Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 193 Is 1 Enough?

Chapter 193 Is 100 Enough?

PS: The content of the last chapter has been revised. Ye Wenjun was angry because the woman mocked first, which was omitted in the previous writing. 3000+ large chapters, please vote. .


How did Ye Wenjun know that what he said just now hit the woman's heart.Seeing the man next to the woman staring at her with eyes, she knew that this yellow-faced woman had lost her attractiveness. For a man like this, as long as he hooked up with the temptation of the outside world, he would sink into it.

"Mister, you are so handsome, when is it convenient to have a cup of tea together?" Ye Wenjun turned the conversation to the middle-aged man.

Damn, have you used all these tricks?
Fang Yu sensed that Ye Wenjun was going to make trouble!
Middle-aged men are not the kind of men without brains. Seeing the beautiful woman arguing with his wife and what she said, he couldn't help smiling and said: "Little girl, we decided to buy this necklace first, how about it? Give us the necklace, and I'll treat you to a cup of tea, and I'll make an apology first, how about it?"

The middle-aged woman was furious when she heard this.She found Ye Wenjun extremely displeasing, but she never thought that her husband would be so gentle and even invite him to drink tea!

"What kind of tea do you want her to drink? Why don't you die?!" The middle-aged woman said viciously.

"I will never miss what I want to buy!" Ye Wenjun said coldly.

Seeing Ye Wenjun's arrogant side, Fang Yu was also drunk.Besides, what the other party, the old witch, said was too harsh, and she was the one who started it first.

"Fox spirit, if I don't block you here today, I'll crawl out!" The middle-aged woman patted twice, and immediately, two or three bodyguards walked in outside.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun did not call out her hidden dragon guards, but glanced at Fang Yu from the corner of her eye.

It seems to be waiting.

Seeing this, Fang Yu shook his head helplessly.

A woman's heart, a needle under the sea.

Who made you my daughter-in-law!

Fang Yu stood up abruptly——

"Oh my god, I didn't expect to see the 'Jialan Night' necklace in my lifetime! Wow, it's so beautiful, it's so magical."

This made everyone stunned for three seconds.

Where did the mental retardation suddenly appear?

Fang Yu stared at the necklace with bright eyes and said, "I bought this necklace! I want to give it to the most beautiful woman, who is also my favorite—"

Everyone looked at each other.

Sure enough, Fang Yu immediately took out his bank card, handed it to the shopping guide, and said, "Please wrap it for me quickly, I don't want my goddess to wait! Only she can control this necklace, other rouge vulgar fans It will only tarnish the 'Jialan Night'."


Ye Wenjun's beautiful eyes were slightly startled, what is this guy singing.

But the middle-aged woman turned red with anger, what other rouge vulgar fans would tarnish the blue night!

To praise someone must spoil others?
So annoying!

The shopping guide took the bank card in a daze, and was taken aback.

Just when she was hesitating, Fang Yu's voice sounded again: "The night of Jialan was created by the French designer Arthur. Designing this necklace as a token of love for your family. Am I right?"

The shopping guide was shocked.

Because there are many versions of the design inspiration of this necklace, but no one knows what the real source is.But what Fang Yu said was the secret that only a few senior executives in the company knew.Even the shopping guide himself only knew about it after hearing it from the general manager by chance!
Unexpectedly, this unremarkable man actually said it.

Hearing Fang Yu's eloquent and bragging appearance, the middle-aged woman couldn't help it, and shouted loudly: "What kind of a dog are you?!"

Fang Yu turned to face the middle-aged woman who scolded him, scratched his head and looked at the woman, a smile flashed in his playful eyes: "Auntie, according to my observation, you often suffer from insomnia, so your skin is very dry and astringent, and the accumulation of There are a lot of toxins, so one or two blackheads will occasionally appear on the bridge of the nose, or one or two youthful and beautiful pimples will grow on the neck... And you are wide and fat, and you can't control the blue night, it will only be imitative , making people laugh..."


The face of the middle-aged woman changed from angry at the beginning to violent.The anger in his heart could no longer be contained, and he was about to beat someone with his hands.

Fang Yu smiled lightly: "Auntie, it seems that you don't know about Jialan Night...Jialan Night symbolizes purity and friendliness. Its design details were designed by Mr. Arthur based on his daughter. Coincidentally, , Mr. Arthur's woman is one of the few beautiful ladies with a golden ratio figure in the world today... That is to say, only a perfect figure, height, waistline, bust, and even skin color must fit the concept of Jialan Night to be able to Bloom its light. Otherwise, it will only be ridiculous... Just imagine how ridiculous it is for a fat man in a sack to wear slim and gorgeous clothes? Of course I am not insulting you as a fat man, you can also imagine, a Wouldn't it be particularly awkward and uncomfortable for a beggar wearing gold and silver to kneel on the ground and stretch out his hand to beg?"

The middle-aged woman blushed.

To tell the truth, she has no culture at all.

From the very beginning, they were angered by Ye Wenjun's words about the nouveau riche, and the two sides began to argue.

Now another young man came here, talking about the design inspiration and design details of Jialan Night.Uneducated, she was taken aback when she heard it.

The content of her words made her shabby, which made her angry.

Trembling with anger.

"I've been looking for a Jialan Night to give to the woman I think is the most beautiful, but I didn't expect to meet it today. So, this auntie, do you still want to snatch it from me?"

The middle-aged woman froze in place, showing a hesitant look.If you buy it, then you are brain-dead, if you don't buy it, you can't vent your anger.

"Are you looking for a beating?" The middle-aged woman couldn't help it, and finally exploded! "Beat him! Just don't beat him to death, I will pay for all the medical expenses!"

With an order, the three bodyguards behind him rushed up.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun's small mouth opened slightly. Although she knew that Fang Yu would not be at a disadvantage, she still played too much when it came to the point of doing it.

For a while, I felt a little guilty.

When did you become so self-willed?

at this time.

Fang Yu was calm and calm, and did not move in place.

The moment the three of them rushed up, Fang Yu raised his hand, and there were three golden needles.

Huh, huh, huh!
Hands up and down.

Then pull out the gold needle again.

As if it hadn't moved.

The three bodyguards burst into laughter!
"Trash, what are you laughing at, beat him up!" The middle-aged woman was full of anger.

Unfortunately, the three bodyguards couldn't stop laughing wildly.

"What am I raising you for?" The middle-aged woman kicked the three of them away angrily, and was about to hit Fang Yu's ears with her hand.

Fang Yu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and a golden needle pierced through.

The middle-aged woman, like her bodyguard, laughed heartily.

Can't stop.

The woman's husband was completely dumbfounded.

"Tell you not to it embarrassing for you to refuse to listen?!" The man not only refused to help his wife, but also scolded her.

Near the door, there were also people around.

"Who is this, smiling so happily?"

"Crazy, look at the gold necklace on her neck, it looks like a dog chain. She is a nouveau riche!"

"Yeah, I really have no quality. Why don't you pay attention to the image in such an elegant place?"

Hearing the comments of the passers-by, the woman laughed until tears came out, but she couldn't stop it no matter what.

The man felt ashamed and pulled her out. The bodyguard Lang was also in a panic and ran away.

Fang Yu nodded in satisfaction. If she doesn't untie this acupuncture point, she will have to laugh for at least three days.
For three days I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and I was half dead if I didn't die.
Seeing the middle-aged woman running away, the shopping guide had no choice but to target Fang Yu, and praised: "Sir, you know so much. You are really an artist in the jewelry industry!"

The shopping guide wrapped Jialan Ye and handed it to Fang Yu.

Under the eyes of everyone, Fang Yu picked up Jialan Ye, unpacked the box, turned around and walked in front of Ye Wenjun, and said sincerely: "Please accept my most sincere gift, this beautiful lady!"


The onlookers were shocked!
The most beautiful woman he mentioned just now, the woman he likes the most, is she? !

He is really willing to give this necklace worth 50 to this woman? !
Fang Yu held Jialan Yeye, waiting for Ye Wenjun's acceptance.

The indifferent Ye Wenjun didn't take any action, but felt that Fang Yu's behavior was too naive and ridiculous, as if she accepted the necklace, it would make her IQ as low as his.

Seeing that she didn't move, Fang Yu took the initiative to put the necklace on Ye Wenjun's neck.

Ye Wenjun was stunned for a moment.
She didn't object?
Fang Yu secretly rejoiced. After putting on the necklace, Ye Wenjun in front of him became even more eye-catching.



She is originally a temperamental girl, and wearing Jialan Yeye is like a wonderful baby that adds the finishing touch, which sets off her elegance and grace at a glance.

This is not human!

This is the fairy in the sky who has fallen into the mortal world!
Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

Passers-by were also stunned.

However, Ye Wenjun's expression was calm and he didn't care.

"Let's go!"

The moment she turned around, a trace of joy flashed across her face——

"Well, daughter-in-law. Can I ask you something?" Fang Yu asked anxiously.

"what's up?"

"This necklace cost me 50 yuan, and you know that my salary is only that little. My good brother gave his life for that money. Can you help me put it on? You may not understand my mood at the moment, I There is a kind of despair piercing the heart with thousands of arrows!"

"Take my money and buy a gift for myself?" Ye Wenjun asked back.

"Daughter-in-law, look... Hey, don't run away!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Wenjun's footsteps were a bit unexpected.

How can this be the president!

This is clearly a rogue!

Fang Yu wants to cry but has no tears!

As a poor man, he was furious, cursing inwardly, exploiting the common people even if he has money, it's inhumane!

He had no choice but to take out his cell phone and dial Chen Daotian.

"Chen Daotian, lend me 100 million."

The other end of the phone suddenly jumped up.

"Fuck, brother Yu, my dear brother... why are you so casual every time you ask me for something. 100 million, why don't you rob the bank?!"

"Stop talking nonsense! The last time you caught Qin Wan, the S-level mission, the bounty you handed over seems to be 200 million?" Fang Yu said viciously.

"I won't give it! I won't give you whatever you say this time!"

"Really not?"

"I, Chen Daotian, keep my word. If I give it to you, I will call you Dad!" Chen Daotian said seriously.

Fang Yu shrugged and said, "Okay... I'll kick your battle list tonight!"

"Tch, you are No.5, high rankings are not allowed to kick low rankings." Chen Daotian laughed.

"Mentally retarded! I deliberately dropped the ranking, isn't it just a matter of minutes?"


Chen Daotian was stunned, and completely stood still on the spot.The brain also lost its thinking at this time.
After a long time, Fang Yu heard a gentle voice from the phone——

"Dad, is 100 million enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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