Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 236 The Stars in Dress

Chapter 236 The Stars in Dress (Part 2)
Ye Wenjun's eyes only stayed on Fang Yu's body for a moment, and then looked forward.

Outside the villa, luxury cars, bodyguards, and drivers are all ready.

After Ye Wenjun got into the car, Fang Yu followed.

He sat beside Ye Wenjun somewhat unnaturally.

He scratched his head and said, "Then what..."

"You, today is beautiful."

Ye Wenjun's eyes were cold, his expression was calm, and he said lightly: "Oh."

"Why don't we study it tonight?" Fang Yu suddenly tilted his head and asked.


Research research?

Seeing Fang Yu's malicious smile, Ye Wenjun frowned and stopped talking to him.


Yanjing Commercial Union Center.

Outside the grand venue, luxury cars lined up neatly one after another.

Red carpet, red balloons, red flags fluttering in the wind.

Handsome men and women in uniform stood at the door, welcoming every important guest.

At this time, several women walked out of the venue and looked outside.

"Zhu Hui, do you think Mr. Wen will come today?" said the woman on the left.

Zhu Hui, that is, the classmate Ye Wenjun had the best relationship with.

She folded her arms and said, "I will definitely come... Yanjing's business layout urgently needs to be reorganized. As the president of the Ye Group, how could she not come?"

"Aren't you her girlfriend? Why not her house?"

Upon hearing this question, Zhu Hui's face turned ugly, and the scene of being kicked out that day appeared in her mind, and she felt uneasy for a while.

"Let's wait and see the good show." Zhu Hui said lightly.

Seeing Zhu Hui talking like this, the woman next to her asked curiously: "Could it be true what you said? Ye Wenjun recruited a son-in-law, a scruffy and shameless hooligan?"

"I'm Ye Wenjun's best friend, how can my words be false?" Zhu Hui snorted softly.

"I'm going, it really blinded my three views... Today, the sisters also want to see which gangster is so lucky!"

"That's right, Sister Zhu Hui, don't be angry. If she doesn't listen to your advice, it's her loss. Today is a big day, among other things, in terms of business layout, my dad and your dad are absolutely the same!"

"Me too!"

"We are all on Sister Zhu Hui's side."

Hearing this, Zhu Hui couldn't help showing a hint of complacency.

how many years.

These women were all crushed by Ye Wenjun with his arrogance!

In fact, the same is true, no matter in terms of beauty, talent, status, power... the people in their circle are not one-tenth as good as Ye Wenjun.

Now the Jin family is gone.

The Zhao family is gone.

When the Ye family was in turmoil, they wanted to take this opportunity to revive their glory!


Less meat, more wolves.Will others agree?Obviously not!


Big guys from all sides, come one by one.

Zhu Hui and her sisters just watched for a while, then said: "Let's go... There are more important people who need us to win the relationship. Don't hang on to one person."

"that's right."


Ever since she was kicked out by the Ye family that day, Zhu Hui's heart has been filled with fire.

Isn't it the martial arts family?

It was your luck that the Jin family and the Zhao family didn't take the opportunity to destroy your Ye family!

Now that the Yanjing situation is changing, the Jin family and the Zhao family are gone, which does not mean that the Ye family can dominate Yanjing!

As Ye Wenjun's best friend, Zhu Hui is very aware of the situation of the Ye family - Ye Xingkong is seriously injured, Mr. Ye is old, Yinlong's guards rebelled, and Zhonglong Zhonghu is dying!
Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the Ye family can support it for at most two years!

How can a weak woman support the entire Ye Group?

Zhu Hui sneered in her heart, and murmured: "Ye Wenjun, I treat you as a sister, but you really treat me like a bug... Don't look at your current beauty, you will be more beautiful in a while!"

talking room.

A fat, well-dressed man walked slowly.There are many bodyguards wearing sunglasses around him.

When the man saw Zhu Hui, his eyes lit up, and he greeted him, "Xiaohui..."

Zhu Hui smiled, greeted the sisters, and went up to greet her: "Mu Boss is here, Zhu Hui is far away to welcome, forgive me!"

"It's been a few days since I haven't seen her mouth is sweeter, and her people are more juicy! How about it, is that girl from Ye's Group here?" Boss Mu narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"It's time to come soon... Boss Mu has to seize the opportunity for Yanjing's business reorganization!" Zhu Hui said.

"Naturally! Zhang Feifei, the chairman of the Yanjing Business Federation, and I are close friends... Back then, there were three great families occupying Yanjing's business world, and our Mu family stuck to Jin City and couldn't get in! This time, the three great families fell. , how could I let go of this opportunity?" Boss Mu's eyes were burning.

"Boss Mu really has a vision."

As she said that, Zhu Hui stepped forward and took his arm, "Go, let's go to the venue."

"Well, that girl will come later, and I will vent my anger on you!"

"Thank you, Boss Mu."

As he spoke, Mu Yun's big hand pinched Zhu Hui's buttocks.


Near ten o'clock in the morning.

Big shots from all walks of life gathered.

Those who talk about business talk about business, and those who talk about cooperation talk about cooperation.

However, they all know that today's meeting will determine Yanjing's future business layout.

"The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Zhang Feifei, is here!"

The bosses of some companies rushed forward one after another.

Pass business card, say hello, recognize godfather...

Afterwards, some prominent presidents and bosses of large companies in Yanjing came to the scene one after another.

The scene was extremely lively.

As the president, Zhang Feifei's face was indifferent, and his eyes swept over everyone. When he saw Mu Yun in the crowd, he couldn't help but startled, thought for a moment, and squeezed up.

Everyone had to watch.

"Brother Mu, why are you here?" Zhang Feifei asked in surprise.

"Brother Zhang, you are holding this meeting to recruit talents, of course I will join you!" Mu Yun said with a smile.

"Great! With you here, our Chamber of Commerce has gained another weight!"

The people in the circle couldn't help being surprised.

"This person seems to be from the Mu family in Jincheng!"

Many people gasped and exclaimed, "Jincheng Mu's family! That's a martial arts family..."

"It's a fart. The aristocratic family intervenes. This important resource has to be handed over again!"

"Don't be so pessimistic! The Ye family doesn't live on dry food either!"

"Come on, just a little girl, and a family of old, weak, sick and disabled, how long can we last?"

"Even if Wenjun Ye is gone, there are still others. I have a hunch that those who can come today will have two brushes."

"I agree with this."

Everyone nodded.

While everyone was discussing heatedly——

A clear voice came.

"Marven Ye is here!"

Swish swish!
The eyes followed and looked over.

No matter men or women, everyone wants to see this rumored peerless beauty...

In the direction of the gate, the red carpet is very long.

As if it had passed through countless centuries, Ye Wenjun, dressed in a splendid attire, walked slowly, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, neither humble nor overbearing...

On her fair face, there was a tenacity and perseverance that did not match her age.

There was an unimaginable calmness and composure in her beautiful eyes.

This is Ye Wenjun!
Like the brightest star in the sky!
Ye Wenjun's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The ladies, beauties, princesses, young ladies present... all pale in comparison!

(End of this chapter)

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