Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 293 Sudden Assassination

Chapter 293 Sudden Assassination
The man wearing glasses walked quickly, glanced at Liu Feiyang, then looked at Fang Yu, and said, "Brother, my nephew is young, please forgive me."


Fang Yu was slightly taken aback.

Looking straight at the man wearing glasses, I didn't expect this man to be quite polite, but I still have to talk about this truth!

"Your nephew is going to beat me up." Fang Yu said with narrowed eyes.


There was a strange look in Liu Feiyang's eyes, he didn't understand why Tangtang Fourth Uncle would apologize to a shameless old guy.And so polite.

"Fourth Uncle, you have to uphold justice for me!" Liu Feiyang walked to the man and said, "This guy just attacked viciously and knocked me and my classmates down. He is so vicious!"

Just at this moment, a shout came——

"Who bullied my nephew!!"

Not far away, a tall and burly figure hurried over with a few people, his face was tense, his eyes were angry, and he stared straight at Fang Yu!Fang Yu followed the sound and saw that this man was obviously much hotter than the man wearing glasses!

I really didn't expect that this Liu Feiyang has such a big background and has so many elders backing him, no wonder he is so arrogant.

In the blink of an eye, the man led the crowd and asked aggressively, "You really treat yourself like a green onion? You bully my nephew, do you know the Yanjing Liu family?"

"Do you know who I am? Listen carefully... My name is Liu Hai, and this one is Liu Changfeng! I'm a warrior! Are you scared? Apologize to me if you're afraid!"

Liu Changfeng, Liu Hai?

Yanjing Liu Family?

Fang Yu was not impressed.

It is probably a new family that took the opportunity to rise after the fall of the martial arts family.

There are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains to be kings. Without the Jin family and Zhao family, the Liu family will be kings.

"You think too much." Fang Yu said lightly, "I am completely passive in this matter."

"Stop talking nonsense with me," the man said aggressively, "Dare to hit my nephew, are you tired of life?!"

"Yo, you want to kill me?" Fang Yu's eyes turned cold, he paused, and said, "You have to have this ability!"


"Damn, still pretend in front of me, surround me!"


A group of people surrounded Fang Yu and Jiang Xiaoxiao in Gaixin.

Fang Yu glanced at him coldly and said, "What a big tone. So, are you planning not to let me go today?"

"Nonsense! You beat my nephew, and you still want to leave?" Liu Hai snorted coldly, raised his fist and swung it.

Liu Changfeng who was behind him suddenly stepped out, grabbed Liu Hai's arm, and advised, "Third brother, calm down!"

"Calm down!" Liu Hai's eyes straightened with anger, "My nephew was beaten, don't you treat Feiyang as your own family? If you are afraid, get out, I'll come!"

"Boss said..." Liu Changfeng hesitated to speak, "Don't just start conflicts with others!"

"Fart! In matters of martial arts, I can obey the boss, but my nephew was beaten, I must seek justice for him!"

"But what's the deal with the boss?" Liu Changfeng was still persuading.

"What's the job? Liu Feiyang is my nephew, and he has always respected you, and he can be regarded as your half nephew, you—" the man waved him.

This put Liu Changfeng into a dilemma.It looked like he couldn't persuade Liu Hai away.

Liu Hai has always been reckless and has no brains in doing things.He is also very affectionate and righteous, but he is also very fierce and decisive in his strikes.Those who are mixed in this way express this kind of character.So he can play a piece of the world in Yanjing.

But after Liu Hai joined this small conflict, the conflict became more and more out of hand.

"Brother, what do you think of this? After all, this matter is a trivial matter, we don't want to make a big fuss, but you beat my nephew, you apologize to Fei Yang, and let this matter be exposed, how about it?"

"Apologize?" Fang Yu's voice was emotionless.

At this moment, Liu Hai calmed down his anger temporarily.To tell the truth, the boss reminded thousands of times not to cause trouble everywhere, but riding a tiger is hard to get off, and if you come out to mess around, even if you lose a fight, you must not lose anyone.

"You always hit Feiyang. If there is no result in this matter, it will be very difficult for us!" Liu Changfeng said.

"This uncle, it was your nephew who made the trouble first. It has nothing to do with my brother-in-law!" Jiang Xiaoxiao who was next to him also recognized the people in front of him.

Moreover, there are so many people coming from the other party, and this place is very remote, if there is a real fight, what if my brother-in-law is injured.

"It's not important." Liu Changfeng said calmly, "After all, Feiyang is young and ignorant. This brother must have done something wrong for beating someone. This is the only way for this matter to be the best result."

Fang Yu couldn't help thinking.

This guy is very calm, so clear-headed.

If Liu Hai is allowed to fight with him, even if he wins Liu Hai, but Liang Zi is settled, and troubles will come one after another in the future.

It's not that he's afraid of them. With Fang Yu's temper, he wouldn't frown if he killed his whole family, but right now Mo Chengkong is kicking the rankings, so he doesn't have that much time to entangle with these people.

Besides, there is my sister-in-law by my side now.After all, she and her sister are ordinary people. If they form a relationship with the martial arts family, it will be difficult to survive in Yanjing in the future.

Especially that Liu Feiyang, who was Jiang Xiaoxiao's classmate.

Even my sister-in-law Jiang Xiaoxiao, who has not yet entered the society, said: "Brother-in-law, why don't we apologize, anyway, a man can bend and stretch..."

Fang Yu sighed leisurely and figured it out.

He touched his sister-in-law's head and said, "Do you know? In your brother-in-law's life, the only things I can submit to are heaven and earth, only my parents and brothers..." Fang Yu paused, "Today, it's much the same , that's my sister-in-law." Then, Fang Yu raised his head and turned to Liu Hai, "For my sister-in-law's sake, I-"

Not finished yet——

"Fuck your mother! If an apology is necessary, then the police will do it?" Liu Hai insisted, pointing at Fang Yu and cursing.

Fang Yu couldn't help frowning.

Liu Feiyang next to him looked very relieved, his eyes sparkled.

"What do you want?" Fang Yu asked.

"Your Majesty!"

"Let me kneel down?" Fang Yu narrowed his eyes, but his face gradually became gloomy, "Are you sure?"

"Are you kneeling or not!" Liu Hai said.

Fang Yu looked at his sister-in-law again, and there was a hint of complexity in his small eyes.

In the same tone as before: "I'm sorry, you have lost the last chance for peace negotiations..."

His tone was suddenly cold.

The surrounding air instantly became stagnant.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from behind Liu Hai, extremely fast.At the same time, his tone was cold: "So much nonsense!"

It was a knife, reflecting the sun's rays.

Such a strong warrior breath!
Fang Yu frowned!
Is it...

Have you been here waiting for me?

"Brother-in-law—" Jiang Xiaoxiao saw that her brother-in-law was about to be attacked by this black shadow, and cried out heartbreakingly.

(End of this chapter)

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