Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 240 Fists Are the Reason

Chapter 240 Fists Are the Reason (Subscribe to Chapter 6)

Ye Wenjun frowned slightly upon hearing this.

This is tantamount to announcing a signal to everyone: the so-called martial arts family is nothing but old people in their twilight years who are struggling to the death.

The simplest truth... After all, it still depends on the fist.

If the Ye family is not a family of martial arts... then what qualifications do they have to have priority!

Which of the big companies present does not have one or two warriors behind them! ?

Zhu Hui's reasons undoubtedly won the approval of the audience.

Ye Wenjun's eyes fell on Zhu Hui's face, and he asked softly, "Why?"

Zhu Hui sneered and said:
"What are you asking me for? It's funny...just being fair, I'm just telling the truth! Anyway, there's already five votes against, isn't it?"

Ye Wenjun didn't speak.

Although Zhang Feifei was very optimistic about the Ye Group, it was a pity that things backfired.

"Since there are five votes against...according to the rules..."

"Please wait."

Ye Wenjun raised his jade hand and looked around.

She is still very calm.

The standing posture is tall and straight, and the temperament of the whole body makes people can't help but take a few more glances.

Fang Yu on the side also slowly opened his eyes, squinted his eyes, and looked at Ye Wenjun... Well, a serious woman is actually very charming.Although Ye Wenjun is not a warrior, he has a calm breath and serious persistence in doing things.

This reminded Fang Yu of an ancient beauty named Zhuo Wenjun.I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will never be separated... This kind of persistent and dedicated temperament seems to fit this poem very well.

Old man, old man... The marriage you arranged for me is really right!

Ye Wenjun said:

"In response to those objections, I have something to say... To be a company, to be an enterprise, shouldn't the most important thing be the ability? A company's operation, technology, culture, core competitiveness, these should not be what we value more Is it? My management philosophy has allowed the Yip Group to increase its revenue by 30% in the last quarter. The land reclamation in the north is actually for the purpose of protecting the ecology. If it fails to generate profits, the Yip Group will subsidize money to shareholders... Ye The group is not a family business, so there is no need for their own family members to be in power, on the contrary, those family businesses have exposed more problems! So those reasons are simply not valid!"

Paused, and then said: "My words, finished..."


That Mu Yun from the Mu family couldn't bear it any longer, stood up with a cold snort, and said:

"What a high-sounding reason! The fact that the Ye family can develop to this day depends on the heritage of the martial arts family? It's good now, and there is no one in the family to support it. He jumped out and told us, don't pay attention to the background of martial arts...Young man Childish?! Let me tell you, girl, big fists are the last word!"

What Mu Yun said made Ye Wenjun's face change slightly.

This is the Mu family, and the background is also a martial arts family.

The tone of speech is also more aggressive than others!

slap, slap...

Zhu Hui actually applauded Mu Yun.

All around, people applauded Boss Mu.

Doesn't Ye Wenjun's words mean that he is whitewashing the past?
You, the Ye Group, didn't rely on your fists back then! ?
After all - the fist is the truth!
"Boss Mu, in fact, Miss Ye has someone backing him up." Zhu Hui smiled slightly.


"Here, next to her, Mr. Fang Yu!" Zhu Hui pointed at Fang Yu.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Fang Yu again.

It's the redneck!

Many people began to gloat!

Obviously, jealousy is at work!
Jealousy made them hostile to each other!
Jealousy blinded their eyes!

"Mr. Fang, since you're here... why don't you introduce yourself. You see, the Ye Group is about to be eliminated... At least you should express your opinion and show your strength. Maybe the United Chamber of Commerce will consider your ability and not eliminate you The Ye Group is now." Mu Yun said with a smile.

Zhang Feifei frowned and said, "Mr. Boss, this is Fang Miracle Doctor from Jiangzhou. I have already introduced him."


Fang Yu shrugged, stood up slowly and said, "Okay, let me introduce myself..."

Clearing his throat, he said loudly, "I, Fang Yu, come from Jiangzhou. I know a little bit of medical skills and martial arts. At the same time, I am also the husband of Ye Wenjun, the daughter of Ye Xingkong from the Ye family."

There was an uproar!

Is this worthy of Ye Wenjun?This is the thought that flashes through most people's minds.

Jiang Xiaoxiaohong in the corner stared and kept cursing in a low voice: "Bad brother-in-law! Bad brother-in-law, bad brother-in-law..."


A trace of surprise flashed across Mu Yun's face, he caught the key point of his words, and asked, "Are you a warrior?"

"Yes." Fang Yu admitted frankly.

"Yo, it turns out that you are really a warrior. It's a pleasure to meet you." Mu Yun smiled.

Zhu Hui laughed beside him and said, "Mr. Fang, don't blame me for not telling you, Boss Mu is a fourth-level martial artist."

The bosses present were secretly surprised.

The background of the Mu family is really strong.


If Lian Fang Yu is a warrior, then the problem is complicated.

"So, you fat bastard, should you get out?" Fang Yu suddenly got angry, his eyes became sharp.

"You, you say it again?" Mu Yun's face changed slightly.

Fang Yu crushed the chair with one foot——


Everyone was surprised.

"After talking for a long time just now, in summary, the big fist is the last word, right?" Fang Yu asked in a deep voice.

"I said it... so what?" Mu Yun also said coldly.

"very good!"

Fang Yu continued to speak loudly, "Now, those who agree with his statement, raise your hands!"

With a glance, the entire venue.

Swish swish!
Except for Jiang Wei at the end who didn't raise their hands, everyone raised their hands!
The truth has been put on the bright side, and all the hypocrisy and masks have been unveiled——

Whoever has the bigger fist will have priority!Anything else is nonsense!Worthless!
"very good!"

Fang Yu said in a high voice, "Since you all know my name is Fang Yu, you should know that I have a name... Iron! Fist! King!"

Iron Fist?
Mu Yun frowned.Vaguely got the impression.

"Are you the Iron Fist?"

"Remember?" Fang Yu sneered.

"So it's you! But... so what? A little Iron Fist champion dares to act presumptuously in front of my Mu family!" Mu Yun bared his teeth.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The sword is drawn!

"Don't say it's you Fang Yu, even if the entire Ye family comes out, my Mu family will not be afraid at all!" Mu Yun shouted, "Where is Ye Xingkong? Where is Ye Shitian? Where is the guard of the hidden dragon of the Ye family?" ?”

While questioning and provoking, he announced to the others that the Ye family is no longer able to survive!

Just as Mu Yun's voice fell, a loud shout came from outside the hall——


A figure walked quickly from the hall.

Afterimages were left in the air.

The speed of the figure was like a gust of wind, and it came to Mu Yun!
Mu Yun flew out backwards.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the figure who seemed to be stepping on the thunder!
Can't help but exclaim aloud.

"Ye Xingkong!"

PS: 6 is updated, please support!Coded for a day, exhausted!

(End of this chapter)

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