Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 200 What should come is here

Chapter 200 What should come is here
Fang Yu turned around and looked over.

It is the ancient phoenix jade that is shining.

Ye Wenjun became a curious baby in seconds, and walked over quickly...

"do not move!"

When Fang Yu stopped, Ye Wenjun had already picked up the jade.

"The phoenix ancient jade is so magical." Ye Wenjun praised.

Fang Yu was amazed.

That jade had no effect on Ye Wenjun.

This is strange.

This ancient phoenix jade is really full of mystery.

Ye Wenjun played with it for a while, came to Fang Yu, and said with some reluctance: "Repay you."

Fang Yu was startled slightly.

Looking at Ye Wenjun's exquisite facial features, the feeling of love emerged, and suddenly remembered what his mother had said to him——

"If one day you meet your sweetheart, give her the ancient phoenix jade."

Is it...

It is really destined in the dark! ?

This jade is a scourge to him, and he can't just let it suck his inner energy every now and then.This time the dantian was expanded, and next time I don't know what it is.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yu said, "I'll see you off."

Surprise flashed across Ye Wenjun's pretty face, and he said, "Send me?"


Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled, "My mother told me before that she wanted to give this thing to her future daughter-in-law, not to mention that we have already obtained a marriage certificate. This thing belongs to you."


"It's nothing but, my mother was very nagging when she was alive, and she would keep talking to anyone who didn't like her, no matter day or night..."


Ye Wenjun shivered, and wanted to say, this is your mother's only relic. Seeing Fang Yu's words got to this point, she didn't shirk it, so she put away the ancient Phoenix jade.

"Are you really okay?"

"What can I do? I'm fine." Fang Yu thumped himself.

"That blood, what's going on?" Ye Wenjun frowned.

Seeing her asking the bottom line, Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said:
"Hey, daughter-in-law, what's the end? Why don't we fight on the bed for [-] rounds today, and let you see if I'm okay?"


Ye Wenjun turned and went upstairs, too lazy to talk to Fang Yu, a hooligan.

As soon as she went upstairs, she put the ancient phoenix jade in her palm and watched happily.

He couldn't help but see God.

In the past, she was a low-quality hooligan like Fang Yu, and she always stayed away from him, but now she doesn't have any disgust.He called him a hooligan on the lips, but felt very comfortable in his heart.This transformation surprised her.She shook her head, thinking to herself, it doesn't make sense, although my opinion of this rascal has changed, it doesn't mean I like him!

Yes, it must be so.



In a blink of an eye, Tuesday arrived.

According to Fang Yu's instructions, Ye Wenjun spent two days arranging the company's affairs properly, returned to the villa, and played chess with Zhong Long at home.

Around the villa, more than half of the Ye family's hidden dragon guards were placed.

With Zhong Long present, it was basically safe.


at the same time.

Fang Yu came near Xizhimen.

"Brother Yu!"

Not far away, Chen Daotian waved at him wearing sunglasses.

Fang Yu frowned and said:
"Don't worry about me asking for money, I accidentally donated it all!"

Hearing this, Chen Daotian widened his eyes and said, "Damn! Didn't you keep any? You—"

I'm about to vomit blood.

"You also know that my wife is here, so I can't be too stingy. I heard that women hate stingy men the most." Fang Yu spread his arms and said helplessly.

Chen Daotian scratched his head and said, "It seems that's the case... No, isn't your wife the president of the Ye Group? You still care about this little money!"

Just when he wanted the money, Fang Yu had already walked towards the entrance.

"Brother Yu, don't tell me you don't have any money." Chen Daotian chased after him in two or three steps.

"It's true that I didn't bring any money."

"Damn it! Then you still want the hairy Hei Mulian! This thing is worth tens of millions, don't think about it... But anyone who knows the goods may raise it to hundreds of millions! Three S missions!" Chen Daotian said.

"Who said there's going to be a bid?" Fang Yu said with blank eyes.


Chen Daotian's eyes widened, his eyes gradually became excited, and he said slyly, "You mean...although it's not moral, but——I like it!"

The two entered the auction.

Because of the previous road exploration, the two of them are familiar with the road.

Everything looks normal.

Rich people from all walks of life entered the venue one by one.

At this time, Chen Daotian saw a comrade pushing a wheelchair and came to the front.

Chen Daotian couldn't help being startled, and greeted him: "Hey, brother, what's wrong with your legs?"

The person sitting in the wheelchair was none other than the four-eyed chicken that Ye Wenjun bid for at the auction last time.

Seeing Chen Daotian, the four-eyed chicken trembled, and immediately wept and said: " are my own brother, please let me go, I don't know Taishan with dog eyes..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... He has been fucked by the society, and his consciousness is high." Chen Daotian stretched out his thumb.

The four-eyed chicken snotted and cried, "Thank you bro..."

Chen Daotian couldn't help but shook his head, sighed and said, "What a poor child."

"I'm sorry for your numbness! Everyone is here, what are you looking at!" Fang Yu shook his head vigorously!

Sure enough, the security measures this time are much more than before.

Dozens of men in suits and sunglasses poured in at the door, standing around.

There seemed to be people in the background as well.

Chen Daotian became serious, and said, "Brother Yu, that guy is not simple..."

He pointed to an old man in a white Tang suit on the left side of the front row and said.

"Do you know him?" Fang Yu asked.

"do not know."

"Then how do you know he's not simple?"

"Intuition! Huh? Brother Yu, why are you staring at me?"

If eyes can kill, Chen Daotian died thousands of times under Fang Yu's eyes.

At this moment, a group of people in robes appeared in the staff field ahead.

Fang Yu said in a low voice: "The dark organization... is your mission target."

"Haha, it's finally here! Master's fist, I've been so hungry for a long time..." Chen Daotian said gloomyly.

"Zhao Youdao will definitely come, and now the Jin family is missing..." Fang Yu whispered.

"I don't know how many masters of the Jin family will come."

"It's best to come here." Fang Yu snorted coldly.

"Brother Yu is domineering! The Eighth Level of Martial Arts is a cow ratio!"

"Stop rambling, ask your people to keep an eye on the surroundings, run away, and I'll take you as a questioner!" Fang Yu said seriously.

Chen Daotian said excitedly: "Don't worry, my subordinates may not necessarily have high strength, but their brains are definitely more flexible than the other."

"How do you say it?" Fang Yu only believed in fists, not in brains.

"Oh, it's a bit sad to say, I may be the lowest IQ in the Yanjing branch..." Chen Daotian sighed.

"You didn't find out until now?" Fang Yu said with blank eyes.

"...Brother Yu, you don't want to hit people like this!"

The voice fell.

The gate of the auction venue slowly closed.

squeak, squeak—


Everyone couldn't help but look back.

I'm a little confused, it's usually not closed.

The sudden closing of the door made people feel extremely depressed.

Meanwhile, host, start today's auction.

At the entrance of the backstage, one after another, people in robes entered the backstage.

Fang Yu saw two familiar people, and smiled slightly, those who should come, have come!
It seems that the one who shouldn't have come has also come!
PS: Ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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