Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 258 The Man Says

Chapter 258 The Man Talks (Fourth)
Ye Wenjun's voice became visibly excited.

Time is thin, years are shallow.

The youth is easy to pass away, and the face is easy to grow old.

She could forget many things, but she would not forget Ye Xingchen's familiar figure.

She confirmed that the man standing in the moonlight was her biological brother - Ye Xingchen.

That sunny, handsome man!

However, Ye Xingchen's appearance made Fang Yu extremely dissatisfied.

When not to come, why not come at this time.

Fang Yu suddenly realized that how could it be more difficult to be gentle with his wife than to kill someone?
"I said brother-in-law, if you come, do so in a fair manner. What are you doing in the back garden?" Fang Yu said with blank eyes.

"Uh, blame me, blame me, I was so focused on reporting the news that I forgot my identity." Ye Xingchen scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Ye Xingchen looked up. Ye Wenjun on the balcony thought for a while and said in a low voice, "You can't go to the Forbidden City."


"It's very dangerous. A day ago, I made a special trip back to Jincheng, Zezhou, and secretly investigated and learned that the fourth elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Lu family is going to deal with No.1 in the combat power list!"

Ye Xingchen said in a dignified tone, "When I learned that No. 1 in the combat power list is my brother-in-law, I immediately rushed back to Yanjing."


Fang Yu nodded and said, "That's all?"

"That's it."

"It's just such a fart thing, ruining my good work? See if I don't beat you!"

While speaking, he dodged and punched Ye Xingchen in the face.

Ye Xingchen also didn't expect Fang Yu to shoot as soon as he said to shoot, and kept retreating, raising his hand to block.

Bang bang bang!
The two sides fought fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun was very worried.

One is her own brother, the other is her husband... She doesn't know which side she is on!

At the same time, Ye Xingchen kept blocking.

Under Fang Yu's fierce offensive, Ye Xingchen was in a panic.

But he clearly felt that Fang Yu didn't use his full strength.If he used the golden needle like last time, he wouldn't even be able to block a move.

Therefore, Ye Xingchen was surprised.

I don't know why Fang Yu wanted to attack.

He could only complain endlessly.

I wouldn't have come if I knew it earlier, this brother-in-law is too hot-tempered, isn't it just delaying his wedding ceremony?As for being so stingy! ?

Fang Yu's huge fist pressed straight to his abdomen.

With a pop, Ye Xingchen quickly backed away...

There was severe pain in the dantian.

"So strong!"

Ye Xingchen sighed in admiration, and couldn't bear the severe pain. With a puff, he knelt down on one knee and supported the ground with one palm.


A mouthful of blood spit out.


Ye Wenjun was terrified and was about to go downstairs when Fang Yu scolded:
"You'd better not come down, otherwise, I'll kill him."

Fang Yu's gloomy voice showed that he was not joking!

Ye Wenjun was puzzled!
She wondered why?
Could it be that just because he failed to have intercourse, he was going to be killed?
Ye Wenjun didn't dare to move, not at all.

Not only her.

Even Ye Xingchen couldn't understand it.

He came to report the letter with good intentions, but he still wanted to be ruthless.


Fang Yu said lightly: "When men talk, women don't interrupt. Just stay there and don't move."

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on Ye Xingchen who was propping up the ground with one palm.

"Ye Xingchen, how do you feel?"


How else can it feel?
Being beaten until he vomited blood, no one would feel good... Are you laughing at me?

Ye Xingchen's heart skipped a beat, he gritted his teeth and said, "Scholars can be killed but not humiliated."

Just when he wanted to do it again——

Fang Yu smiled and said:

"Come on! Figure it out before you do it."

"Let me ask you, how do you feel now?"

Ye Xingchen felt his whole body carefully, and found that his dantian didn't hurt anymore.Can't help being surprised in my heart, I looked down, and the mouthful of blood that I spit out was not red at all, but black!

Black as pitch!

what happened?

Ye Xingchen was horrified!
Fang Yu smiled lightly and said:
"You were poisoned by Lu Tianhao."

"..." Ye Xingchen widened his eyes, looking at the black blood in disbelief.

There was a faint stench around the blood.

Take a closer look, all the plants and flowers around the blood... are all withered!

Can't help but feel a huge shock!It turned out that Fang Yu had been helping him all along! !

Looking at the withered flowers, Ye Xingchen couldn't believe it.

Really poisoned!

Lu Tianhao, you are so ruthless!
"This kind of poison is Lu Tianhao's usual trick. I will exhaust all your internal energy first, and then force the poison out with the momentum of thunder! Otherwise, within three days, you will definitely die!"


"This kind of poison has a long incubation period, is difficult to detect, and is colorless and odorless. When it melts into the blood, it will instantly produce a large amount of toxin. Wherever it goes, even the air will be poisonous." Fang Yu said lightly.

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen was even more shocked.

I didn't expect this brother-in-law to have such powerful means.

It only takes one glance to see the origin of this poison!
He also instantly understood why Ye Wenjun was not allowed to come down.If this made her come down, and she was also poisoned, what would happen?

You can't let your brother-in-law beat up your wife, right?

With this in mind, Ye Xingchen calmed down his excitement, stood up slowly, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you!"


Ye Wenjun on the balcony was a little far away, and couldn't hear what they said clearly.

But this thank you is very clear.

Can't help but be puzzled.

Was beaten by Fang Yu, still want to say thank you?

In the back garden.

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "I really didn't expect Lu Tianhao to be so ruthless!"

"That's because you don't know him well. From now on, don't go to Zezhou...every time you go, you're going through the gate of hell. I can't save you every time!" Fang Yu said lightly.

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen's face flushed red.

"You are only at the fourth level of martial arts... It was already a miracle that you escaped back then. You dared to go back. Aren't you going to die?" Fang Yu hit him mercilessly.

"The Lu family is far from being as simple as you think. The buildings there seem simple, but they are actually built according to the eight trigrams of Qimen. Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui all have different masters. Sitting in town, let alone you, even if a fly flies in, it will be noticed by others!"

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen's heart stirred up a storm.

Unexpectedly, the Lu family is so mysterious!


Why did Fang Yu know so well?

Just when he was about to ask——

Fang Yu said again: "Lu Tianhao deliberately let you go this time. He just likes to look at the target, and is slowly tortured to death by poison. You almost became a victim."

Ye Xingchen gasped.

His whole body was covered with cold sweat, and his back felt chilly.

It's no wonder that sneaking into the territory of Lu's family went smoothly, it turned out to be an illusion!Thinking about it now, it's really scary.

"By the way. Have you used all the black wood lotus I gave you?" Fang Yu asked.

This time.

Ye Xingchen was completely convinced.

The anger from the beating just now disappeared, replaced by worship and gratitude.

"It works. The toxins in the whole body have receded in sevens and eighties, and it may not be long before they can return to their original appearance." Ye Xingchen said.

"Yeah. Take off the hat, let me see." Fang Yu said.

"Uh, it's not good, brother-in-law, if Wenjun sees me like this, it will affect my glorious image in her mind." Ye Xingchen said awkwardly.

"Fuck off! The glorious image in her heart, I alone is enough!" Fang Yu scolded.


(End of this chapter)

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