Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 276 The Mysterious Powerhouse

Chapter 276 Mysterious strong man (one more)
The moment Fang Yu turned around and disappeared.

Ye Xingkong then ordered Yinlong guards to guard the Ye family courtyard 24 hours a day.

No one is allowed to approach.

Don't talk about any affection.

Ye Wenjun wanted to say something, but found that Fang Yu was walking so fast that he didn't have time to say anything... He couldn't help but felt a sense of loss.In addition to being disappointed, there is also a trace of worry.

Seeing his daughter's worried face, Ye Xingkong smiled slightly, and said: "Mr. Wen, you don't have to worry, from my observation, Fang Yu doesn't seem to be injured... He is probably looking for a breakthrough. "


You know, Fang Yu's current strength is already very strong.

In the Battle of the Forbidden City, he defeated the traps and masters set by Lu's family, which proved that Fang Yu's strength was much stronger than imagined.

If he breaks through again, how strong should he be?
They dare not think about it.

At this moment, Old Man Ye waved to Ye Xingkong, and told Ye Wenjun's situation in a low voice.

When he learned that Ye Wenjun could go to the warriors, he was overjoyed and excited, and said immediately:
"Mr. Wen!"

"Dad." Ye Wenjun didn't know why his father was so excited.

"Starting today, I will teach you the basics and knowledge about warriors!" Ye Xingkong said seriously.

"En." Ye Wenjun nodded heavily.

Back then, when the Ye family gave birth to a boy and a girl, Ye Xingchen, as the only son of the Ye family, had always been favored.It can be said to be a collection of thousands of pets.

In order not to make his daughter sad, Ye Xingkong spared no effort to let her receive the best education and go to the best university.


No one expected that things would develop into what they are today.

Ye Xingchen was missing.

Ye Wenjun embarked on martial arts because of an adventure.

The Ye family ushered in a nobleman who was enough to change the entire Ye family——Fang Yu.

Everything is moving in a good direction.


back yard.

The autumn wind is rippling and the branches are rustling.

Although it cannot achieve an absolutely quiet environment, it is enough.

Fang Yu looked around and looked around.

The rockery has been cleaned up, and many new plants have been planted around the lake.

The fragrance of fragrant grass permeated everywhere, making him feel peaceful.


According to traditional Chinese medicine, both movement and stillness are suitable, movement can keep fit, and stillness can cultivate one’s body.Plants don't move for a lifetime, but they last longer than humans.

The same is true for the tortoise bastard.

Of course, human beings are the primates of all things, and they must be combined with movement and stillness to achieve the best state.

Thinking of this.

Fang Yu slowly sat down cross-legged.

Close your eyes.

"Today's battle, although I spent a lot of internal energy, I also gained valuable combat experience."

"The strange thing is, why does the Big Dipper Array have such a small weakening effect on me?"

This was the question that Fang Yu had been thinking about before returning.

When the four elders of the Lu family opened the seven-star array, he knew that the power of the seven stars would be halved if there were three less stars... Even if it was only half the power, it should be able to achieve the weakening effect.

However, it doesn't have that obvious effect.

"Could it be... because of the golden dragon?"

In the Forbidden City, the Tianping emperor sits in the middle, naturalized in all directions, and comes to court from all sides.

He originally wanted to urge the golden dragon to break the effect of the seven-star formation directly, but... the moment the power of the golden dragon emerged, he felt a strange feeling.

Can't tell.

"Where is the problem?"

Fang Yu frowned slightly, but still couldn't figure it out, "Forget about it for now, let's talk about recovering the internal energy."

He took out the brocade box from his pocket and took out Hei Mulian, without being stingy at all, he chopped off half of Hei Mulian and devoured it all!

The moment Hei Mulian entered.

The inner element in his whole body became restless like an earthquake.

The blood was overwhelming, like a hot fire!
"What an overbearing medicinal power!"

Fang Yu entered the state of practice.

Surrounded by golden light, he slowly floated up.

10 minutes passed.

Three 10 minutes passed.

An hour passed.

Two hours have passed...

The potency gradually wears off.

Fang Yu opened his eyes suddenly, and let out a foul breath.


"what's the situation?"

"Inner yuan surge?"

He suddenly discovered that after the effect of the medicine disappeared, the inner essence grew at a terrifying speed.

Even more than last time.

Because of the previous experience, it is easy to deal with it.

Quickly use the inner element to expand the dantian.

When the internal energy is saturated, without any hesitation, he tries to mobilize the golden dragon!


About one meter in length, golden dragons as thick as fingers lingered all over his body.

After two rounds of rotation, the excess inner yuan was absorbed by the golden dragon.

Fang Yu's eyes widened and he observed the golden dragon up close.

"I don't know if it's powerful after absorbing my internal energy! Don't tell me that I'm a reptile after raising it for so long!"

He said so, but he was very happy in his heart.

How can a golden dragon be weak.

Another half hour passed.

The excess internal energy from the sudden increase in the remaining medicinal effects was all absorbed by the golden dragon.

The golden dragon has also become thicker on the basis of the original one.

"Shenlongjue, the sixth peak level." Fang Yu nodded in satisfaction, and slowly stood up.

It only took three or four hours to return to the peak state, and the strength has broken through!

This speed of cultivation can be called a miracle.

Fang Yu raised his head, looked into the distance, and exclaimed: "Old man, I have lived in the mountains for too long, I believe it will not be long before I can bring you back."

After a short rest, just about to leave——


The breeze blew, and the leaves made strange noises.


Fang Yu shouted.

It's really a good time to catch up, the inner yuan is restored, the golden dragon becomes bigger, and the integrity is at its peak.No matter which enemy comes, it will be sent to death!


"Yes, very keen sense of smell."

The voice came from the treetops.

Through the moonlight and through the leaves, Fang Yu saw a man holding a long sword standing on a branch.

Fang Yu smiled indifferently: "Mercenary? Killer?"

The man tiptoed, his body was as light as a swallow, and he slowly landed from the branch.

Moonlight spilled down.

Fang Yu saw the man's appearance clearly...

Spotless, fair but sharp features.

There was a strange mysterious aura exuding from his whole body.

Intuition told Fang Yu that this is a master.

A master far surpassing all he has ever seen!
The man looked at Fang Yu for a moment, then nodded, then shook his head, and said, "It's another newcomer."


What newcomer?
"Hey, if you're here to find fault, do it. What I hate the most is a pretender like you." Fang Yu said.

The man's expression didn't fluctuate.

He said indifferently: "When we meet for the first time, I will give you two pieces of advice: one, don't touch the Lu family; two, don't expose the aura you just exuded too early."

Fang Yu was baffled.

"Are you a helper of the Lu family?"

No, if it was a helper, it would be impossible to speak so calmly.

"Who are you?" Fang Yu said in a deep voice.
The man's face was stern, and he didn't answer Fang Yu's question.
Fang Yu snorted coldly, his whole body was stirred up, and he shouted violently: "Answer me——"

The sudden appearance of Nei Yuan horrified the man, he couldn't help but took a step back, and praised: "Such a powerful newcomer...inconceivable, inconceivable..."

Afterwards, facing the bright moonlight, the man regained his composure and said, "I am not your enemy, you don't need to get angry, remember my advice, if you are still alive, I will see you again. My name is Lin Weifeng."


The man stretched his arms, tapped his toes, and jumped up to the top of the tree as light as a swallow. With an incredible arc and jumping power, he disappeared into the trees.

Fang Yu couldn't help but startled.

Not like!
Because... human fighters simply can't do this level!
(End of this chapter)

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