Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 18 Xiao Lang

Chapter 18 Xiao Shilang

In fact, Fang Yu's hands were itchy too.

Looking at the serious boxing champion, he pondered for a while and said, "Okay."Since you want to fight, then I will fight with you.Let's make it clear first that you don't slap people in the face when you hit someone, I rely on my face to make a living! "

The two went to the edge of the beach, facing the slightly fishy sea breeze, blowing away the heat waves of the scorching summer.The two, one on the left and the other on the right, faced each other from a distance, looking directly at each other.

When Fang Yu stood there, they knew that although eight years had passed, Fang Yu's ability had not been wasted.

Even though time has changed and things have changed, people have changed, the aura of the body and the domineering in the bones cannot be changed.

"Go all out, don't take it lightly." Said the boss who was watching.


As soon as the sound fell, the boxing champion moved, yellow sand splashed and dust flew up.

With the speed of a cheetah, it went straight to Fang Yu in the dim light, with momentum like a rainbow.

"So fast!"

Fang Yu praised and raised his hand to block.

At the moment the boxing champion approached, he raised and blocked, advanced and retreated.

Bang bang bang!
The movements are smooth and flowing, and the moves are swift and powerful. It seems ordinary, but it contains a huge murderous intent!As long as you are not careful, you will lose.

Just when he thought he was about to touch Fang Yu's chest, Fang Yu and his hand clasped back, and the two of them interlaced their hands.


The sleeve is torn!

The boxing champion blocked it with a backhand, retreated and stood still, his face changed drastically!
Although he was a little reluctant, he had to admit this fact... Adjust his breathing and stop doing it.

"I lost."


Jiang Wei was dumbfounded.

As a fierce general, Yan Hu couldn't help being surprised.

Yes, the two of them hadn't fought for a long time just now, and it seemed very simple.You know, when Fang Yu tore off the instructor's sleeve, he had already won.Because... Fang Yu can definitely increase his strength. In that case, it is not the sleeve that will be broken, but the entire arm!

Thinking of this, as a boxing champion, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

too frightening.

This is even scarier than those rumors in the military region.

"Thank you Brother Yu for your mercy!" He said solemnly.

Seeing this, as a boss, he immediately rounded up the field, laughed and said: "Good fight, good fight!"

Everyone also applauded.

Gather together and chat about family affairs.

After chatting for a while, the chairman said: "Xiao are so skilled, have you ever considered joining us? With your ability, there will be great opportunities in the future."

"The me now is not the me I was back then. I just want to be a peaceful person and do things normally." Fang Yu said.


"Of course it is true. Mr. Jiang can testify for me...I am now a doctor at Huada Hospital." Fang Yu said, patting his chest.

Jiang Wei felt that it was not easy to blend in among this group of people, so she just smiled symbolically and said, "Fang Yu is indeed a doctor at Huada Hospital."

The chairman showed surprise, and said, "I didn't expect you to be a medical genius!"

Yan Hu also found that Fang Yu, who was arrogant and arrogant back then, has become more stable and mature.

Time is like a knife, even if it can't kill people, it will leave scars.

The chairman looked at the time and it was not too early, so he had no choice but to say regretfully: "Well, if you need anything, just come to me."

As he said that, he winked at the instructor next to him, and the two turned around and walked towards the restaurant door.

Seeing that the person had left, Yan Hu respectfully said: "Brother Yu!!"

Brother Yu's voice contained excitement, excitement, almost crying.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and it's become shiny." Fang Yu joked.

Being teased like this, Yan Hu, who was excited and wanted to cry, grinned.

"Brother Yu made fun of me again... Where have you been all these years? What happened eight years ago?"

"It's nothing, I just went out for a stroll."

Yan Hu has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, and seeing that Fang Yu is unwilling to say too much, he doesn't ask any more questions.

"Brother Yu, take a step to speak."

Fang Yu turned his head and glanced at Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei was eating vegetables as if nothing had happened, she seemed indifferent on the surface, but in fact, she listened to everything they had just said in her heart.

"Speak directly if you have anything to say, there are no outsiders." Fang Yu said lightly.

Yan Hu was stunned, and glanced at Jiang Wei from the corner of his eye, thinking in his heart, brother Yu has really poisonous eyes, and found such a beautiful sister-in-law.

"That kid Lin Kun insulted you so much, why don't I do him for you?"

Hearing this, Fang Yu waved his hands and said, "Huzi...I just returned to Jiangzhou, so don't engage in those fights..."

"—" Yan Hu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"From now on, I am a decent person, as glorious and sacred as my profession. So... Lin Kun will let him go."

"Hey... I'm just talking casually, Brother Yu, don't mind."

"Okay, the important person from the military region, don't neglect, go and send it off."

"Okay, Brother Yu, when I'm free, we must drink together! Definitely! Definitely!"


After everyone left, Jiang Wei stared at Fang Yu with her big clear eyes, full of torture.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm a bit of a nympho," Fang Yu said.

"Stop talking... tell me, what's going on?" Jiang Wei said seriously.

"What else can happen? It's all caused by young people. They got into fights and met some friends." Fang Yu said with a relaxed expression.

Jiang Wei nodded, but she didn't expect him to be honest.

It's no wonder that he knows how to work hard and knows such people.

After thinking about it for a while, she still said: "Since you have decided to pursue a serious career, don't get involved in the messy things in the past..."

"of course."

Fang Yu agreed easily, but he was quite touched... After all, in this day and age, few people would advise him like this.



Jiangzhou, Xiao's family.

Xiao He dropped the teacup in his hand, and looked at Lin Kun opposite him in surprise.

At this moment, Lin Kun was full of grievances.

"What? You said that kid is the Iron Fist King! is it possible!?"

He doesn't believe it.

But... it is impossible for Yan Hu to tell lies... not only because of Yan Hu's current status and status, but also because Yan Hu was one of the brothers of the Iron Fist King back then!

Lin Kun clutched his chest, full of hatred.

"I have to report this matter to the organization! If the Iron Fist King is not eliminated, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Xiao He nodded, agreeing with his opinion.

"I didn't expect this guy to be the Iron Fist King!"

Lin Kun said: "Don't sit idly by... I suffered this humiliation entirely because of your Xiao family. I can do it in secret, but on the bright side, Qingcheng Group still depends on you..."


Hearing these three words, Lin Kun became inexplicably annoyed, and said, "What's the use of knowing? After so many years, you can't even handle a woman!"

Just when Xiao He wanted to refute——


The door opened.

A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic came in with his hands behind his back.



The two hurriedly greeted them.

The person who came was the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Yuanshan, nicknamed Xiao Shilang.

"Lin Kun, you are the liaison of the Sirius organization in vain! Stupid!"

In front of Xiao Yuanshan, Lin Kun still didn't dare to act presumptuously.

"Uncle... the Iron Fist King is back."

"I know everything about you."

Xiao Yuanshan sat down, and said slowly, "You need to use your brains in everything, you are just a little Iron Fist champion, there is no need to make a fuss!"

Both of them were startled, not understanding what he meant.

"Back then, the Fang family was so glorious and arrogant... It was still wiped out overnight. I don't know who named him the Iron Fist King... In my opinion, it's just a joke. Don't forget, ordinary people always It's ordinary people."

Both of them were shocked.

"You mean to say that the one who destroyed Fang's family back then was..."

"That's right, he's a martial artist."

Xiao Yuanshan narrowed his eyes, calm and composed, "What I didn't expect was——he had the guts to come back. We don't need to do anything, his enemies are much stronger than us."

Hearing this, Xiao He and Lin Kun suddenly realized.

"Uncle, I was blinded by anger and lost my mind."

"Father taught me the lesson." Xiao He said respectfully, "Back then when the Fang family was wiped out, I never thought that Fang Yu would escape... At that time, the Fang family was nothing in the eyes of the martial arts family in Yanjing... Now it is the Fang Yu is left alone, and the enemies in Jiangzhou are probably enough to destroy him."

Xiao Yuanshan nodded in satisfaction.

"Just figure it out, don't worry about Fang Yu for the time being, and spend more time on the family's companies... Also, be sure to tell Xiao Ting not to have anything to do with Jiang Wei!"


After finishing speaking, Xiao Yuanshan left with his hands behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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