Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 297 The Trash Master?

Chapter 297 The Trash Master? (two more)


A Dharma protector at the front was sweating profusely.

All the disciples of the Lu family did not dare to speak out, and the square was completely silent.

Dark clouds rolled in, and the entire sky looked extremely oppressive.

"Let me ask you, where are the four elders?" Lu Tianyuan asked in a deep voice.

The eight protectors knelt down at the same time.

"Master, please forgive me! The four elders are already... dead!"


Lu Tianyuan's face changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, during the period of retreat, such a big change happened to the Lu family.

The death of the four elders is not a trivial matter.

"Everyone above the guardian, discuss in the council hall!"




at the same time.

A car parked on the street in Jincheng, Zezhou.

People come and go, bustling and noisy.

The moment Fang Yu got out of the car, he couldn't help sighing, 13 years ago, this place was still depressed, but now it is full of people.

The last time I went to Chenjiacun, I didn't have time to visit the city.

"Let's go. Go directly." Fang Yu said lightly.

"I will lead the way." Liu Rushi said.

Chen Daotian pushed him away, and said contemptuously: "Who wants you to lead the way, Brother Yu knows the way better than you, okay?"

On the way here, several people chatted, and when they talked about Mo Chengkong, Liu Rushi told them all the shameless things he had done.

Chen Daotian is also the kind of person who hates evil, especially when it comes to brotherhood, he can't rub the sand in his eyes.

At first, he thought Liu Ru was his real brother, but later found out that he was a despicable villain, and he gave him good looks along the way.

Liu Rushi didn't say much.

The three continued on.

Arrived in Jincheng.

In fact, it is considered to be in the territory of the Lu family.

It is well known that the Lu family covers a wide area.

Fang Yu walked along the familiar path for about 10 minutes, and stopped in front of an archway.

The archway is still old and retains the original style of the last century.

The nearby archway has been repaired many times, and the names and achievements of the masters of the Lu clan in the past are engraved on the archway.

Seeing the archway, Chen Daotian snorted coldly: "It's really a typical bitch erecting an archway!"

Fang Yu glared at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, not all Lu Clan masters are bad people."


"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. There is a grievance and a debtor. Whoever is responsible will bear it." Fang Yu said looking at the archway.


The three moved on.

Passing through a deserted street is the unique residential area of ​​the Lu family.

"The front is the fringe area, most of which are the grassroots children of the Lu family. The main role is to defend, and also to guard the city." Fang Yu reminded.


Under Fang Yu's leadership, the three came to Shoucheng District.

"Hey, you three, what are you doing?" A young man sat on the steps of the door and asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

Fang Yu said lightly: "I'm looking for your guardians..."

The Four Great Elders are dead, and Lu Tianyuan doesn't know if he is there, and the Law Enforcement Hall no longer exists.At this time, the one who keeps his word should be the eight guardians.

The man with the cigarette in his eyes spat out the cigarette in his mouth with contempt, and said, "Report your name."

"Fang Yu."

Hearing this, the man with a cigarette in his mouth was stunned for a moment, and said calmly, "What do you want from our Dharma protector?"

"Take back what belongs to you." Fang Yu replied.

"Something that belongs to you?"

The man smoking a cigarette frowned and didn't understand a word.

After thinking for a moment, the man with a cigarette waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, our guardians are very busy and cannot entertain you!"

After finishing speaking, the man with the cigarette in his mouth muttered in a low voice: "Every cat and dog want to see our guardian, so it's okay?"

This was said almost in front of Fang Yu's face.

Fang Yu could bear it, but Chen Daotian couldn't. He rushed forward and bared his teeth, "You can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth! Hurry up and take us to meet your Dharma protectors! Otherwise, I'll smash your mouth!"

This threat immediately attracted several disciples of the Lu family nearby.

They are all young.

There are also some smaller ones, wearing school uniforms, wandering around.

"Dare to act wild on the territory of my Lu family, are you tired of work?"

Swish swish.

The four young men stood beside the man smoking a cigarette, their shoulders crossed.

Fang Yu glanced at them indifferently, and said, "Little friend, I suggest you call some older elders to talk to me, otherwise, it will be too late to regret."

Hearing this, the four young men laughed wildly.

The man smoking a cigarette said with a smile: "Did you hear that? Someone is threatening us... tsk tsk tsk..."

As soon as he said this, the people around him also laughed.

Lu's children are used to superiority.

Always keep your eyes above the top.


Fang Yu didn't expect that the four elders were already dead, and these people could still be so arrogant.He sighed and shook his head.

He didn't move.

Liu Rushi next to him rushed over like a gust of wind.

Bang, bang bang!
One punch at a time, all hit the bridge of the nose.

For a while, screamed.

All five fell to the ground, covering their noses...


Chen Daotian was startled, and said: "You are still ruthless..."

There was no disturbance in Liu Rushi's heart, he already had the attitude of seeing death as home... Today, he followed Fang Yu to the Lu family's territory to atone for his sins.

A person who is desperate to die, is he still afraid of the Lu family?

The Heavenly King Lao Tzu came without frowning.


"Bastard, you dare to hit us!"

"You're done!"

Just when they were about to get up and find fault, a steady voice came from behind——

"Who is causing trouble in Lu's territory?"

"Guard Lu?" The disciples of the nearby Lu family also saw the person coming.

This is on the fringe, the one who manages the day-to-day affairs of the family.

The three of Fang Yu, as well as the Lu family's children who were watching, looked over at the same time.

Steward Lu walked lightly, stopped more than ten meters away from the crowd, raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Fang Yu.

My heart can't help but move, this is...

A familiar figure came to mind.

But soon, he calmed down, replaced by a touch of contempt.

Guanshi Lu glanced at the five young Lu family members and shouted, "Bold!"

"Yes, he is so bold! Guanshi Lu, call someone and break their legs!"

"According to our Lu family's rules, we have to goug his eyes!"

"Guard Lu, you must make the decision for us, my nose is broken! Huh..."


Guanshi Lu didn't have any sympathy for those Lu's children who were beaten, but shouted: "I mean, you are so bold!"

The five young men were taken aback!
What do you mean?
Steward Lu said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and apologize to the young master!"

Young... young master?
A group of young people were stunned, their brains stopped thinking.

Seeing them frozen in place, Guanshi Lu kicked them over and shouted: "I don't know etiquette! This is my Lu family, the former young master! Lu Yu! Young master Lu! You dare to insult the young master, you want to die ?"

"Small... young master?"

The five people were completely dumbfounded.

At this time, Guanshi Lu smiled slightly, bowed his hands to Fang Yu proudly, and said with a smile, "I have seen the young master."

However, the moment he bowed his head, a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, to make you complacent first, and then torment you good-for-nothing in a while!
(End of this chapter)

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