Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 262: There Is No Longer Way

Chapter 262
Fang Yu stared intently at Ye Wenjun's curvaceous waist... But he couldn't think of any evil thoughts at all.

Abandoned dantian...

How could this be? !

throughout the room.

Only the sound of each other's breathing can be heard.

Over time, it has also leveled off.

There was a long silence, before Fang Yu could speak——

Ye Wenjun slowly sat up and stood up, with gentle movements, put the clothes on his body, and said lightly: "I am an ordinary person, and I never expected to become a warrior... This time, I am satisfied that I didn't die."

Hearing this, Fang Yu sighed.

"Your situation is a miracle... Don't you feel disappointed if you give up like this?"

Ye Wenjun said calmly: "If you don't hold out hope, you won't be disappointed."


Is it really?

How could she have no hope.This is just an excuse to comfort myself.

that is it.

"Turn your head away," Ye Wenjun said again.

Fang Yu turned his body slightly, and set his gaze outside the balcony.


Ye Wenjun changed his clothes.

The simple robe-style pajamas fully highlighted her chic and elegant figure.

It is true.

God has always been fair, given you a peerless beauty and wisdom, how could he give you the cultivation of a warrior?

When God closes a door for you, it will open another window for you.

"I still can't understand. A good dantian, without any flaws, can't generate inner strength for no reason!"

Fang Yu still didn't believe it, "Daughter-in-law, take off your clothes, let's try it, it must have been caused by the thin layer of clothes just now..."


Ye Wenjun froze for a moment, then shook his head.

Fang Yu continued:
"Why are you looking at me like this, I'm not trying to take advantage of you..."

Besides, it has already been taken up just now.

Ye Wenjun sat down slowly, and picked up the ancient phoenix jade from the bedside.

Just when she was about to take it——

Fang Yu's eyes changed slightly, and he said, "Wait!"


"Phoenix Ancient Jade."

When Ye Wenjun wanted to take the ancient phoenix jade with him, the ancient jade actually gave off a faint light.

Although it is not conspicuous, it can be clearly seen in this night.

Ye Wenjun was also surprised.

The number of times that the ancient Phoenix jade has shone can be counted on the fingers, what happened today, it has happened several times in a row!

"give it to me!"

Ye Wenjun didn't object, he took off the ancient jade and put it on Fang Yu's palm.

As soon as I put it on——

"Depend on!"

Gu Yu pressed against his palm tightly and began to suck.

It's like absorbing nutrients!

"I knew it would happen!" Fang Yu cursed.

It made Ye Wenjun full of doubts, for some reason.

Fortunately, Fang Yu, who has experienced it once, is not panicked. In the middle of the sixth level, after the successful transformation of the dragon, the vigor of the inner yuan has reached its personal peak.

"go with!"

Fang Yu drank in a low voice!
A golden dragon flashed along the arm.


The sobbing sound, vigorous and powerful, was fleeting.


The phoenix ancient jade flew up into the air and landed on the floor.

"Xiaomian, still want to fuck me like last time?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun was full of surprise, and couldn't recover for a while.

He raised his jade hand, pointed at the place where the golden dragon flashed just now, and said incoherently: "That is..."

"Don't worry, it's just some unique skills."

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Have you read martial arts novels?"

"" Ye Wenjun shook his head.


I haven't even read martial arts novels, so it's hard to explain.

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Then what novels do you read?"

"Words... words."


Well, sure enough, all the women in the world are made of water.

Unexpectedly, under Ye Wenjun's cold appearance, there is also a girlish heart.

"Let's put it this way, a master of martial arts can't do without internal strength, he must have martial arts! Martial arts can enhance a warrior's combat effectiveness."

Fang Yu tried to explain clearly and simply, "You will get to know it gradually."

Ye Wenjun frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't I abolish Dantian?"

"Misjudgment." Fang Yu smiled dryly.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed to the ancient phoenix jade and said, "Pick up that piece of jade."

Ye Wenjun was even more confused, but she followed Fang Yu's instructions and picked up the ancient phoenix jade.

Hold it tightly in the palm of your hand.

as predicted--

The ancient phoenix jade shines again.

The light is much brighter than before.

A look of surprise appeared on Ye Wenjun's pretty face, and he didn't know why.

"The ancient jade will only shine if it absorbs my power... If it doesn't absorb my power, it can only absorb the aura of heaven and earth. It's a pity that the aura in the bustling city is thin."

Fang Yu sighed and continued, "The aura in Gu Yuli helped you open up your dantian. Similarly, it can also help you generate internal energy."


"Of course it is true... Besides, I dare say that the inner strength that Gu Yu generated for you may be in another form. But it will definitely not be the inner strength of ordinary warriors... Otherwise, I could have helped you just now Generate inner strength!"

"What would that be?"

"I don't know either, you can figure it out yourself."

Fang Yu looked at the ancient jade in her hand, and said enviously, "My mother is really biased. She gave this precious treasure to her daughter-in-law... and didn't leave me something decent."


Hearing this, Ye Wenjun's pretty face flushed slightly.

For some reason, Phoenix Ancient Jade made her feel a kind of family warmth. She has never felt this kind of feeling since she was a child and studied abroad. This is a sense of happiness that she has never had before.

"You mean to say that I can become a warrior?" Ye Wenjun's voice clearly contained a hint of joy, and he couldn't believe it.


Fang Yu nodded, "Hold the ancient jade tightly, guard the dantian, and feel its power. Breathe out..."


She hastened to do so.

As he expected.

The ancient phoenix jade continuously transmits power towards her dantian.

Unable to restrain herself, she showed a faint smile.

Fang Yu smiled lightly and said, "This is probably the road to endlessness..."


Early the next morning.

When Ye Wenjun opened his eyes.

The room was found to be empty.

I couldn't help but feel lost for a while.

Ye Wenjun spread out his palms and took a look, Gu Yu was overshadowed.

I don't know when it will come back on.

Put away the ancient jade and walk out of the room.

Seeing Ye Wenjun coming out, the maid came up to meet her, overjoyed and said: "Miss, are you alright?"


"Young master is really good at medicine!" the maid exclaimed.

"What about others?"

"Young master said, I went to the Forbidden City today... I want you to stay at home obediently," said the maid.

"Didn't you say anything else?"

"He also said something about martial arts, just ask the master or Mr. Zhong for advice..."

"Any more?"

"Also, it's written on a note." The maid squeezed out a note from her bosom, handed it to Ye Wenjun, smiled secretly, turned and left.

Ye Wenjun quickly took the note and quickly opened it.

The handwriting on the note was crooked——

"Mr. Wen, the battle in the Forbidden City is inevitable. Don't worry, I will return safe and sound. Your husband, Fang Yu."


PS: Don't forget to vote after reading.Thanks!Dare to be an ally!Even if there is a leader who stays overnight, he has to add 2 updates!
(End of this chapter)

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