Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 278 Big fish eat small fish

Chapter 278 Big Fish Eat Small Fish (Third Watch)

Seeing the words on the cover, Fang Yu was taken aback and frowned slightly.

Mr. Ye said softly: "Take it and read it... I can't remember the contents clearly, and I don't want to know again... After reading it, destroy it."


Fang Yu took the parchment, and his intuition told him that the contents inside were true.

So, I opened the book and started browsing.

Mr. Ye nodded slightly, turned and left the room.

The content is not complicated.

Most of them are in traditional Chinese characters, which are also understandable, and there are even comments.

It can be seen that the predecessors of the Ye family have read this book carefully.

There are not many sheepskin scrolls, only two, and the writing is quite clear——

"The world is a dark forest. Every practitioner is a hunter. He sneaks in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the way, trying not to let his footsteps make a sound, even breathing must be careful: he must be careful. , because there are practitioners who sneak like him everywhere in the forest, if he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do: destroy it."

"This is the general outline of the Dark Forest Law!"

Seeing this, Fang Yu trembled all over.

The law is very clear and clear.

Practitioners, when seeing other practitioners, before they are not sure whether they are enemies or friends, the safest way is to destroy them!

"There are really practitioners in this world?" Fang Yu was secretly surprised.

Thinking of the mysterious strong man I saw in the back garden, his aura is different from that of ordinary warriors.In other words, that person named Lin Weifeng is most likely a practitioner.

When Lin Weifeng parted, he said two pieces of advice.

Is it...

Is it to warn yourself not to be exposed, lest practitioners find out and then destroy yourself?

Fang Yu nodded, and said to himself: "In other words, Lin Weifeng was attracted by my golden dragon breath. He is a practitioner, but he did not kill me according to the law of the dark forest..."


There are no absolutes.

No wonder there are always warriors in this world, and no one mentions practitioners.


Is destroying the other party just to protect your own safety?
Not just it!

Fang Yu smiled slightly, folded the sheepskin roll vigorously, put his palms together——

The entire sheepskin roll was reduced to powder!
This is the end.

The doubts in Fang Yu's heart were solved a lot.
"The so-called law of the dark forest is actually that the big fish eat the small fish... I want to see who is the big fish and who is the small fish."

To practitioners, warriors are like the difference between ants and humans.

"The four elders of the Lu Clan are dead. With my current strength, it is almost enough to destroy the Lu Clan...but it is bound to attract the attention of practitioners. Well, then wait, at least practice first." Let’s talk about a good part of the Hunyuan Sword Classic.”

Fang Yu thought secretly.

Once the breath is too strong, it will definitely attract attention, Lin Weifeng is an example.

It's better to keep a low profile and kill pigs!
Smiling slightly, clapping his hands, the dust dispersed: "Come on, big fish..."

The moment he turned around.

There seemed to be faint fluctuations in the air.
The golden dragon appeared in the undulating ripples, and the light suddenly appeared——

As thick as a bamboo pole, it circled and danced around him.

at the same time:

The mandala petals were shaken by this powerful breath, and they shook slightly, making a faint sound of wind chimes.


in the night.

on the mountains.

A figure stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the Ye family.

This person was Lin Weifeng who had met Fang Yu once before.

He has a calm expression and calm eyes.

Suddenly, he frowned, as if he felt something, and sighed: "What a strong aura... It's a pity that I didn't listen to my advice."

"I thought he was a newcomer with good talent... It's a pity, it's a pity, no matter what, if you die, you will die, and continue to look for new goals..."

After Lin Weifeng sighed twice, his expression returned to calm.

He turned around and jumped, disappearing into the forest.


When Fang Yu returned to the hall, Mr. Ye glanced at him indifferently, and said, "It's getting late, let's all rest."

"Xing Kong, Zhong Long, Zhong Hu, what are you still doing?" Old Master Ye said.


In front of the old man, everyone else is a junior.

They could all hear that Mr. Ye wanted to give Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun some space to spend alone.

The crowd dispersed.

In the main hall, only Ye Wenjun and Fang Yu were left.

The light shines on Ye Wenjun's exquisite facial features.

Wen Jing's slightly shy expression gave her an extra touch of chic.

At this time, Fang Yu walked towards her.

Ye Wenjun felt her heart beating rapidly...

"Daughter-in-law, why do you look a little uncomfortable? Let me take a look." Fang Yu smiled lightly.

As a doctor, if you can't even look down on the people around you, then you are incompetent.

Before Ye Wenjun agreed, Fang Yu had already grabbed her wrist, felt the pulse, and closed his eyes to feel it.

After a while, Fang Yu smiled and said:
"Daughter-in-law, you are in good health, but your dantian has just been opened and is still in a fragile state."


"Don't light up, go to bed early."


"Huh? Why are you blushing?"


"Is it hot? Oh, Qiuhu, there's nothing you can do. Turn on the air conditioner and sleep at night."


From bathing to sleeping... No matter what Fang Yu said, Ye Wenjun was always obedient.

This is very similar to the three obediences and four virtues shown by a loyal woman in ancient times when she met the wishful man in her heart.


in the boudoir.

Everywhere is filled with the unique fragrance of women.

As soon as Fang Yu came in, he saw Ye Wenjun lying flat on the bed, looking like everyone picked him up.


Fang Yu sighed, jumped onto the bed, lay down beside her, and said lightly, "I feel very uncomfortable when you wear such pajamas."


"Your dantian has just formed, if I break your body, you will have an accident..." Fang Yu said seriously.

Ye Wenjun was taken aback for a moment, then blushed, and simply turned around, facing the wall.

"Daughter-in-law, shall we discuss something?" Fang Yu said cautiously.


Hearing this tone, a little angry?

But how could this hurt Fang Yu, who was as heartless as a rock and so thick-skinned that he was insane.

"You see, I have been in Yanjing for a long time, and I have always been a vagrant. Aren't you the president of the Ye Group? Go through the back door and find me a vice president, can you?" Fang Yu said.

"You are a warrior, and you still need to work?" Ye Wenjun couldn't understand.

"Hey, it's a long story. During this period of time, the money was too much to spend. Being poor is a crime, and it's a capital crime!" Fang Yu sighed.


Ye Wenjun said lightly, "I can give you money to spend."

Hearing this, Fang Yu jumped into a rage and said, "You are insulting me... Am I the kind of kid who eats soft food? What I said before was all a joke. But then again, how much do you plan to give me?"


PS: The law of the dark forest, if you are interested, you can find out about it on Baidu.Although it is very complicated, the reason is very simple.That's how the warrior world is.
(End of this chapter)

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