Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 222 The Degree of Shamelessness

Chapter 222 The Degree of Shamelessness
When Chen Daotian brought Fang Yu to the place where he used to live, he thought it would be dilapidated, but he found that it was tidied up.

This surprised the two of them.

"Chen Daotian, has your house been taken over?" Fang Yu joked.

"Impossible, Chenjia Village, there is no shortage of places to live, and they all hate my mother, and they have always avoided this place..."

This is strange.

No one occupies it, that is, no one lives there.If it's clean, there must be a problem.


Fang Yu suddenly turned his head and saw a girl with big braids at the end of the alley, peeping at them.

When he shouted, the girl turned around and ran away in fright.

Chen Daotian caught her back, frowned and said, "Xiao Ran?"

"What's going on? Don't tell me, you still have friends here." Fang Yu said.

"Brother Yu, don't tease me... Not all members of the Chen family are bad people." Chen Daotian said regretfully.

"Aren't you really rare... so many people look down on you, who would dare to stand by your side?"

"Brother Yu, I don't like to hear these words... If my dog ​​is not dead, he will definitely stand by my side!"


You can do it, you cow!Can't say no to you.


Thinking about it carefully, what Chen Daotian said is not wrong, some people are really not as good as dogs.

Chen Daotian sighed:

"That girl is actually a fool..."


"When I was young, no one played with her, only I treated her like a younger sister. When I grew up, I basically never met her. In the past five years, I actually didn't care about many people. This silly girl is Xiao Ran. One... Fortunately, the fool is harmless and lives in the Chen family village. She doesn't understand the world and intrigue. When others scold her, she listens and doesn't fight back. Sometimes I think about it, it's good of."

Fang Yu also couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it's a fool to be able to achieve this level without being happy with things or sad with oneself.

"Then why don't you go find her?" Fang Yu asked.

"She lives well here. Stupid people are blessed with stupidity. I can only bring her troubles." Chen Daotian said.

There is no reason for these words.

That night, the two rested in the house.

Early the next morning.

Sure enough, the monkey delivered the ashes immediately.

The people of Chenjia Village didn't dare to do anything to him.

After getting the ashes, Chen Daotian and Fang Yu went to the Chen family cemetery.


In the cemetery.

The trees were trimmed neatly and cleanly.

Here, lying there are the pioneers of the Chen clan.

They are arranged in order of seniority and inferiority.

Chen Daotian opened a new grave and erected a tombstone on both sides of his father.

The whole process is very simple, there is no grand ceremony, no huge crowds of people seeing off.

"My mother said that it's good to be buried together like this. No firecrackers will be set off, and no funerals will be held." Chen Daotian looked at the tombstone and said lightly,
Fang Yu remained silent.

Fortunately, Chen Daotian didn't look that sad.

He smiled and said, "From now on, you can be together forever."


Chen Daotian kowtowed three times on the spot, as if he didn't miss it at all, he got up and left.
"Brother Yu, let's go."

"Aren't you going to stay for a while?" Fang Yu asked.

"No, I'm afraid I can't help it."

"Let's go then."

The two walked towards the outside of the cemetery.

A wish was fulfilled, and Chen Daotian relaxed a lot.

When the two just walked out of the cemetery——

Not far away, the people of Chenjia Village surrounded them in a mighty manner.

Chen Daotian frowned, and cursed: "Forcing me to kill you!"

The same blood...but so ruthless!
"Don't worry." Fang Yu waved his hand.

He found that the people from Chen Family Village, supporting the seriously injured elder, walked slowly, very slowly and without any murderous intent.


The people of Chenjia Village came before Fang Yu and Chen Daotian.

All knelt down.

Chen Daotian was stunned.

What is this for?
"Daotian, the Chen family is in trouble, your blood is always flowing in your body... In the name of the elders, I implore you to help the Chen family to tide over the difficulties!"

After one of the elders finished speaking, he fell down and touched his forehead to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chen Daotian frowned even tighter.

"Now, do you think of me? Now, do you think of me as someone from Chen Family Village? Are you shameless?"

Everyone in Chenjiacun lowered their heads.

Everyone blushed.

"Chen Qingze is dead, Chen Zheng, Chen Xia and others have their dantians broken, and eight others died and ten were seriously injured... Could it be that these are not enough to calm your hatred?"

The elder raised his head, looking indifferent to life and death——

"If it's not enough, I'm willing to apologize with death! As long as you can help Chenjiacun get through the difficulties, we will agree to any request!"

Chen Daotian laughed out loud, these people really don't want any shame!
"What does it matter to me whether you die or not?"

These words made them look ashen and despaired.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "You don't want to be the head of this village?"

Chen Daotian shook his head, if it wasn't for fulfilling his mother's wish, he really wouldn't want to stay for a moment.

"Let's go then."

The old Chen family collapsed.The eyes become empty and lifeless.

At the moment Fang Yu and Chen Daotian just turned around——

At the end of the woods, more than a dozen men in black tunic suits appeared.

Uniform and imposing.

"The Lu family!"

"It's over! People from the Lu family are here!"

The people of Chenjia Village showed horror and exclaimed!
The leading man had falcon-like eyes and a serious expression.

"Since you're here, why is there any reason to leave? Chen Daotian, do you think so?" The man's steady voice came.

The leaves are falling.

The wind blows away the heat, and autumn is on the way.

Fang Yu couldn't help frowning slightly, and looked over...

The uniform clothing and walking posture instantly brought back memories of the past. the Lu family!An authentic disciple of the Lu family.

Around their waists, they all wore a small square wooden plaque, which symbolized the identity of the Lu family!

More than ten people!

Compared to the Lu family, which is full of masters, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

But this small number of people has brought a huge sense of oppression to the entire Chenjia Village!

"Lu Ziji?"

Fang Yu had a vague impression that Lu Ziji was the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, and later became Lu Tianxun's lackey for some reason.

Lu Ziji's gaze swept... across the people of the Chen family village who were kneeling on the ground, and finally landed on Chen Daotian and Fang Yu.

A sneer crossed the corner of his mouth.

"You, are you Chen Daotian?"

Chen Daotian did not answer.

Lu Ziji snorted coldly, came to the people of the Chen Family Village, and said indifferently: "Elder Chen, you are such a waste! Even your juniors will kneel down."

Elder Chen, who was seriously injured, coughed violently, coughing up mouthfuls of blood.

"Lu... Hall Master Lu, it's not that I, the Chen Clan, are incompetent, but that my opponent is too strong..."

"Too strong?"

The corner of Lu Ziji's mouth twitched twice, he was very disdainful about it, his eyes passed over Chen Daotian, and looked at Fang Yu, "Who are you?"

Fang Yu stood with his hands behind his back, a faint smile flashed across his face.

When he didn't speak, Chen Daotian said in a low voice: "Brother Yu, I know you are very powerful, but now is not the time to confront the Lu family head-on, you go first, I will block them!"

Fang Yu raised his hand, stopped Chen Daotian behind him, smiled lightly, and said calmly, "Who says it's not the time to confront the tough?"

Chen Daotian was shocked.

Even if he has the strength of the eighth level of martial arts, but facing the Lu family who is full of masters, it is still difficult for him to stand alone.What's more, Lu Tianyuan may have broken through!


Fang Yu always walked forward calmly and calmly.


Without the slightest fear, with a calm face, he walked in front of Lu Ziji step by step, with his hands behind his back.

The distance is only one fist wide...

Eyes on each other!I can even hear my breathing—

Fang Yu asked calmly and in a low voice:

"Lu Ziji, you really don't remember me?"

PS: Tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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