Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 268 I am the Iron Fist King

Chapter 268 I am the Iron Fist King (three more)

This is a not-so-distant point in time.

Just wait.

They are both bounty hunters with extreme patience.

As long as there is money, no matter what is righteous or what is evil, it is a bunch of bullshit.


Fang Yu touched the bridge of his nose, poked Fu Sining, and said in a low voice: "The old guy said that the Iron Fist King might be Yachongtian, or else, you should hurry up and slip away."


Fu Sining rolled his eyes and said, "Why do you want to slip away, two fists are hard to beat four hands, there are so many fighters present, you can win. Besides, do you think Yae can talk about it?"

"Okay, big sister, I think you're not bad...why don't you listen to persuasion?" Fang Yu said helplessly.

"You don't want to eat alone, do you?"

"Cut. Big sister, am I such a villain in your eyes?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

The two discussed in low voices.

In the square, the warriors waited for each other.

Many people formed gangs and chatted on the spot.

The four elders remained motionless, standing in a row, and no one approached them.

Lu's children, like Mount Tai, stand still.

Time passed by minute by minute.


"Huaxia pig..." The foreign mercenary who insulted Fang Yu before came over.

Fang Yu's eyes froze, and he looked over.

The foreign mercenary had tattoos on both arms, and said with a smile, "Huaxia pig, are you the ninth level of martial arts?"

Obviously meant to be sarcastic.

Seeing the foreign mercenary mocking him face to face, Fang Yu snorted coldly.

There is a saying that goes well, there are only three things.

"Don't be as knowledgeable as him, the overall situation is the most important thing." Fu Sining persuaded again.

Fang Yu turned his head, looked at Fu Sining, and said, "I have to tell mentality exploded."


"My mind exploded, and the only way to calm down is to kill someone. Big sister, don't stop me, I'm afraid that if I get angry, I'll beat myself up."


Fang Yu turned around slowly, facing the foreign mercenary.

"Gringo, come here." Fang Yu hooked his fingers towards him.

The warriors couldn't help but look over.

They all still remember Fang Yu who boasted about his ninth level in martial arts.

The waiting time is naturally boring. Why not do it when there is something exciting to watch?
The foreign mercenary imitated the appearance of the Chinese, made a grimace, and said with a smile: "Ninth level warrior, I'm so scared—"

Fang Yu smiled and stepped forward.

When Fu Sining saw his steps, which were calm and murderous, he couldn't help being surprised.What is he going to do?
Do you really want to kill your competitors in front of Lu's family?

Some warriors around started booing.

Some applauded, some whistled, and some urged the gringo.

"Hit him!"

"Kill this Huaxia pig!"

"beat him!"

Fang Yu's expression remained unchanged.

He looked up at the position of the sun.

He said lightly, "It's almost time."


Just then-

At the gate, a disciple of the Lu family quickly ran over, bowed and said, "Elder Lu! Ye Xingkong has brought someone here!"


There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Those mercenary fighters and killers showed excited expressions.

It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.It would be better if I didn't look for you, but you actually came to your door.

"The guardians of the Ye family, plus about fifty hidden dragon guards, are all dispatched and are rushing to the main gate of the Forbidden City!"

Fang Yu was taken aback.

This father-in-law is really real, he insists on coming even if he doesn't let them come.

The arrival of the Ye family made people completely ignore the conflict between Fang Yu and the foreign mercenary.

Those who sat on the ground jumped up directly, eager to try.

The man carrying the big knife put the edge of the knife to his mouth and blew...

The autumn wind is blowing, it is really a good day to cut one's head.


Lu Tianxun suddenly opened his cloudy eyes, showed a sneer, and said in a deep voice, "Get ready to open the door!"

Everyone stood up and looked towards the city gate.

"The Iron Fist King should be here! It's exactly what I want! Thank you, everyone, to take down Mr. Ye and the Iron Fist King!" Lu Tianxun said loudly.

Mercenaries, excited.

"I heard that the young lady of the Ye family is beautiful! If you can marry her back home, tsk tsk tsk..."

"It's more than beautiful. It's like a fairy. I've seen it on TV."

"Will Iron Fist come with them?"

"I will! Otherwise, Mrs. Ye will be sent to death!"

"Well, kill the Iron Fist!"

One shouted.Others shouted.

"Kill the Iron Fist!"

"Kill the Iron Fist!"



The door opened slowly.

Headed by Ye Xingkong, Zhonglong is on the left, Zhonghu is on the right, and fifty hidden dragon guards are behind.The large troops rushed in directly.

However, when they entered the Forbidden City.

Ye Xingkong was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Mercenaries, killers, bounty hunters from all over the world!

Too many people.

"Mr. Zhong, something seems wrong."

"Where's my uncle?"

"There were so many people, I didn't see them."

"Oops, we've been tricked!"


The door slammed shut.

Seeing the flustered faces of Ye Xingkong and others, Lu Tianxun sneered indifferently.

The majestic voice sounded again——

"Whoever helps me win the head of the Iron Fist King will be his one billion yuan, plus a Consolidation and Peiyuan Pill!"

The audience was in an uproar, and their enthusiasm was completely ignited by this generous reward.

These fighters surrounded Ye Xingkong and the others like a pack of wolves.

Ye Xingkong and Yinlong's bodyguards changed their complexions and kept backing away.

The city gates are closed.

There is no going back.

"Ye Xingkong, suffer death... There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!"

"Ye Xingkong, betroth your daughter to me, and I will help you!"

"Hahaha, what a self-inflicted trap! Where's Iron Fist?"

"Yes, hand over the Iron Fist King!"

"Hand over Iron Fist!"

"Hand over Iron Fist!"

Shouts resounded throughout the square.The majesty of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was overwhelmed by the tide of shouts.


Just when Mrs. Ye was unable to retreat, a steady voice, with an extremely forceful thickness, covered all the shouts——

"Are they all there?"


This sound is too weird!
Focused, loud, resounding through the sky.

Even the four elders of the Lu family couldn't help but follow their prestige.

Among the mercenaries, is there such a master?
The audience fell silent, looking for the source of the sound.

Nobody moved.

No one spoke.

Everything seemed to stand still.

The source of that voice was Fang Yu.

His face was indifferent and his expression was calm.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward... towards the four elders...

"You're crazy!" Fu Sining's expression changed drastically!

"Come back, now is not the time to show off!"

"What are you going to do?"

Fu Sining was in a mess, although this guy was annoying, but no matter what, he was his partner!In the arena, she still has this bit of morality, and she must not watch him be stupid!
The gringo who had a conflict with Fang Yu was also full of doubts.

"Huaxia pig, are you crazy?"

"Huaxia pig, what exactly do you want to do?"


However, no matter how loud their taunts are.

Fang Yu turned a deaf ear to everything.

He quietly came in front of the four elders, slowly raised his head, his eyes were indifferent, and he said:
"I am the Iron Fist King!"

(End of this chapter)

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