Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 256 Is Still Here

Chapter 256 Is Still Here (Part [-])
He wouldn't be surprised if Bai Ruoling said the name of any organization.

Only the word "dark net" made him frown and was shocked.

He was originally the head of the Jiangzhou branch.How could he not know about training killers?What mystery is hidden here?
"Think about it, is it the dark web?" Fang Yu asked.

Bai Ruoling revealed a look of pain.

Hold your head in your hands, as if you don't want to remember.

Sometimes shaking his head, sometimes nodding, staring at the table with his eyes, he said inarticulately: "I don't know, I don't know... Darknet,'s Darknet!"

Fang Yu's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Is it really the dark web?
There was no time to think about the reason, seeing Bai Ruoling in pain, Fang Yu couldn't bear to force her to recall.

Although he is a genius doctor, he couldn't see why Bai Ruoling couldn't remember for a moment.



Any of the above methods can make people achieve the goal of forgetting, and as long as the treatment is appropriate, the memory can be restored.But Bai Ruoling's situation...

Fang Yu frowned slightly, and murmured, "It's a bit strange."

"I don't know, I don't know...I don't know..." Bai Ruoling covered her head, her face pale.

Fang Yu suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her wrist——

The gurgling inner essence burst out and entered her body.

Soon, Bai Ruoling became quiet.

Surprisingly, Bai Ruoling's body was normal, and nothing abnormal was found.


Her IQ is normal, but her EQ is significantly lower than her peers, especially her understanding of the relationship between men and women is almost blank.

A person with obvious problems, physical and mental, but not abnormal.

It is indeed puzzling.

Fang Yu let go of his hand.

Bai Ruoling returned to normal, and her face became calm.

When she found that Fang Yu was staring at her with scrutiny and observation eyes, her expression changed slightly, and she said sternly, "What are you doing?"

"never mind."

Fang Yu spread his hands together, "Let's call it a day. Go back to your home and find your mother."

Bai Ruoling originally wanted to stop him, but then thought of the previous conversation, hesitated for a while, and finally didn't get up.

Clear eyes, dazed in a daze——


After leaving the coffee shop, Fang Yu glanced back to confirm that Bai Ruoling hadn't caught up, and then smiled faintly.Blessed and unbearable for such a woman.

We will meet each other by fate.

Taking out his mobile phone, Fang Yu called Chen Daotian.

"Chen Daotian, how much do you know about the Big Three of the dark web?"

When mentioning the Big Three, Chen Daotian on the other end of the phone was surprised——

"I don't know very well. You don't know about the dark net that we both joined at the same time, but I don't know. But the organization says that these three people are mysterious and never show up."

"Aren't they ranked on the combat power list and the major killer lists? It's okay to have appeared before." Fang Yu asked.

He wanted to understand the strength of the Big Three from the side.

The record is often the best embodiment.


"No. Since the establishment of the dark web, the Big Three have not appeared on the major lists. I only heard from the members of the organization that one of the giants has completed the SSS-level mission single-handedly." Chen Daotian said.

Hearing this, Fang Yu sighed and said lightly:


Then cut off the phone.

This is the first time Fang Yu has become curious about the Big Three of the dark web.


How strong are they?
China Kyushu is vast and boundless.

The world is full of surprises.

Human beings are always a speck of dust in the universe, small and fragile.

Just when Fang Yu was about to return, the phone rang again.

is a text message.

"Huh? My daughter-in-law never texts me, why did she send it today?" Fang Yu looked at the text notification on the screen and wondered.

When I opened it, I couldn't help but change my face——

"My good son-in-law, something serious happened at home, hurry back. Ye Xingkong."

Depend on.It's Ye Xingkong!
Why does this old man like to use other people's mobile phones to send text messages?

How can I flirt with my wife in the future?

But what could happen at home?
Go back now.


It's approaching evening.

Fang Yu returned to the Ye family villa.

In the hall, Ye Wenjun, Zhong Long Zhonghu and others were all waiting anxiously in the hall.

There are many hidden dragon guards standing around.

The moment Fang Yu entered the hall.

The guards of Yinlong bowed at the same time: "Master!"


Fang Yu stared, frowned and said, "What are you doing with such a big battle, it scared me to death."


"Nephew, you are finally back!"

Ye Xingkong quickly greeted him.

Only Ye Wenjun was as stable as Mount Tai, sitting on the sofa, dignified and beautiful.

"What's the rush?" Fang Yu asked.

Ye Xingkong took out a note, handed it to Fang Yu, and said, "Look for yourself."

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

Picking up the note, I saw that it read: "See you in the Forbidden City at [-] o'clock in three days! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Seeing this slightly threatening note, Fang Yu couldn't help frowning and said:

"Who is so arrogant? Didn't you find out who left it?"

Ye Xingkong sighed: "The guards of the hidden dragon found out, but the opponent is very skilled. Besides this note, there is one thing left, look."

He handed a brown wooden sign to Fang Yu.

Seeing the familiar wooden sign, Fang Yu immediately understood.

In the center of the wooden sign, there is a seal script engraved: Lu.

"The Lu family."

"That's right, it's from the Lu family." Ye Xingkong's face was serious.

Fang Yu tore up the note, threw it into the trash can, and said, "They're threatening me."

"The Lu family has always attacked you."

Is not this nonsensical?

On Fang Yu's combat power list, the updated record is almost like stepping on the corpses of Lu's family, occupying the first place in the combat power list.

The warriors all understand that there is no need to kick the rankings, the Lu family will attack Fang Yu sooner or later.

Behind any honor, there are difficulties and dangers.

First, it's not that easy to be.

Fang Yu smiled lightly, "Are you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of... When I know Lu Tianhao, I know that this difficulty cannot be avoided." Ye Xingkong said.

"The Lu family is too bullying!" Zhong Long slapped the table and said.

"I'm very surprised, why did they attack Fang Yu first, and not us first?" Zhong Hu said.

Fang Yu just kept smiling and said nothing.

Of course he wouldn't tell them that the dark net had already been deployed, and unless the Lu family made a massive attack, they really couldn't take down the Ye family.

For the dark net, there is still some confidence.


Now it seems that the dark web is not so reliable.

Thinking of Bai Ruoling's painful expression, Fang Yu's eyes flashed a gleam.

"This is the cunning of the Lu family... It doesn't matter whether they deal with the Ye family or not. The key factor in all of this is Fang Yu. If they get rid of the Ye family first, how can they threaten Fang Yu?" Zhong Long analyzed.

Having said that, Ye Xingkong looked at Fang Yu and said:

"Nephew, I know that your strength is unfathomable... But the Lu family is not easy. Meeting them... Are you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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