Chapter 187

"What are you going to do?" Ye Wenjun moved a little inside, looking a little scared.

Fang Yu grabbed her snow-white little feet and said, "Still moving? I'll hit you PP."

Ye Wenjun's face turned red, and tears began to glisten in the circles of his eyes, which were about to fall.Who would have thought that this strong female president who covered the sky with her hands would look like a lovely and pitiful little girl at this time?

"What are you afraid of? We have even obtained the certificate, and we are legally married. We even slept in the same bed, so there is nothing to be ashamed of." Fang Yu comforted, looking down at her ankle, "Hold up for a while." Just bear it, it will be fine."

"What on earth are you going to do?" Ye Wenjun felt his feet hurting. If he continued to be tortured, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The bone in your foot is staggered, I'll help you connect it." Fang Yu looked up at her, "Do you really want to become a cripple?"

Hearing Fang Yu's words, he really didn't dare to move at all.

Fang Yu stretched out his rough fingers, placed them on her ankles, and moved them left and right a few times.

Ye Wenjun felt a bit of pain, and his pretty face was instantly covered with sweat. He didn't make a sound, but held back.

Silver teeth clenched.

"I'll count to three and help you connect." Fang Yu said.

Ye Wenjun nodded.

"three two……"

Before the countdown was over, Fang Yu's big hand twisted suddenly.



Ye Wenjun was taken aback by the sudden rhythm, a pain came, and his face turned pale immediately, because he was not mentally prepared, he couldn't help crying out.


Instead of counting three numbers, why not just count two.

Seeing her angry appearance, Fang Yu couldn't help smiling, and said, "If I didn't do this, wouldn't you be scared to death? This is called surprise!"

Ye Wenjun stared at Fang Yu with big clear eyes.

Fang Yu said again, "Does it still hurt if you try it?"

Hearing this, Ye Wenjun really stretched out his white leg and moved it.

Surprisingly, the feet really don't hurt at all.


"It's just a dislocation of the bones and joints. As long as it is connected, it will be healed soon." Fang Yu was able to handle this kind of injury with ease, "Now you should thank me? If it weren't for me, you would still be able to go to work tomorrow? With a big guy like you President, if you don't go to work for a day, how much money will you lose?"

Ye Wenjun was taken aback when he heard this.

Thinking of what happened just now, I couldn't help thinking, after all, I overreacted, and I was asking for trouble because of emotion and reason.After a long time, she whispered: "Thank you."

Fang Yu didn't expect her to say thank you, and he was secretly happy.This woman is really good at conquering. It feels good to be appreciated by others after taking such a big advantage.

"Go to sleep." Fang Yu lay down on the bed recklessly.

Surprisingly, Ye Wenjun didn't make a sound.

Although her eyes were closed tightly, she was in a tense state.

Upset and frightened.

Thinking of the feeling of Fang Yu's big hands moving on her legs and the skin of her back, she felt the heat in her ears.

The more I think about it, the more I can't fall asleep...

Under this kind of ideological struggle, Ye Wenjun still fell asleep.

As for Fang Yu, he worked hard all day.

Also already exhausted.

The moment he lay down, he suddenly realized something, he didn't seem to have slept with him, otherwise, why would there be nothing on the bed... Soon, Fang Yu also fell asleep.


Jingle Bell!
Six in the morning.

Fang Yu opened his eyes suddenly, but found that there was nothing around him, and Ye Wenjun didn't know where he had gone.

He grabbed the phone on the bedside table and connected the call——

"You succeeded in kicking the rankings! That's great, my brother! The guy named Lu Tianxun didn't respond, and his information hasn't been updated." During the phone call, Chen Daotian shouted excitedly.

"Success is success, what a fuss, have you never seen the world?" Fang Yu was speechless, sleeping soundly, and was woken up by a phone call from the son of a bitch.

Hang up directly, fall back and continue to sleep.

at the same time.

On a certain forum, the pot exploded in an instant——

"Iron Fist succeeded in kicking the rankings! Damn! Isn't it?"

"This kid is really not afraid of death! He even dares to kick a master of the Lu family."

"It's so lucky. I checked the information of 'Lu Tianxun', but he didn't respond. After all, he is a master of the Lu family. He is usually very busy and doesn't care about the battle list at all."

"He said he didn't care. When a good mission is found on the bounty mission list, he still has to come to the combat power list. If the ranking is not enough, he can't accept the mission. It is impossible for Lu Tianxun not to take action all the time."

"Damn it, if anyone kicks my list in the face, I'll beat him to death!"

"Standing upstairs and talking without pain in the back, since you said that this iron fist was kicked up by luck, and that Lu Tianxun didn't respond, that's why it succeeded. Well, you kicked him up?"

After saying this, the entire forum fell silent.

Although kicking the list is very simple and rude, once the other party responds, the manager will give the kicker and the kicked person seven days to prove.

"Stupid? I don't think I can rank fifth in strength. Even if I kick off the iron fist, I will be kicked off sooner or later! Why ask for trouble?"

"6666 upstairs!"

Just when everyone was discussing fiercely, there was a sudden change in the combat power list.

Next to the title of Iron Fist, there appeared a kicker——Bai Ruoling.

The forum became lively again in an instant:
"Who is this Bai Ruoling?"

"No. 123 on the combat power list, it's a small character."

"What's going on today? The combat power list is so lively!"

"Wait, I checked. This Bai Ruoling is not simple. She is not very powerful on the combat power list, but she is famous on the killer list, ranking third on the sky list."

"The great god haunts!"

"Beautiful! The Great God has made a move!"

"It's no wonder she doesn't need a ranking in the combat power list. She is in the top ten of the heaven list, and she can take any mission of any level at will!"

"There's a good show to watch!"

"Come on, let's make a bet! The odds of Bai Ruoling's success are 1 to 1, and the odds of failure are 1 to 10!"

"I bet 1 yuan!"

"I bet one hundred thousand!"


Fang Yu is indifferent to things on the Internet.

It was in the afternoon that he remembered about Lu Tianxun, so he called Chen Daotian.

"Hey, is there any movement from that Lu Tianxun?"

Chen Daotian replied:

"I will notify you as soon as there is any movement... However, I have good news for you."

"Good news?" Fang Yu became interested.

"Bai Ruoling, the third killer in the sky list, is after you... She is 123 in the combat power list, but this is definitely not her full strength, so be careful recently." Chen Daotian said with a smile.

"I'm going to fuck your uncle, is this good news?" Fang Yu cursed.

"I heard that this Bai Ruoling is a beautiful woman. Brother Yu, you are so charming, maybe she will fall in love with you right away." Chen Daotian joked.

"piss off."

Hanging up the phone, Fang Yu frowned slightly, muttering to himself, this Lu Tianxun is really calm.Immediately afterwards, a confident smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yu's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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