Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 214 The Change of the Golden Dragon

Chapter 214 The Change of the Golden Dragon

Fang Yu smiled and said: "I told you it's for you, you don't want it, is it disgusting?"

Ye Wenjun shook his head again and again, saying:
"I just feel that this piece of jade is not simple. It seems to contain some kind of power."

Hearing this, Fang Yu was startled slightly.

When he first got this piece of jade, he felt very strange.The phoenix inside will also shine.According to his own knowledge, he has cultivated to the fifth level of Shenlongjue and has the ability to transform dragons, but this piece of ancient jade contains a phoenix.

Dragon and phoenix, dragon and phoenix... Isn't it just a match made in heaven?

So, Fang Yu said softly:

"Perhaps, it is destined to be yours."

After speaking, Fang Yu came to the corner.

All the hidden dragon guards knelt down on one knee!

The Yinlong guard kneeling at the very front was the oldest, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Fang, for saving your life!"

The rest said in unison: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, for saving your life!"

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"Why are you being so polite? Get up and talk."

They didn't get up, as if they had discussed it long ago.

The hidden dragon guard at the front said loudly:
"From now on, the life of my bodyguard, Yinlong, belongs to Mr. Fang... If Mr. Fang needs anything, I will wait until I go to the mountain of swords or to the sea of ​​fire, and I will never refuse!"

Yo, pretty serious.

Fang Yu smiled and said:
"Get up... It's not that I look down on you, you can't help me with what I'm facing."

The guard of Yinlong looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

They can't even deal with the dead servants of the Jin family, so how can they help a master of the seventh level, or even the eighth level?
"Wen Jun, I'm rather tired today, so I'll sleep in the guest room first."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards one of the guest rooms.

The maid who was tidying up the sundries at the side heard it and said, "My lord, there are no bedding in the guest room."

"It's ok."

Entering the room, he slammed the door shut.

Seeing Fang Yu's resolute appearance, the maid thought to herself, is it possible that the uncle and the lady are having conflicts?But after thinking about it, it's normal for the young couple to have occasional quarrels, fights at the head of the bed and close at the end of the bed, it's better to avoid getting involved.

It's not that he doesn't want to sleep with a beautiful woman like Ye Wenjun.How can a normal man not want to kiss Fangze?It's just...he needs to restore the inner yuan.

Just now he helped Zhong Long heal his internal injuries... This is an excellent opportunity to practice Shenlong Jue.

Seeing Fang Yu's back disappear, Ye Wenjun was inexplicably disappointed.

Can't tell, don't know.

This feeling became more and more intense.

Return to your own house.

Ye Wenjun took off the ancient phoenix jade, held it in his hand, and watched carefully with his big clear eyes.

But I can't see why.

Today, the performance of this piece of jade is really unbelievable...

Among the ancient jade, it is crystal clear.

Facing the light, it blooms with its unique light.

So beautiful!

Ye Wenjun has been observing carefully... the more he looks, the more fascinated he becomes, just like looking at a magnificent and magical landscape painting.

The golden phoenix flapped its wings and flew towards her——


Ye Wenjun trembled, as if seeing a delicate colorful phoenix in front of her eyes, when she rubbed her eyes to see clearly again, everything around her was as before.

Nothing at all.

Gu Yu became ordinary again.

No, it can't be vertigo.

It can't be an illusion!

It's all real...

Ye Wenjun was convinced that this piece of jade was extraordinary.It was such a magical piece of jade that Fang Yu gave to himself without hesitation.

As soon as he thought of this, the sense of loss in Ye Wenjun's heart was wiped away.


at the same time.

Fang Yu sat cross-legged, with white smoke rising from his head.

The golden light on his body is more dazzling than before.

He closed his eyes tightly, unaware that there was a long transparent golden dragon circling around his body.

It lingers around the waist for a while, circles around the neck for a while, and goes up and down again for a while.

This golden dragon seemed to be absorbing the golden light from Fang Yu's body. It swam in the water and danced lightly... Every time, this golden dragon would grow in size.



Lu's door, outside the conference hall.

Outside the meeting hall, many disciples of the Lu family gathered.

"What happened? I saw the elder was very angry!"

"I heard that several important figures in our Lu family were murdered!"

"What?!! Who is so bold, dare to harm my Mrs. Lu?"

"I don't know, the conference hall is discussing this matter. This matter has caused a lot of trouble. Elder Lu in the Law Enforcement Hall was so angry that he smashed the stone statue in front of his house!"

"No way? That stone statue is a symbol of honor in the Lu family, so angry?"

"Nonsense, his son Lu Haoran is dead, can he not be too angry?"

"Hush—it's better to say less, after all, they are all from our own family."

It was quiet for a while!
It is said that they belong to their own family, but the Lu family is really too vast.Over the years, from the ancestors to the present, so many families have been born.They have the same clan and surname, but they are intrigues with each other.

There are hundreds of people in the younger generation alone!
These hundreds of people represent the face of the previous generation at the same time!

Over time, intrigue is inevitable.

As a result, an important department was born in the Lu family - the Law Enforcement Hall!

Maintain the overall order of the Lu family!

It must be a big event that can disturb the discussion of the Law Enforcement Hall!
You know, in the past 13 years, there has never been a scene where the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall discuss matters together at the same time.

The content of the last discussion was to expel Lu Yu and his parents.


Law enforcement hall, in the meeting hall.

Lu Tianxun's face turned red, and he said angrily: "In any case, I have to give an explanation. My son went to Yanjing to seek Hei Mulian, and this is for the benefit of my Lu family...I just want justice, don't you think Is there something wrong too?"

"Lu Tianxun, do you think I don't want to find out? Right now, the sect master is retreating! We can't act rashly. The sect master said that we must not cause trouble before we leave the customs." Another elder of the Law Enforcement Hall said.

"Lu Tianzong, you didn't die son, don't just stand and talk without back pain!" Lu Tianxun patted the table and stood up.

"Stop arguing!"

On the main seat, the oldest elder said with gleam in his eyes, "I understand your anger, I, Lu Tianhao, assure you, I will definitely investigate this matter and give an explanation to the dead members of the Lu clan!"

"Since the eldest brother has said so, I have nothing to say." Lu Tianxun hummed in a low voice.

"I don't mind either."

"Me too."

Lu Tianhao said seriously: "Since there is no objection, let's wait until the sect master leaves the customs."

"It's up to the Great Elder alone!" The other three bowed their hands at the same time.

After speaking, he left the meeting room.

Seeing their backs going away, Lu Tianhao couldn't help but sigh: "Lu Youchao, Lu Youxun and others are all masters of martial arts. How can anyone who dares to attack them be a simple person?"

"However—no matter who it is, fight against my Lu family—die! Road! One! One!"

PS: Sorry, there are guests at home tonight, so the update is late.As soon as they left, I immediately sat down and coded, and it was sent out after the code was finished!There is another chapter, try to come out before 23 o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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