Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 287 He Can Afford It

Chapter 287
Ye Xingkong is just such a son, seeing that he is still alive, he is so excited that he can't help it.He hurried over and helped Ye Xingchen up.

"Just come back, just come back!" He patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder vigorously.

The two had so much to say.

"There is a big feast tonight, I want to have a few drinks with my son!" Ye Xingkong said boldly.


The nearby servants bowed, and all went to prepare dinner.

As soon as he entered the hall, Ye Xingchen looked around.

"Huh? Where's Mr. Wen?" Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously.

The voice just fell.

On the second floor, Ye Wenjun changed into clear clothes and walked down slowly. When he saw Ye Xingchen, he couldn't help but look surprised and shouted: "Brother?"

"Mr. Wen!"

Ye Wenjun speeded up.

Ever since Ye Xingchen left that night, there has been no news of him, and now... Ye Xingchen finally came back.How could she not be happy.

"Are you okay?" Ye Wenjun said happily.

Ye Xingchen nodded and said:

"I'm fine... By the way, where is my brother-in-law?"

When Fang Yu was mentioned, everyone froze for a moment.

Ye Xingkong gradually calmed down, and replied: "He is demolishing the house in the back garden."

"Demolish... demolish the house?"


In the back garden, there was the sound of bombing.

Ye Xingchen frowned slightly, not quite understanding what happened.

Ye Xingkong pulled his son to the sofa and said, "Leave him alone, where have you been all these years?"

Hearing this question, Ye Xingchen fell into painful memories.

Therefore, he narrated the painful experience of seeking martial arts in these years one by one.

Hearing this, Ye Xingkong and Ye Wenjun were stunned and felt incredible.

When Ye Xingchen said that he was disfigured by Lu Tianhao's poison, Ye Xingkong showed even more horror, looked at his normal face and said: "Since you have been disfigured, how are you doing well now?"

"Thanks to Fang Yu." Ye Xingchen said sincerely.

"Thank you Fang Yu?"

"Yeah, isn't Fang Yu a genius doctor? I later found out that he is a genius doctor from Jiangzhou Huada Hospital. He is proficient in Taiyi magic acupuncture. He once used Taixuan fingering to suppress the epidemic in Jiangzhou! It is well known in the Xinglin community." Divine doctor!"

Ye Xingchen showed a look of admiration, as if he was a fan.

Ye Xingkong and Ye Wenjun knew him well. Ye Xingchen was so arrogant back then. Among the younger generation, there were few who he could look up to.The person who can make him admire with this expression is one in a million!
"He gave me a magical medicinal material. After a period of treatment...the wound on my face has completely healed."

Speaking of this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but think of that night when the moon was shining, Fang Yu could tell at a glance that he had been poisoned.

"Huh? Dad, Wenjun, don't look at me like that... Seriously, Fang Yu is the best medical person I've ever seen!"


"If it wasn't for him, I would have died several times!"

The two of them were taken aback by Ye Xingchen's words.

"What about the others? Why haven't they come back?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Ye Xingkong thought about it carefully, what he said was not unreasonable.

Both public and private, this son-in-law has made outstanding contributions to the Ye family.Just killing the dead servants of the Jin family and saving the Ye family, this kindness is enough for them to pay for their lives.

"I don't know. He is practicing sword in the back garden, it's best not to disturb him." Ye Xingkong said.

"Practicing swords?"

Ye Xingchen said with an adoring expression again, "Not only is he a master of medicine, but he is also a master of martial arts!"

Ye Xingkong also agrees:

"It's not just a martial arts master... I'm afraid you don't know that in the battle of the Forbidden City, he killed the four elders of Lu's Law Enforcement Hall!"


Ye Xingchen's mind was blank.

I remember that I advised him not to go, why did I still go... Besides, I also killed the four elders?

How can it be? !
Just when Ye Xingchen was shocked, Fang Yu's voice came——


The crowd followed the sound.

He saw Fang Yu walking back with a dirty body, as if he had rolled in the mud.

Ye Wenjun and Ye Xingkong frowned.

I thought to myself, did this guy take a mud bath in the pond in the back garden...

He walked in just like that.

Black footprints appeared one after another in an instant on the spotless floor.

Everyone was stunned.

"Eh..." Ye Xingchen froze for a moment, it was really hard to connect the Fang Yu in front of him with that night.

"Brother-in-law, you are recovering well."

Fang Yu walked up to him, put his arm on Ye Xingchen's shoulder and said, "He is indeed a good-looking talent, although he is a bit worse than me..."


"Why are you all looking at me like this?" Fang Yu looked down, and suddenly realized, "I accidentally fell down when I practiced the sword...let me take a bath."

With that said, he climbed upstairs and went to take a shower.


Fang Yu took a shower and changed his clothes.

Ye Wenjun looked up, and when he saw Fang Yu's heroic spirit, he couldn't help being startled...

The skin is white.

The hands also turned white.

what happened?

Fang Yu came to the crowd, sat down to pick it up, looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "Ye Xingchen, when you come back at this time, you must be stealing my property, right?"



The Ye family was shocked by these words.

Ye Xingchen was also very embarrassed. Do warriors who have reached this level still care about such worldly possessions?

"Fang Yu, don't get me wrong, I won't ask for a penny, I'll give it all to you..." Ye Xingchen said sincerely.

Hearing this, Ye Xingkong was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to speak, Ye Xingchen rushed ahead of him and said: "I have seen through these years, the journey of martial arts is full of difficulties and obstacles, and worldly money and things are always things outside of the body..."

Fang Yu patted him on the shoulder, and said: "You finally see through..." As he spoke, he raised his head and glanced at Ye Xingkong, and continued, "Old man, do you hear me? Don't be stingy with me. No one will steal my property!"

"..." Ye Xingkong and Ye Wenjun were speechless for a while.

Sometimes this guy can be annoying as a rogue.

Just then-

Ye Xingchen stood up suddenly.

He came to Fang Yu respectfully.

The Ye family looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to do.

Suddenly, Ye Xingchen knelt down.

"Xing Chen, what are you doing?" Ye Xingkong was taken aback, kneeling among his peers, this is unreasonable!
Even Fang Yu was taken aback for a moment.

Kneeling suddenly, who can stand it!
"Dad, let me finish."

Regardless of what everyone thought, Ye Xingchen said with a serious expression on his face, "First of all, Fang Yu saved my life. This is the grace of rebuilding. It is only right for me to pay my respects."

Forehead touches the ground!The sound could be heard throughout the hall.

Hearing this, Ye Xingkong didn't say much.The son is right, this is the grace of regeneration, not to mention Ye Xingchen kneeling down, even if the entire Ye family kneel down, Fang Yu can afford it!

PS: Ask for a ticket.By the way, send a book friend QQ group 586414482, I have been afraid to advertise before.Come on if you like talking about the mountains, the author will post updates in the group in real time.

(End of this chapter)

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