a long time, talking nonsense for a long time, don't you just want to circle around?Why are you asleep...

It's a miscalculation to destroy Brother Huayu with a ruthless hand!


PS Nagging: I want to say that if you can see this, it means that you have finished reading the previous part...someone should say, whether it is too watery, or they are all sharing the same bed, why not push it.I want to say that my book is not a brainless novel... From the very beginning, I didn't want to write that kind of brainless novel.Find all kinds of people to look down on the protagonist, and then the protagonist slaps him in the face and goes back, using that kind of plot repeatedly, you still can’t see any main story line, that is, pushing all the way... I want to ask, is that interesting?
I think that the protagonist has experienced so much, and he is not that kind of evil person in his bones. Why do he force women?Look like you're awesome?The value of force is skyrocketing?That's cool?No, I think it's amazing to make others fall in love with you. It's all about heart and soul. Emotional matters are not what you say or what you say.In reality, the woman who is in love still requires you to have a car and a house, not to mention that the heroine is a president. Here I have to remind you why Yan Hu Zeng Miraculously and Fan Tong are so devoted to the protagonist, while Ji Qiubai has status, status and wealth. I can't win their hearts, have you ever thought about why?I think it's a human problem.To be a brother, you must value love and righteousness, and those who treacherous will be eliminated sooner or later.To be a man must stand upright.To be a lover must be your love and my wish!

Then there is... the main line of revenge, such a big main line, many people said they couldn't see it, and I was speechless. How many times have I mentioned the Lu family and the Jin family and Zhao family repeatedly, but the protagonist can't go directly to them. When it's heavy, the strength is just right, and only at the fifth level of Shenlongjue can you have the capital for revenge, but do you want to see the protagonist step on it and kill everyone?That's not a mess?Moreover, have you ever thought about how many forces are involved behind it?I know most people want to see cool!It must be fun, but we have to be logical and brainy, right?The time has not come yet... No brains, what is the difference with the bronze game LOL?
Emotional lines cannot be bypassed.A novel without a love line is a military novel, and I have very little pen and ink.There are no more than twenty chapters in total when writing about feelings.

In addition, my book has been said twice, and the editor has been sentenced to death, but I still insist on writing it!What for?For the readers!I can totally afford it!But I choose to stay free!I don't care about one or two trolls once in a while, because there are always one or two trolls out of 100 people, and I will not give up the remaining 90 or so readers just for one troll.

Although there are not many readers, I still appreciate your support!I will keep writing.Unless, the readers are all gone!

The rhythm behind will be faster and faster, so be on the lookout.

(End of this chapter)

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