Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 212 The Secret of the Jin Family

Chapter 212 The Secret of the Jin Family ([-])
Hearing this question, Jin Shifeng's face turned pale, and he said nervously and cautiously: "I, I cultivated by myself..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yu's big foot stepped on it immediately.

Stepped directly on his other hand and shouted: "Answer honestly."


Jin Shifeng's eyes were full of anger and hatred.

This kick crippled his other hand.This is more painful than abolishing his martial arts!What's the point of living without the hand to hold the butcher's knife!
"My Jin family will definitely...will not let you go!" Jin Shifeng gritted his teeth.

Fang Yu snorted coldly and said:
"Still thinking about your Jin family?"

Without any haste, he took out the brocade box from his pocket, and when the brocade box was opened, the dark black wood lotus appeared in front of his eyes.

did not speak.

When seeing Hei Mulian, Jin Shifeng was dumbfounded!
"You... how come you have Hei Mulian!?" Jin Shifeng asked in disbelief.

Hei Mulian is one of the most important treasures of the Jin family. Jin Shifeng has also understood its effects and functions. This is a veritable treasure of genius. , but has never dared to do anything blatantly.

Two years ago, Lu Haoran from the Lu family had approached the Jin family and wanted to buy Hei Mulian, but was rejected by the Jin family.


Hei Mulian appeared in Fang Yu's hands.

what does this mean?
Jin Shifeng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his eyes of hatred gradually turned into despair.

Fang Yu understood the despair in his eyes, and said, "You guessed it right, from now on, there will be no Jin family in Yanjing!"


There was a sudden roar in his head, and his whole body was shaken. At that moment, he lost his thinking, and his brain seemed to be paralyzed.


The Kim family is over? !
He can't believe it!
I can't believe it at all.

However, the Hei Mulian in Fang Yu's hand was particularly dazzling.

"Let me ask you one last time, how did you upgrade from the third level of martial arts to the sixth level of martial arts?" Fang Yu's voice was very calm, but there was a huge murderous intent in this calm tone.

Jin Shifeng's heart trembled, he lowered his head and said:

"Passing down the power."

Hearing this, Fang Yu's face was calm, without any surprise or surprise, and he said lightly: "Sure enough, it is to pass on the skills. Your ancestors of the Jin family are so willing to pass on all the skills of their lives to you."

Jin Shifeng widened his eyes and said, "You, you know?"


These two words severely humiliated Jin Shifeng, knowing it clearly, but still asking...

"Second question, as far as I know, when teaching the exercises, practitioners will encounter rejection. How do you solve this problem?"

This question shocked Jin Shifeng even more.

The question hits the nail on the head, obviously, Fang Yu is an expert!

"It's the blood-melting grass." Jin Shifeng replied.

"Melting blood grass?"

Fang Yu was quite surprised. He was very unfamiliar with such a thing and had never heard of it before. "Where did you get the blood-melting grass?"

Jin Shifeng said with a lonely face:
"My Jin family only has one blood-melting grass. It was obtained by our ancestors when they were traveling in Kyushu. I don't know where I got it from!"

On this point, he dare not lie.

"It's a pity that the blood-melting grass can solve the phenomenon of rejection. I never thought there would be such a magical thing in the world." Fang Yu nodded secretly.

Jin Shifeng raised his head.

"I've said everything I need to say... Can I go now?"

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"Did I tell you to let you go?"


"The person who killed my daughter-in-law dares to scare my daughter-in-law. Even if I don't mention the blood feud with your Jin family, I can kill you for any of these, and you still want to leave?!" Fang Yu said lightly.


Jin Shifeng was so angry that he was injured by bending over, but this burst of anger made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

"However, for the sake of answering the question honestly, I won't kill you." Fang Yu said again.

Hearing this, Jin Shifeng was stunned, but hopeful again.


Fang Yu looked indifferently, and said, "Come out when you come."


From the surrounding darkness, four or five tall men in black jumped out instantly.

One of them was thin and weak, with the appearance of a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

Jin Shifeng was full of doubts.

"Hey, Brother Yu...we heard that you were coming, so we rushed over to support you..."

Fang Yu frowned slightly, and said, "Do I need support?"

"No, no, no... I didn't mean that, we, don't we want to see idols..."


He remembered, this thin man was the monkey who gave the fire ganoderma last time.

"Since you are here, it's just right, let's push him down." Fang Yu pointed at Jin Shifeng.

Jin Shifeng's face turned pale!
The monkey glanced at Jin Shifeng indifferently, gritted his teeth and said, "This Jin family is the biggest moth in Yanjing.
After finishing speaking, he kicked up, mercilessly.

Jin Shifeng fell to the ground, his face full of horror and bewilderment.

"Brother Yu, what should we do with this person?" Monkey asked.

Fang Yu rubbed his chin, and replied: "If you cripple his martial arts strength,


These words made Jin Shifeng look ashamed!
"you you you--"

The monkey kicked again.

"You, you, you, you can make my brother Yu do it, you can be regarded as number one! Take it away!"

"Don't! Don't, don't..." Jin Shifeng panicked and shouted incoherently.

"If you say no, don't? Don't worry, you will be locked up in a dark place, and you will die even if you want to..." the monkey waved his hand.

The other four immediately stepped forward and dragged Jin Shifeng away.

"Please... let me go... please..."

When Jin Shifeng was dragged away like a dead dog, his pants were pissed in an instant.

"Brother Yu, do you have anything else to order?" Monkey said respectfully.

"Let Chen Daotian pay attention to the blood-melting grass, the ancestor of the Jin family is probably dead." Fang Yu said lightly.

He always felt that the origin of this blood-melting grass was not simple.


The monkey nodded, turned and left.

Just at this moment——

Ye Wenjun's urgent voice came.

"Grandpa Zhong! Grandpa Zhong...don't scare Wenjun, don't...Grandpa Zhong..."

Fang Yu frowned slightly, quickly turned around and walked towards the courtyard.

Zhong Long collapsed to the ground, on the verge of death.

Ye Wenjun looked anxious, but he was helpless.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu hurried to her side, bent down and looked at her.

"He won't die."

Fang Yu's words made Ye Wenjun hopeful, and suddenly remembered that Fang Yu was a Chinese medicine doctor, so he nodded excitedly.

"Bring him in!"

Two Yinlong guards hurried forward to carry him in.

Just then, the phone rang——

It belongs to Chen Daotian.

If it was normal, Fang Yu would definitely hang up, saving people is the most important thing right now, so there is no time to talk to him.

But today is different, Chen Daotian has to deal with the follow-up matters of the Jin family, so he can't be careless.

So he quickly connected and said:
"Speak directly."

"My people said that you are looking for bloodmelting grass?"


"The origin of this thing is unknown, but I do know some information. We will talk about it when we meet later."

"it is good!"

"Why are you in such a hurry? Do you need my help?" Chen Daotian asked quickly.

"Zhong Long is seriously injured and needs treatment." Fang Yu's words were simple and clear.

"If you're not sure, use Hei Mulian." Chen Daotian said.

"Hei Mulian? Does this thing really have the ability to bring the dead back to life?"

"Yes! You don't need to take all of it, just a little bit."

Hearing this, Fang Yu couldn't help being startled, a little bit can save a person.In other words, he holds a complete black magnolia in his hand, how many lives can be saved by this!
"Why do you know?" Fang Yu asked.


Chen Daotian was stunned and did not answer.

Fang Yu said again: "When I save someone, let's meet and talk."


"Also, if you treat me as a brother, don't hide anything from me."

The other end of the phone was silent again.

Chen Daotian didn't know what to say, his usual hippie smile became uncomfortable.

After a while, he murmured, "Brother Yu."

Unfortunately, the phone has been hung up.

PS: There is another chapter, continue to code words!

(End of this chapter)

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