Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 260 Ye Wenjun's Accident

Chapter 260 Ye Wenjun's Accident (Part [-])

Neiyuan transforming into a dragon is a situation that only appears in the fifth stage of the Shenlongjue.

The appearance of the sixth layer of Dragon Transformation means that the sixth layer of Shenlong Art has been completely stabilized.

Although the raging Nei Yuan accidentally hit Nei Yuan, Fang Yu's mood at this time was undoubtedly excited!
Sixth Layer Transformation Dragon!finished!

"It is said that one can transform into a golden dragon with a powerful internal energy, which is equivalent to a second body, and is extremely powerful. I don't know if it is true or not!"

The general outline of Shenlongjue is deeply remembered in Fang Yu's mind.

To this day, he is still practicing in an orderly manner according to the master formula.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Looked up.

The rockery in front of him was cut in half by the huge power of the Dragon Singing Sword, like a block of tofu.

Can't help being surprised.

"The Ninth Sword, the power of Lei Guang is really impressive!"

"Finally, I have mastered all the sword skills of Zhan Yu!"

Fang Yu was emotional for a moment.

During this period, how much effort he put in to achieve today's achievement.

Since entering the deep mountains eight years ago, in order to step into martial arts, he started an inhuman life.

Martial arts experience is even more difficult.

Countless murders, bloody.

Who would have thought that at his age, his hands were already covered with blood.


The Longyin Sword disappeared.

Fang Yu raised his hands.

It's really rough, and I can't help but feel melancholy.If the daughter-in-law is unwilling, he has no choice but to force it.

Just when Fang Yu was about to return——

"Uncle! Uncle..."


Fang Yu felt strange, why did he not go to sleep at this hour, and yelled all over the place?
He glanced at the split rockery, and let them clean it up.

Return quickly.

Go through the back garden and return to the hall, and see the anxious look on the maid's face.

"what happened?"

"Miss, miss... something happened to miss!"

Fang Yu frowned, and hurried upstairs.

As soon as he reached the door, he heard groans from inside the house.

Without further ado, he raised his foot and kicked.

The door opened.

Ye Wenjun rolled back and forth with a face full of pain.

What surprised Fang Yu even more was that Ye Wenjun's face was full of pain!

"Prepare hot water." Fang Yu said seriously.

"Uncle! Missy is in too much pain, hurry to the hospital! I have already dialed 120!" The maid was extremely anxious, her face full of panic.

Fang Yu stared, and said, "Who told you to call 120? Cancel it quickly!"


The maid didn't know why my uncle did this.But she couldn't just watch the eldest miss die in pain.

She was a woman too, and knew the dangers involved.

The seemingly ordinary pain is so severe that it is almost too painful to live.


Seeing that the maid didn't move, Fang Yu scolded, "Why, my words don't work?"

"no no……"

The maid hurriedly called and canceled 120 with the hospital.Immediately, hot water was prepared again.


in the room.

Fang Yu looked at the pained Ye Wenjun, puzzled.

Ye Wenjun was already sweating profusely, his eyes were so painful that he couldn't even open his eyes. Although there was blood coming out, he always felt that this illness was unusual.

"Master, what are you doing here?" The maid stood aside and asked cautiously.

"Nonsense, of course it's healing." Fang Yu rolled his eyes.

"Uncle, you, are you a doctor?"


Fang Yu stared, and said, "Get out!"

The maid smiled dryly, turned her head and walked out.

I am a dignified Chinese doctor of Chinese medicine, and I have the unique skill of Taiyi acupuncture. How can it be possible that ordinary doctors can compare?
"Close the door!"



Except for Ye Wenjun's pain, the room was quiet.


Her posture really made it difficult for Fang Yu to do anything.

Fang Yu held his breath, this is my daughter-in-law, what is there to see?
"Give me your hand!"

Ye Wenjun closed his eyes tightly in pain, and gradually lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Fang Yu whispered: "The situation is urgent, don't blame me for taking advantage of you."

"No, I took advantage of my daughter-in-law, why do I talk like that?"

Grab Ye Wenjun's wrist directly.

With a tap of the fingers, the pulse condition appears.

Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing.

Cutting the pulse is the last link.

Ask if you don't expect to find anything famous.

On the surface, Ye Wenjun's condition does seem to be the result of severe pain.

However, Fang Yu didn't think so.


After cutting his pulse, Fang Yu frowned slightly.

The pulse condition is very strange, beating steadily, very lively, not like a disease.

The blood flowed out, and normally, it should be very weak.

Continue to feel the pulse.

In order to check her physical condition more accurately, Fang Yu chose to close his eyes.

Get rid of distractions.

The pulse condition is still stable but contains turbulent waves.

Fang Yu opened his eyes suddenly, and said to himself, "Warrior?"


How can it be!

He patted his forehead suddenly, the pulse was clearly unique to warriors.

Just now I have been diagnosing her as an ordinary person, no wonder the result of the diagnosis is unclear!
In other words-

Ye Wenjun is a warrior!
"how can that be?!"

Fang Yu lost his voice in surprise. He had known Ye Wenjun for not a day or two. If he didn't have this bit of vision, wouldn't he be called a genius doctor in vain?
There is only one possibility——

Ye Wenjun is a new warrior!
His eyes fell on the pool of blood.

"So that's it! This is... Dantian Huicheng, reborn..."

Fang Yu jumped onto the bed directly.

Help Ye Wenjun up and sit behind her...

"Be patient..."


Long ink-like hair spread on the back, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Hold your breath."

Fang Yu slowly closed his eyes, and opened up all six senses.He will know immediately if there is any change around the villa.

Immediately afterwards, he put his hands on Ye Wenjun's back.

Nei Yuan rushed towards Ye Wenjun's back along his palms.



Finally, Dantian.

The influx of billowing heat made the severe pain disappear instantly.

Ye Wenjun's complexion also gradually returned to normal.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Half an hour passed.

Ye Wenjun's consciousness gradually became clear.

The moment she opened her eyes... a cool night breeze hit.

Behind him, a pair of palms pressed against his back, like two palms of fire...


Ye Wenjun cried out in surprise, and raised his arms to block in front of him.

But a suction behind her stopped her!
At the same time, Fang Yu's deep voice sounded: "Sit still, don't move, practice with me..."

Cultivation... Cultivation?
(End of this chapter)

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