Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 210 Ye Wenjun's Choice

Chapter 210 Ye Wenjun's Choice
Zhong Long said angrily:

"Even if you die on the spot today, I won't let you succeed!"

With a flash, he was approaching Jin Shifeng's face.

Regardless of his dying body, Zhong Long exerted all his strength without hesitation.

This attitude and momentum made Jin Shifeng startled slightly.

Jin Shifeng felt an attitude of seeing death as home from him, and this attitude made him dare not be careless.Because, Zhong Long may explode himself at close range at any time!

With this in mind, Jin Shifeng secretly murdered!
Bang bang bang!
The fists of the two sides collided, and they fought fiercely for several rounds in an instant!

The courtyard of the Ye family was in chaos.

The fight between the hidden dragon guards and the dead waiter gradually showed signs of decline.The lower-strength Yinlong guard basically died tragically on the spot.

On the other hand, Deadpool, when they realize that they can't do it, they will pounce on them and blew themselves up.

Facing this almost psychopathic fighting style, the Ye family's defense gradually collapsed.

"Zhong Long! Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Jin Shifeng's fist hit him.

Zhong Long still bit the bullet and pushed forward.

This time, Zhong Long didn't end up as well as before, he flew straight out, spitting out blood with a puff.His face was pale, and he lay weakly on the ground.

"If you are at the peak of the fifth level of martial arts, you dare to fight against me at the sixth level. Who gave you the courage?" Jin Shifeng said coldly.

The hidden dragon guards retreated one by one and stood guard at the door.

In just how long it took, most of the Yinlong guards were injured, which made people feel astonished.

"Zhong Long, you are hopeless! Even if you are the Immortal of Da Luo, you don't even want to live! Your body is broken and your meridian is broken. Even if you can live, you are a useless person!" Jin Shifeng said.

"Even if I die! I'm better than a mouse like you who lives in the dark... so what if you win? Jin Shifeng, you've been a mouse that the warrior world despises all your life!"

Jin Shifeng was burning with anger.

Recalling the scene of fighting with Zhong Long back then, his martial arts strength was only third level at that time, and he was humiliated by Zhong Long in public.Later, in order to regain face, he came to the door to challenge again and again, without exception, all of them were defeated, which became a joke for a while.

If it wasn't for the relationship between the Jin family, Zhong Long would have killed him long ago.

It's just... no one expected that Jin Shifeng reappeared in the sky and broke through to the sixth heaven!


The door opened.

Ye Wenjun, who was wearing a long white dress, came into view.

Her face was indifferent and her eyes were like water.

Although the light was weak, it couldn't hide her radiant and peerless face.

Jin Shifeng couldn't help but move in his heart, this is a beauty who is enough to make people crazy!

"Miss Ye Jia, you really look like a fairy!"

Jin Shifeng's eyes were full of longing, and he exclaimed, "I suddenly changed my mind, Miss Ye, as long as you promise to be my woman, I can let you go!"

Hearing this, Ye Wenjun frowned.

Everyone is waiting for her response.

In such a situation, it seems that there is no room for return.


Ye Wenjun's eyes were firm, and he said coldly: "Dream!"


Jin Shifeng was furious. With his current status and strength, wealth and glory are within his reach.How many beauties are there, throwing themselves into their arms.Ye Wenjun refused without hesitation.

What a shame!
"Ye Wenjun, you forced me to do this...Anyway, I don't care if I win your heart or not. After I kill all your Ye family members, I will tie you back...I will let you live or die!"

While speaking, Jin Shifeng's eyes turned cold, "What are you still doing, take her down!"


Two dead waiters behind him rushed up.

How could the hidden dragon guards of the Ye family see Ye Wenjun being humiliated, and immediately dodged to block him.

"Looking for death!" Jin Shifeng jumped up and clapped his hands.


The two hidden dragon guards were photographed flying out.

"Let's see who dares to stand in the way! If you don't want to die, come on! Haha!" Jin Shifeng laughed loudly.

The number of hidden dragon guards is getting smaller and smaller.

Stubborn resistance is tantamount to death.

Ye Wenjun shook his head lightly, raised his jade palm, and said, "Don't come here!"



"No way!"

Even Zhong Long, who was lying on the ground on the verge of death, raised his hand vigorously and persuaded: "Miss, no!"

Ye Wenjun's face was indifferent, and he ignored it, but said:
"Jin Shifeng, I, Ye Wenjun, even if I die, I will not satisfy your twisted desire!"

Hearing this, Jin Shifeng's face twitched!

It has come to this point, Ye Wenjun still does not agree!
"Take her!"

This time, two dead waiters with higher martial arts strength rushed over.

The faces of the hidden dragon guards changed drastically.

Zhong Long was even more furious and beat the ground!

Ye Wenjun was in despair. At that moment, she looked down on life and death, and chose to close her eyes.With one hand, she tightly grasped the dagger hidden in the sleeve.

However, just when the two dead waiters rushed in front of Marven Ye——

Below Ye Wenjun's neck, there was a faint light shining!

The two dead waiters were immediately blown away by the mysterious force, and died tragically on the spot!
All the dead servants of the Jin family were stunned.

Jin Shifeng was even more shocked, frowning!

what's the situation?
In the end what happened?

Ye Wenjun was more shocked than the Jin family. She thought she was going to die!He even decided to commit suicide the moment he was caught!However, she suddenly realized that she was fine!

Opening his eyes, he saw that the two Deadpools had just been ejected!
She was startled, with a dazed face, looking left and right.

Seeing the faint golden light in front of him just disappearing, I couldn't help being surprised——

It's Phoenix Ancient Jade!
The ancient phoenix jade that glows!

She suddenly remembered the scene she saw when she opened the door that day. Fang Yu spat out blood, and the ancient phoenix jade fell to the ground, shining like this!
Is it...

This thing has magical powers! ?
Jin Shifeng was horrified, looked at Ye Wenjun warily, and said, "Are you a warrior?"

Being able to instantly knock two Deadpool fighters into the air with a level [-] martial artist, and at least having level [-] strength, Jin Shifeng's face was extremely ugly!

Ye Wenjun's face was calm, and he planned to plan:
"Jin Shifeng, do you really think there is no one in my Ye family?"

Hearing this, Jin Shifeng lost his voice and said: "You are actually a warrior! A warrior with six levels of strength!"

"If you want to live, get out!" Ye Wenjun shouted.

But, will Jin Shifeng get lost?
He laughed out loud.

"It doesn't matter if you are the sixth level of martial arts, don't forget, I am also the sixth level of martial arts. Even if you and I are tied! I, the dead servant of the Jin family, can kill your whole family!"

Hearing this, Ye Wenjun's face changed slightly, and his little fingers trembled uncontrollably.

This guy is not fooled at all!
"It's exactly what I want. Let me experience the strength of Miss Yanjing's Ye family today. The more powerful the beauty, the more exciting it will be to conquer..."

Jin Shifeng's eyes were shining brightly, and he walked forward with his teeth bared.

Ye Wenjun was calm on the surface, but panicked in his heart... Phoenix Ancient Jade, can we do it again?

The evening wind came.


A deep voice floated leisurely from outside the gate——

"Do you dare to scare my wife at the sixth level of martial arts?"

PS: There is one more chapter, don't worry!Working hard!My coding is relatively slow. You can see that it only takes 1 minute or even tens of seconds to write one piece, but I need an hour or two!It takes only 8 hours to go to work alone, and it takes 2 hours for me to write 4 chapters, which is comparable to a half-day shift!woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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