Chapter 295

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

"No, boss!"

The faces of the Liu family's children changed greatly in fright.

If Liu Ru died, what would happen to the entire Liu family?The Liu family finally had a sign of rising. As the pillar of the whole family, how could it fall down?
Seeing that Fang Yu didn't respond, Liu Rushi's heart skipped a beat, he gritted his teeth and raised his hand, and patted himself on the forehead——

Fang Yu kicked it sharply.

It's like kicking a football, rolling several times along the ground.

The members of the Liu family trembled in fright.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

"I ask you, the reason! If you want to die, I can help you at any time!" Fang Yu said in a deep voice.

Liu Rushi's face was pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

sweating a lot.

The big hand grabbed the ground fiercely, and the nails were scratched.

"Hall Master Fang..."

Liu Rushi shed tears, thumped the ground and said, "I can't say it! I really can't say it... The entire Liu family's life is in my hands alone! I..."

Speaking of this, Liu Rushi blushed——

"The matter has come to this! No amount of words can make up for my fault...I only ask Hall Master Fang to let the Liu family go..."

Liu Rushi suddenly turned her head and stared at the Liu family's children, "Kneel down, all of them!"

Liu Changfeng, Liu Hai, and Liu Feiyang were stunned.

They are hesitating.

why? !

Why is this happening?

"I'll say it again for the last time! Kneel down!" Liu Rushi ordered through gritted teeth.

In an instant, all the disciples of the Liu family knelt down.

I dare not move.

Fang Yu's expression remained the same without any change.

Slowly turned around, came in front of Liu Rushi, and said in a deep voice:

"Your Liu family's life is life... other people's lives are not life? You keep saying that you are a wolf, and you are not as good as an animal... But look what you have done? Send people close to Jiang Xiaoxiao, plot to harm me, and even cover up the culprit The culprit!"

"Okay, you don't need to say...then I will kill your whole family!"

Kill your whole family!
These four words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Liu Rushi's chest hard.

Leave his mind blank.

Shortness of breath suddenly.

The body froze instantly.

Seeing Liu Rushi was stunned, Fang Yu's might be able to make him even more embarrassing——

"Who was it just now, talking nonsense in front of my sister, now, stand up!"

Among the kneeling crowd, Liu Hai and Liu Feiyang trembled!
"I'll count to three, and no one will stand up. You will be responsible for the consequences!"

There was silence again.


As a student, Liu Feiyang stood up trembling.

The moment he stood up, Fang Yu kicked him with the momentum of thunder.

Weak as an ant.

Without any resistance, his chest was severely injured and he flew upside down.




Fang Yu's face was indifferent, and he didn't even look at Liu Feiyang, his eyes fell directly on Liu Rushi.

"This kick is enough to keep him lying down for a lifetime... Do you still want to continue to cover up? You should understand. No one in your entire Liu family can stop me!"

Liu Rushi was shocked all over, and her face was shocked!

He was right!
Who in the Liu family can stop Fang Yu?

No!not a single one!

"If you say it, you will die... If you don't say it, you will die... whatever!"

Liu Rushi let out a long sigh, "The ancestors of the Liu family, please forgive me, I will bear the responsibility for the mistakes I made today."

After a pause, he said again, "Today, I will use the lives of everyone in the Liu family! Atonement!"

Fang Yu snorted lightly.


"One of the three giants of the dark web..."


Fang Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide, his gaze was like fire.

It's them!
Indeed they are!
"Where is he?" Fang Yu asked again.

"I, I don't know." Liu Rushi said earnestly, "Master Fang should be very aware of the strength of the Big Three...I'm just an ordinary member, how can I know their positions, let alone influence their thoughts!"

On this point, he has no reason to lie.

Fang Yu nodded.

As if thinking of something, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Could it be... Mo Chengkong?


on the roof of the building.

Man in suit smiling.

"This Tekken King is a bit interesting... I like such an interesting opponent, slowly torturing, slowly playing with..."

He took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said in a deep voice, "Plan B will be implemented."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and came to the edge, leaped forward, stepped on the wall, and flew over the wall like a spiderman!Fall quickly!
Reached the ground in an instant.

Disappear among tall buildings!

at the same time.

Fang Yu suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the building.

Very strange breath.

When he felt it again, the breath was gone.

I couldn't help thinking in my heart, the exposure of the breath is really easy to be noticed by others... It seems that there are experts watching.

Fang Yu snorted coldly, come if you have the guts.

Turning around and looking at Liu Rushi again, he said lightly, "I can let the Liu family go...but you must come with me!"

Liu Rushi didn't have any ability to resist, so he could only prostrate on the ground and allow the demolition.


From the beginning to the end, Jiang Xiaoxiao was terrified by clutching at the corner of his clothes.

She has never been so afraid like today...not even at Sun Guoting's Dragon and Tiger Banquet!

Fang Yu patted her head, smiled and said, "Are you afraid?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "Not afraid."

"Give me your hand."

Fang Yu gently held her injured arm.

The surging Hunyuan nourished her skin like rain.

Jiang Xiaoxiao felt crispy and numb, hot but comfortable.

Wait to take a look.

The knife wound has completely disappeared!

Just at this moment, Fang Yu's cell phone vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone and asked in confusion, "Ten missed calls, is Fan Tong in a hurry?"

Quickly click to answer the phone.

"Brother Yu, something happened!" Fan Tong's first words were not flattering, but that meant something really happened.

Fang Yu's heart sank, and he said, "Say!"

"Uncle and aunt's grave...was dug up!"

Fang Yu's body froze immediately.

Finger trembling for the first time!
Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling nervous and worried.

She knew that her brother-in-law was never afraid of anything, even if the sky fell, he could resist it!

Why is he nervous?
"Who is it?" Fang Yu said in a deep voice.

"I only left an address. This place is very dangerous, Brother Yu, you can't go..." Fan Tong worried.

Hearing that he had left an address, Fang Yu calmed down instead——

"Fan Tong, you are the one who understands me best among all my brothers."

No extra words.

it is more than words.

On the other end of the phone, he sighed and said, "Zezhou, Jincheng, and the Lu family."

Hearing this answer, Fang Yu was not surprised at all.

What should come, always comes.

Just when he was about to hang up the phone.

Fan Tong actually started to cry——

"Brother Yu, I'm so useless, I failed to protect my uncle and aunt! I'm such a waste! A waste! I can't help at all! I'm a brother in vain!"

Pa, there was a sound of self-slapping.

Hearing these self-blaming words, Fang Yu couldn't help but fell silent...

Fan Tong is just an ordinary person, he broke his leg with him back then, fought and killed him, ups and downs... Now he has to do his filial piety for himself.

Man, you never know who is best for you.

You have to lose it to know how rare it is, it's really cheap.

After a moment of silence, he said:
"Fan Tong, you have done a good job."


"The big man is crying, please show some face!" Fang Yu reprimanded.

"Okay, okay...I won't cry."

The tone eased down.

"Wait for me to come back and have a drink together."

The phone hangs up.

Fang Yu grabbed Jiang Xiaoxiao's hand and walked towards the end of the alleyway...

PS: The fourth update is over again~~ How many people like me insist on the fourth update?

(End of this chapter)

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