Chapter 348
Chapter 358 Shangguan Linghui (PS: Don’t bother with the chapter name, the content is correct, but the chapter number is wrong, if you see duplicate content, just refresh it, go back and read it again. Do not deduct coins repeatedly)


in the bar.


It took a full two hours before Fang Yu felt that the effect of the medicine had worn off.

Only then did Fang Yu raise his hand.

let out a long breath.

"Don't worry, just try to move around."

Hearing this, Fan Tong looked at his right leg in disbelief. He sat up slowly and pulled up his trousers. New flesh and bones had grown in the joints.

The old scars have also disappeared, and that place is like a baby's body, with thin skin and tender flesh.

Fan Tong was surprised and couldn't believe it.

Chen Daotian was also shocked by this shocking method.

"Brother Yu, you are really Hua Tuo alive. Oh no, Hua Tuo is not as powerful as you."

Fang Yu smiled: "Get up and walk, don't move too much, you can't stand the toss."


Fan Tong tried to stand up and turned around in a circle.Then take two steps.Apart from being unnatural, Fan Tong clearly felt that he was no longer lame!
"I'm ready."

"I'm ready!"

"Haha, I'm finally healed."

When the third sentence roared.There were tears in the corners of Fan Tong's eyes.

Who doesn't know the freedom to run, who doesn't envy measuring the future with feet?
Fan Tong immediately gave Fang Yu a bear hug: "Thank you."

Fang Yu gave him a hammer and said, "Thank you for telling me."

"Well," Fan Tong was extremely excited.

Chen Daotian said aggrievedly: "Oh, I don't have anyone to thank me, I just treat it as being bitten by a dog."

Fan Tong scratched his head, not to mention calling him a dog, even if he called him a bastard, he didn't take it to heart, she was so happy.

"Brother Daotian, thank you."

"Didn't you see me outside, buy me two more glasses of wine in the future."


The three looked at each other and smiled.

Fang Yu glanced at the entire bar and said, "This place can no longer be used by people, let's go."


The three left the bar.

When he came outside, Fang Yu said, "Daotian, Hei Mulian can't save any more. You need to practice more."

"Well. I'm going to start today."

"it is good."

Fang Yu's eyes fell on Fan Tong, "Fan Tong..."

Before he finished speaking, Fan Tong said first: "Brother Yu, needless to say. I'm very content. The world of warriors is full of danger. I can't help you, it's better to live peacefully."

He sighed and continued: "Brother Yu is tired one day, come to Jiangzhou Moon Bar, brother will always wait for you."

Hearing this, Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.


He patted Fan Tong on the shoulder, "Sometimes I really envy you. It's a pity, I'm destined not to be able to turn back."


Fang Yu nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Chen Daotian rolled his eyes and said, "It's not about life and death. Look, it moved you."


"Let's go, see you later."


If life is just like first sight, why is Qiu Feng sadly painting a fan.

But, who can keep the original intention forever?

Ye family villa.

When Fang Yu returned to the villa and hadn't entered yet, he found that the Yinlong guards were all guarding outside. He couldn't help being puzzled, and hurried over.

In the courtyard, Fang Yu frowned when he saw a person prostrate on the ground. ——It was not someone else who was kneeling.It was Acupuncture King Sun Qing.

Although Sun Qing is his apprentice, the Ye family has no reason to make him kneel down!

what happened?

Fang Yu immediately went up.

"Uncle, you are back."


Fang Yu went straight into the hall.

"Master..." Sun Qing raised his head, saw Fang Yu, and couldn't help being excited.


Outside the door, Fang Yu stopped.

I saw that the hall was full of people.

In the top seat, sat an elegantly dressed woman, and two servants served on the left and right respectively.

Ye Family.All sit down.

Ye Wenjun, Ye Xingkong, Zhong Long, Zhong Hu...

"Sun Qing said that his master lives here, so I had no choice but to come in person."

"Miss Shangguan, I believe in Dr. Sun's morality and medical skills. He can't do such a despicable thing." Ye Xingkong said.

"The facts are right in front of you. You don't need to argue. Now my request is very simple. Let Sun Qing's master come out. His apprentice put someone to death. As a master, do you still have the nerve to hide it?"

"Miss Shangguan, if you have something to say, speak up—"

"I have already given you a chance, don't force me to make a move from the Glazed Tile School. You have already seen my methods."

Hearing this, Fang Yu was taken aback.

It turned out to be from the Glazed Sect.

Could this woman be the daughter of the head of the Liuli Sect that Lin Weifeng mentioned?
Fang Yu snorted coldly and walked in.


Follow your eyes.

It's all on him.

The elegant woman on the seat had sparkles in her eyes.

"Nephew, you are finally back." Ye Xingkong said excitedly.

Fang Yu nodded and said, "Is there a guest?"

Ye Xingkong said: "This is Liulizong, Miss Shangguan Linghui." Then he added in a low voice: "The strength is unpredictable, and the Ye family lost ten hidden dragon guards."

Fang Yu's heart moved, and he said calmly, "It turns out to be Miss Shangguan. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Shangguan Linghui kept looking at Fang Yu, and finally said, "You are the Fang Yu that my second senior brother said."

"it's me."

"I'm not here today to ask you to join my Glazed Tile School. I'm here to seek justice." Shangguan Linghui said in a cold voice.


At this time, Ye Xingkong explained the ins and outs of the matter.It turned out that it was Sun Qing who put her people to death and came to the door.

Obviously, all of this is her method.

No matter how poor Sun Qing's medical skills were, he would not take such a risk.

Fang Yu said: "Miss Shangguan, you died one person, and my Ye family died ten people. How is this fair?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Linghui's eyes turned cold: "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Shangguan Linghui stretched out his jade hand.

A chair next to it was shattered in the air.

The whole place went quiet.

Fang Yu was even more startled, thinking to himself, what Lin Weifeng said was right, her strength might be really at the top of the Mysterious Rank.

If so, head-to-head will only suffer.

in addition.Behind Shangguan Linghui was the Glazed Tile Sect, even if they beat her, they would definitely offend the Glazed Tile Sect.

Not cost-effective.

Now that the dark web giants are behind, it is not appropriate to make enemies.

Use the strategy of slowing down the army first, and go to Xie Daoyun early tomorrow morning.Only in this way can we have the confidence to fight against Liulizong and the dark net.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu smiled and said, "See if this works."


"I'll help you cure your illness. If you're cured, let's forget about today's business. How about it?" Fang Yu said.

"Cure me? I'm not sick at all, what are you talking about?!" Shangguan Linghui said.

The Ye family all looked at Fang Yu.I don't know what he is going to do.

Ye Wenjun was even more worried.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "I am the doctor. If I say you are sick, you will be sick."

This sounds a bit like a curse.The servant next to him immediately scolded: "You bastard, how dare you call my lady sick. Are you impatient?!"

(End of this chapter)

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