Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 231 See Taixuan Fingering Again

Chapter 231 See Taixuan Fingering Again
This made Ye's family feel confused, saying that you are the one who can't be cured, and you are the one who can be cured.

What about trouble?

Ye Xingkong was also speechless for a while.

However, more is excitement.

Dantian toxin, which has been troubled for many years, can be cured. This is undoubtedly the best news Ye Xingkong has ever heard!

"You don't even know the most basic things, how can you know that it can't be cured?" Fang Yu said in a deep voice.

"Yes... yes, someone told me..."

Tian Shunde trembled with fright, and said honestly.

"who is it?"

Tian Shunde was stunned, not daring to answer.

Faced with this situation, Fang Yu seemed to be very experienced——

"Don't say it, die."


Tian Shunde's complexion changed drastically, showing fear.

Say or don't say?

It seems very difficult to choose.

After thinking for a while, Tian Shunde said, "Lu, Lu Tianhao."

Ye Xingkong suddenly widened his eyes.

The Lu family!
The three great aristocratic families in Yanjing have always stood on top of each other.They lived in peace with each other, and they had nothing to do with the Lu family.Until the Jin family and the Zhao family got the support of the Lu family, they became stronger day by day.Therefore, the Ye family became increasingly decadent.

Behind this, the Lu family played a key role, but never participated in a direct conflict.

Lu Tianhao is one of the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Lu family, but...the master of the masters, how could he pay attention to Ye Xingkong?
I don't understand, and I don't understand.


Fang Yu sighed at this moment, and said, "It really is him."

Ye Xingkong was taken aback, and said: "You know him?"

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"It's more than knowing. Lu Tianhao, an elder of the Lu family, is good at medicine. Back then, with his unique skill in making poison, he wiped out hundreds of warriors from Mobei Hu people. His position was established in one fell swoop."

As he spoke, his tone paused, "It is said that he is good at medicine, but in fact he only plays with poison. He also has a fatal character flaw... This person is extremely narrow-minded."


Tian Shunde was stunned.

Why is he so familiar with Lu Tianhao?

"So, I conclude that you have offended him before." Fang Yu said.


Ye Xingkong was full of doubts, he had never even met Lu Tianhao, so how could he offend him?
Fang Yu smiled and said, "Did you say bad things about him? And he knew about it!?"


Ye Xingkong was stunned.

He thought about it carefully, and it was indeed on some occasions that he criticized Lu Tianhao. He remembered that one time, because of a certain commercial building in Yanjing, Lu Tianhao secretly manipulated it, causing the Ye family to lose the most important shopping mall.Therefore, Ye Xingkong has potentially criticized Lu Tianhao.

Putting others to death just because of a few words of criticism is really narrow-minded to the extreme.

Fang Yu had a look of seeing through.This surprised Ye Xingkong.

At the same time, seeing Fang Yu's expression, Tian Shunde was also shocked.

Why does he know Lu Tianhao so well! ?

Ye Xingkong frowned. Seeing Tian Shunde's face, he felt disgusted, and said: "What are you doing in a daze, take him down, cut off his tongue, and broke his hands."


Tian Shunde's face was full of despair. When he was dragged out, he roared: "I've said it all, why do you still treat me like this...why, why——"

"If you don't say it, you will die, and it will be ugly!" Ye Xingkong snorted coldly.


After Tian Shunde was taken out, Ye Xingkong turned his head to look at Fang Yu, thinking of what Fang Yu said about Lu Tianhao just now, he was puzzled.In addition, his dantian is poisoned, and Lu Tianhao is a master of poisoning, the two are closely related.

Ye Xingkong smiled and said:
"Nephew, why do you know Lu Tianhao so well?"

Fang Yu replied, "It's so-so."

Obviously, this is not wanting to answer directly.Ye Xingkong didn't want to ask too many questions, so he changed the subject and said, "Oh, I really didn't expect that the poison I was poisoned was actually given by Lu Tianhao."

As a poison master of the Lu family, it would be too easy to attack Ye Xingkong, who is of average martial arts strength.

"Nephew, you said just now that my illness can be cured...but why did you say that there was no cure?" Ye Xingkong asked.

Fang Yu spread his hands together and said:

"You find this kind of dead liar to treat your illness, and you have taken painkillers for so long. Is this called cure?"


Ye Xingkong nodded helplessly.

The others, including Zhong Long Zhong Hu, looked embarrassed.

It is enough for a group of people to be fooled around by a liar.

At this time, Ye Wenjun walked up to the crowd, faced Fang Yu, and said softly, "If possible, can you cure my father's illness?"

Ye Xingkong was startled.

He could have asked Fang Yu himself, after all, it was just a thick-skinned thing.It's just... His daughter's direct appearance made him unexpected, and he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

The rest depends on whether Fang Yu agrees or not.

Fang Yu sighed softly, and said, "For my daughter-in-law's sake, let me cure it for you...Lao Ye, don't look at me like that, I don't even bother to agree to anyone you beg me for."



Hearing this, the old faces were filled with embarrassment.

They are used to being in high positions on weekdays, and they have always been humbled by others when they see them.Today, he was beaten to pieces by Fang Yu. It's really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi!

"How to cure it?" Ye Xingkong asked.

"Get down."

"In the lobby?"

"Nonsense, go outside and lie on the ground?"


This man's speech must be infuriating.

Ye Xingkong could only lay down on the sofa.

"Take off your shirt."

Three times, five times, two times, Ye Xingkong took off his shirt.The whole person looks very thin.The skin color is abnormal at first glance.Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun and Zhong Long brothers felt inexplicably sad.

He, all his life, has been giving, for the Ye family, for others, but not for himself...

Fang Yu also moved his eyes slightly, raised his gesture, and three golden needles appeared.

"Prepare hot water."


Ye Wenjun didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed.Not long after, a basin of hot water was brought and placed on the tea table.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Fang Yu's finger, looking at the shining golden needle, their hearts were agitated.


Fang Yu's gesture moved.

call out!

Three consecutive needles pierced Ye Xingkong's back.

buzz, buzz—

The golden needle trembled constantly, like a bee beating its wings, and the vibration frequency was amazing.

Everyone looked at the golden needle in surprise.


Is it the rumored Taixuan Fingering?

Taixuan fingering, mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders!

There are so many mysterious things in the world, and today they can bet on the magic of the method of selection, so they are excited and amazed.

Chinese medicine is indeed one of the most extensive and profound medicines in the world.


Fang Yu kept his eyes fixed on the golden needle. After a while, he raised his gesture again and patted Ye Xingkong's back a few times.

"Be patient, it will hurt a little."


After a few palms, the place where the needle was stuck on the back was like a poisonous needle, and it was painful.

Where the needle stuck, deep black blood!Scary and scary.

Ye Xingkong frowned and remained silent!
Gu Guanyun played chess with scratches, so why would he, Ye Xingkong, be afraid of the pain.

"Bring the cloth!" Fang Yu said in a deep voice.

Ye Wenjun was careful, he had already prepared it, and quickly handed it over.

PS: Chapter 1 is here.Tickets go up.

(End of this chapter)

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