Chapter 32
The tall man raised his hand, interrupted Fang Yu, and asked, "Which foot did you kick him with?"

Fang Yu was taken aback, and said, "Don't worry about these details."

"Please answer my question." The tall comrade asked repeatedly with serious eyes.

"It should be the left foot." Fang Yu replied with squinted eyes.

"Should?" The tall comrade's eyes flickered, "As the only witness, can you even forget this?"

Fang Yu continued to squint, lifted his foot from the hospital bed, and put it down again: "Excuse me, did I lift my left foot or my right foot last time?"

The two were taken aback for a moment, their attention was on Fang Yu just now, and they didn't notice it, let alone which foot it was.

Fang Yu smiled.

"Both of them are healthy and healthy people, their brains and eyes are very clear. I don't know which foot I lifted, not to mention that I was coerced by Xiao Ting at that time, and I was extremely scared and nervous, and I was shot One knife, how could I remember clearly?"

Hearing this, the tall man nodded slightly.

After that, I didn't ask questions, but said: "It's almost the same."

Fang Yu sighed: "Well, you two can see that I am still very sad. After all, a life is lost in my hands. Maybe this matter will torture me for the rest of my life, making me unable to feel at ease, or even feel safe. Can't even sleep..."

The tall man often sees that his mental state is stable, and he can't help but complain in his heart. You are the only guy who still says he can't sleep?When I came, I heard thunderous snoring and fell asleep like a dead pig.

But out of a professional attitude, he still said: "Don't pay too much attention to this matter. I believe we will definitely give you a reasonable result. If what you said is true, the city may award you a brave deeds award."

"Brave deeds award?"

"That's right. You subdued the criminals, prevented the explosion, not only saved yourself, but also saved other people, and protected a lot of property. These are all thanks to you." The tall man said with a smile on his face.

Fang Yu was slightly surprised, and said, "Thank you! Thank you! I'm really flattered——"

"You're welcome." The tall man spoke slowly, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "There is one last question, I hope you can answer it truthfully. According to our inspection report on the deceased, Xiao Ting suffered a severe blow to the abdomen. Killed with one blow. You are just a doctor, how can you be so powerful?"

This man was very shrewd. When he was asking questions, he fixed his eyes on Fang Yu, paying attention to his every move and expression changes.

Ordinary people under this kind of gaze, as long as he speaks, his breath will be unsteady and his eyes will be dodged.There will be some flaws more or less exposed.

Just now, the purpose of the tall man saying the brave thing is to let Fang Yu relax his vigilance, so that he can ask this unexpected question at a critical moment.

However, what he didn't expect was that Fang Yu almost blurted out the answer: "You may not know that I grew up in Jiangzhou and practiced for two years."

As he spoke, Fang Yu showed a hint of pride, and continued: "Thinking about it, I really miss the days of training. I have suffered, suffered, and met some friends... You may not believe it, but the most powerful instructor in Jiangzhou now It's my friend, he doesn't dare kick me, let alone a rich second generation who only knows how to spend money!"

Hearing this, the tall man was shocked.

This information is essential.

Leaving aside whether what Fang Yu said was true or not, as far as he was concerned, he couldn't tell the difference.Based on his experience, the possibility of Fang Yu lying is almost zero.

You know, lying on this kind of issue is tantamount to courting death!

So, the tall man stood up immediately, saluted him, this is respect for him, and smiled at the same time: "Mr. Fang, my question is abrupt, please forgive me. In addition, we will not disturb, I wish you get well soon."

"You are serious. If you are so serious, you are responsible for your work. Only a good person like you can guarantee the stability and peace of our Jiangzhou. I should say thank you to you." Fang Yu was very shameless Get up and hand out your hands to express your gratitude and respect.

"Thank you Mr. Fang for your understanding." The tall man shook hands with Fang Yu and left quickly.

Xu Zhaopei, who was outside the door, couldn't help showing surprise when he saw the two leaving.

Entering the ward, seeing Fang Yu sighing, he said, "It's okay, even if you are too defensive, you won't be sentenced for a few years. I will visit you often."

Fang Yu's eyes widened, and he said dissatisfiedly, "Is that why you want me to go to jail?"

"I'm not that gloomy. It's not that I saw your melancholy face, and I'm afraid you won't think about it, so I kindly comfort you!" Xu Zhaopei said slowly.

"I'm sad not because of this. It's because they want to give me an award for being brave. As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. There are so many beauties in our hospital. If they chase me like you, I'm afraid I can't stand it—"


Seeing Fang Yu's smug face, Schuman's face turned red immediately, his eyes were full of anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Fang Yu! You want to be beaten!"

"It hurts, it hurts—"

Only then did Xu Zhaopei realize that he was pretending, and scolded in fright:

"You, shameless!"

"Please, it's you who took revenge on me. And said I'm shameless."

"You spew blood! The doctor said your wound is fine, how could it be so painful?" Xu Zhaopei said angrily.

Xu Zhaopei understood immediately.

This guy doesn't hurt at all, he speaks glibly, and there is no pain on his face.

"Are you still laughing?" Xu Zhaopei rushed forward.

"I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"Forgive me!"


outside the hospital.

The two who had just walked out stopped in their tracks.The tall Zhou brother standing in front frowned slightly, and muttered, "Xiao Zhang, please ask for instructions and check his personal information."

"Yes!" Xiao Zhang said, but his face showed doubts, "Brother Zhou, he has no reason to lie, why do you need to investigate?"

The tall man called Brother Zhou smiled and said, "Just curious."

(End of this chapter)

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