Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The operation door was kicked open by Young Master Xiao violently.

The audience was shocked.

In the operating room, Director Du was stunned, as were the assistants and doctors.

Fang Yu and Xu Zhaopei were taken aback by the sudden kick.

Everyone stared at the young master Xiao Ting who was furious, not daring to speak.

Only Fang Yu glanced at Xiao Ting indifferently, put away his pen, and said: "According to this prescription, take the medicine and treat it for three months. After that, I will need to give injections once a month. After half a year, you will be cured."

Xu Zhaopei is a surgeon and has little knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, but the gradually normal values ​​on the instrument - pulse, heart rate, blood pressure all indicate that the patient's condition is stable!

Director Du was even more surprised, and he was very puzzled. This kid really knows acupuncture and has mastered advanced medical skills!

Chinese medicine, is it so magical?

Xiao Ting's eyes were sharp, and from this small operating room, he locked on Fang Yu at a glance - that rustic young man in a long robe.Other than this person, he really couldn't figure out who else would break into the operating room and make trouble!
"Bastard, you were the one who broke into the operating room, right?" Xiao Ting pointed at Fang Yu with resentment on his face.


"Still pretending to be like me, brothers, let me destroy him!"

While speaking, the two brothers behind rushed towards Fang Yu.

Fang Yu was originally very calm, so he chuckled and said, "Look for a fight!"


When the two of them had just rushed in front of Fang Yu, Fang Yu suddenly made a move, and punched out with two punches as fast as the wind——


Xu Zhaopei was dumbfounded.

This scene was very familiar, just like when the needle was applied just now, Xu Zhaopei seemed to see afterimages of two fists.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them fell to the ground with a thud, clutching their stomachs and screaming as if they had no time to react.

Seeing this, Xiao Ting blushed with anger and shouted:

"Do you dare to fight back?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"You can't afford to mess with our Xiao family!"

"Do you know who this patient is? Your life is over, you have offended someone you shouldn't!"

On the side, Dean Wu also hurried in.

He knows that this Xiao Ting is not easy to mess with, and the patients inside are even more difficult to mess with.

"Fang Yu, quickly apologize to Young Master Xiao! Young Master Xiao is one of the shareholders behind Huada Hospital."


Xiao Ting sneered, "Apologize? Today, even if you kneel down and beg me, I won't let you go!"

It’s over.

Fang Yu is completely over now, offended Xiao Ting, life will not be easy in the future.Anyone who knows Xiao Ting knows that this Xiao Ting is the suitor of the noble patient on the operating table, and behind him is the entire Xiao family.Even Dean Wu dare not make an enemy of the Xiao family.

Hearing this, Fang Yu's eyes moved to Xiao Ting's face.

Xiao family?

I have a vague impression - the Xiao family eight years ago was just a small family that was not well established, relying on the Fang family for survival.After the fall of the Fang family, the Xiao family gained the opportunity to develop, and only then did they achieve their current status.

Looking at Xiao Ting, Fang Yu seemed to be looking at a child, and said, "Go back and tell your father Xiao Shilang, after eating for so long, can you digest it?"

Xiao Ting was shocked all over, his face full of surprise.How he knew his father's name is impossible for ordinary people to know.How did this guy know?
Just when he was surprised——


A crisp cough startled everyone.

"Dean, she's awake!"

"She's awake!"

On the operating table, the patient raised his weak hand, trying to lift the mask on his face...

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

she's fine!
She was saved!
She was actually saved by Fang Yu!


"It's really a miracle!"

Director Du, who knows the patient's situation best, has dilated pupils and trembling lips...

Xiao Ting was also surprised, not knowing what to say!

Upon seeing this, Dean Wu quickly said, "Why are you still standing there, transfer to the intensive care unit immediately!"



In the intensive care unit.

Warm and warm sunlight falls into the house from the balcony.

The pretty woman on the hospital bed couldn't tell at all that she had just walked through the gate of hell.


The door opened.

Dean Wu, Xu Zhaopei, Xiao Ting, and Fang Yu walked in one by one.

Although lying on the hospital bed, she was still a little sick, but her high-ranking demeanor and eyes showed that her identity was not simple.

"Director Jiang, how do you feel now?" Dean Wu asked politely.

" scared me to death...just as long as you're fine!" Xiao Ting said with a smile, "I haven't been able to eat or sleep well these days, and I miss you every day."

Hearing Xiao Ting's words, Director Jiang's face showed a trace of boredom, and his tone was cold and authentic:

"Xiao Ting, as I said, my business has nothing to do with you!"

Xiao Ting, who always had his eyes above his head, honestly held back for a while, and dared not speak at all.

After rejecting Xiao Ting's kindness, her eyes turned to Fang Yu who was dressed strangely beside her.

After some sizing and confirmation, although she didn't quite believe it, she still said in a grateful tone: "I know about the surgery... Doctor Fang, thank you for saving me this time."

On the side, Xiao Ting looked embarrassed.Not long ago, I almost beat my benefactor!
Fang Yu smiled indifferently, and said: "It's nothing more than a little effort... Who told me to be a doctor in the hospital. I didn't expect the chairman of Qingcheng Group to be so young."

After being praised by a strangely dressed person, Chairman Jiang smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, Director Jiang just came back from the ghost gate, she needs to have a good rest, if she's fine, go out." Director Wu coughed.

Fang Yu came out of the ward.

At the door, some doctors who witnessed him saving lives applauded.

Who would have expected that he would really be a genius doctor who brought the dead back to life?This kind of medical skill is rare!

Xu Zhaopei and Xiao Ting also followed.

Xiao Ting yelled: "Boy, I am also a person with clear grievances and grievances. You saved Xiaowei. I should have thanked you, but you beat my person, and our grievances will be wiped out. Don't mess with me in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ting turned and left.

"Don't mess with anyone, it's not certain." Fang Yu chuckled lightly.


Xu Zhaopei looked at Fang Yu's back with complicated eyes, and said after a while, "You really used [Taiyi Acupuncture]?"

"Is it still fake?"

"I suddenly remembered that when I was in school, I heard that "Taiyi Acupuncture Method" was only used by Sun Qing, an acupuncture family in Yanjing. Acupuncture, are you from the Sun family?" Xu Zhaopei asked.

Fang Yu turned around and glanced at Xu Zhaopei, who was considered a great beauty.

Xu Zhaopei's expression changed, and he said, "Are you from the Sun family?"

"A real man doesn't change his name when he goes or sits. My surname is Fang, and my name is Yu!"

After speaking, Fang Yu walked towards the corridor.

"Aren't you from the Sun family?" Xu Zhaopei followed and asked.

"How could I be from the Sun family. My surname is Fang... Besides, my acupuncture skills are much better than the Sun family..."


"You still don't believe it? How about I slash you, and as long as you don't die, I can bring you back to life. What do you think?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

"Screw you!"

Seeing Xu Zhaopei's angry look, Fang Yu put away his smile and said seriously: "Although Chinese medicine is declining day by day, it doesn't mean that Chinese medicine is fake... The profoundness of Chinese medicine is beyond the reach of Western medicine. Are you I have received too much education in Western medicine, and I have a prejudice against Chinese medicine!"

"A bowl of medicinal soup and a silver needle can often have immediate results. Therefore, Chinese medicine has always been regarded as one of the most mysterious medicines in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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