Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 180 The Dark Organization

Chapter 180 The Dark Organization
Hearing the word Hei Mulian, Zhao Youting's expression changed.

He backed away again.

His face paled.

"Block him! Are you all deaf? Block him for me!"


Fang Yu's sword could be described as earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods.

Who dares to step forward.

The group of warriors looked at each other, very afraid of Fang Yu's strength.

"Boss Zhao, this person is at least... at the sixth level of martial arts... sorry, we don't want to die yet!"


these people……

Not the real Zhao family.

This is the warrior thug recruited by Zhao Youting for his own self-interest.

These warriors live to make money, but they don't want to die.Who will do the things that make money if you have life, but spend money if you don't have life?

With this retreat, the remaining half of the warriors retreated one after another.


Fang Yu's voice sounded:
"Sorry, you can't leave."

The martial artist who had just stepped outside the hall was shocked.

They suddenly realized a problem, and Fang Yu was about to make a move.

"Hurry up!" A martial artist called out.

When those warriors had just reached the threshold, Fang Yu suddenly stepped on it!
The floor was falling apart.

"Reaper" jumped up and returned to Fang Yu's hands——

In an instant, Fang Yu said in a deep voice: "Zhan Yu, the fifth sword, one sword to fly!"

Fang Yu's figure, like a shadow, rushed towards him with a speed like the wind, passing through the warrior who fled the farthest in an instant.

Rather than passing through, it is better to say that people are divided into two halves!

The bloody scene frightened the warriors to turn pale and tremble all over.

They took a step back.

"You... you, we don't want, we don't want to be your enemy..."

"Don't go too far...don't go too far..."

"When we are in a hurry... we... blew ourselves up, yes, blew ourselves up..."

Some warriors panicked completely.

Speech becomes incoherent.

Unfortunately, these words did not affect Fang Yu at all.

His face is still calm, his eyes are indifferent, and his heart is like still water——


For him, it has long been numb.

He looked down on life and death, saw all the hearts of the people, and tasted all the flavors... He became much more decisive than before.Many things in the world are changing, but what never changes is his motto—words must be done, actions must be resolute.

Raising the "Reaper" in his hand, facing the brilliance of the scorching sun, he said faintly:

"Did I ever say that I will give you three seconds to disappear from my eyes?"

The whole place was silent.

No one answered this question.

"I, Fang Yu, do what I say, and do what I do... This is my rule! It is also my authority. If someone challenges the authority, I must be it—to kill them all!"

A good sentence to kill all!
The warriors were so scared that they retreated again!

They had already heard this meaning from Fang Yu's decisive tone.

"Brothers! This guy is a murderer without batting an eyelid... Today... we have fallen... But, let's not make it easy for him! Self-destruction... Let's self-destruction!"

The remaining warriors gathered together consciously.

There are about 25 people.

This is a martial arts strength that cannot be underestimated.

Especially when they blew themselves together.

At the sixth level of martial arts, you have to deal with it carefully.

This scene gave Zhao Youting hope again.

As long as Fang Yu can be hurt, the Zhao family has every chance to take down Fang Yu.So he panicked and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and sent a message: "Life and death is a matter of life, come quickly!"

It's short and clear.

Sending out this message, Zhao Youting let out a sigh of relief.

I just hope that this group of trash can survive until rescue arrives.


at the same time.

Fang Yu looked at the group of warriors indifferently, and did not stop them from gathering.

After half an hour.

Fang Yu hooked his fingers towards them.

"I'll give you a chance to blow yourself up..."

The warriors hesitated.

There is nothing to say about being killed, but a normal person would hesitate to take the initiative to commit suicide.

"What? Don't you dare?"

The warriors looked ugly and glanced at each other.

"Forget it, dying by my sword will be the happiest thing in your life!"




The slender blade made a low buzzing sound again.

"Brothers, get ready!"

"Sixth level of martial arts, internal strength and external strength! He is a super master!"

"I can't hesitate anymore...they all die the same!"



Like a huge bomb exploded.

25 fighters gathered together, at the moment of self-detonation, abundant internal energy hit like an invisible shock wave——

Zhao Youting bared his teeth and smiled!
Are you still alive this time? ! ! ! !


"Zhan Yu, the sixth sword, Liu Yun!"

The sword lights up.

Fang Yu's figure instantly formed afterimages.

He did not choose to attack, but danced his sword on the spot!

Moreover, he has sufficient self-confidence to block this huge impact by using the Rain Chopping Sword Technique.

But at this moment, the conversation with his master sounded in his mind——

"Fang Yu, you have learned the sword technique of Zhanyu from the petals of the mandala. Can you tell the master why the name of the sword technique is 'Zhanyu'?"

"Chop the rain, chop the rain... use the sword to chop the rain!"

"Master doesn't understand."

"Hey, you're the one who's ashamed to be my master? As the name suggests, no matter how violent the storm is, the Rain Chopping Sword Technique can cut off the rain, and there won't be any water droplets on the body or the diameter of the sword dance!"

"Blow hard, keep blowing! Just don't call it Zhan Yu, change it to Zhan Xian... If you master that kind of swordsmanship, even an immortal can be beheaded by you..."

"Master, when you go back to Jiangzhou, don't say I'm your apprentice, I feel ashamed!"

"Bad bastard, your wings are hardened, and your relatives don't recognize you..."


call out!

The shock wave faded away.

Jian Guang also disappeared.

Everything is at peace.

After the 25 fighters blew themselves up, they fell to the ground at the same time, their faces ashen ashes.

It is only a matter of time before death.

Without the dantian, it is like an ordinary person whose heart has been ripped out.


They found that Fang Yu was still safe and sound, standing quietly in front of them.

"how can that be!"

"No! No... I, I don't believe it!"

"Martial arts... the seventh level of martial arts?"

One after another, the warriors fell down.

Fang Yu's expression was indifferent, and he had no interest in watching their deaths.

Turn around and step into the hall.

Same as warriors.

Zhao Youting's face was ashen.

Fang Yu walked lightly and came to him again.

Raising the sword in his hand, he said lightly, "Hand over Hei Mulian."

", we didn't!"

A sword provoked.

"Ah! My arm!" Zhao Youting turned pale and screamed.

With this sword, Fang Yu directly broke his right arm.

"Hand over Hei Mulian!" Fang Yu said again.

"We...our Zhao family...really don't have any, no Hei Mulian...please...please!"

Another sword was raised.


This sword cut off his left arm.

"! Let me tell you, I know where Hei Mulian is...don't do anything, I know where Hei Mulian is." This time, Zhao Youting faltered.

PS: Don't forget to recommend tickets.Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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