Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 353 Old Scene

Chapter 353 Old Scenes (Part [-])
Fang Yu immediately grabbed the memory fragment as Xie Daoyun said.

Sit cross-legged, hold the yuan and keep one.

Suddenly, there was a tingling cold feeling from the fragment——

"What kind of fragments are these made of... I'll go—"

The icy feeling brought by the fragments instantly spread from the palm of the hand to the mind.

The scene in front of me began to become chaotic.

Horses galloping.

Sword and sword shadow.

Blood flows into a river.

There are many bones.

Scenes and scenes swept through and came to mind.Like a scourge, it hit the skull.

Fang Yu only felt pain in his head, which was unbearable.

Even in this ice cave, he was still sweating.

Seeing this scene, Xie Daoyun secretly said, "I didn't expect the Dragon Emperor's Sun Qi to be so powerful."

With Fang Yu as the center, the ice within tens of centimeters around it gradually melted.

Xie Daoyun frowned slightly, seeing that the fragments in Fang Yu's hands were turning into fluorescent light and disappearing at a fast speed, she knew that the critical time had come.

"Dragon Emperor, I can only kill first and play later!"

The jade hand raised.

Heaven-level vitality lifted Fang Yu up, and slowly fell back onto the ice bed.

Looking at the cold ice bed, Xie Daoyun was in a daze for a moment. Since she lived here, the ice bed has been with her.Hundreds of years passed in a flick of a finger, and she was already gray-haired, but the ice bed remained the same.

"I hope this millennium ice bed can help the Dragon Emperor suppress the Qi of the Sun!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around slowly, and waved her hand towards the thawed ice cubes. The powerful ice-attributed energy soon froze the water stains all over the ground, forming new ice cubes.


Fang Yu felt more and more that there was a fire burning in his heart.

The whole body is hot and hot.

Only a trace of coolness from the surroundings made him feel a little comfortable.

My head hurts more and more.

He felt as if he was growing up, getting older, getting older... learning all kinds of things, boxing, fighting, shooting... and then martial arts, the first level of martial arts... the ninth level of martial arts, innate, mysterious and yellow...

Every move was as if he was practicing himself.

The piles of white bones were as if he had killed them with his own hands.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, day and night passed.

A trace of worry flashed across Xie Daoyun's calm eyes...

"It's been a day and a night... I don't know how His Majesty Dragon Emperor's memory has recovered..."

"Unfortunately, there is only one memory fragment. I really hope he can...remember...remember the days with me."



Ye family villa.

The hidden dragon guards are strictly guarded every day.

in the courtyard.

Ye Wenjun holds a branch in his hand and gestures left and right.

Dancing like an elf, with flowing movements...

"Wenjun, martial arts is not a show. You have practiced too softly and cannot display the true power of swordsmanship." Ye Xingkong's voice struck.

Ye Wenjun stopped his movements.

The branch in the hand stands behind the elegant figure.

Look out of the courtyard.

It's a pity that there is no one outside the street.

She turned around slowly, looked at Ye Xingkong and said, "I am not practicing martial arts."

"Sigh, your speed of cultivation is inherently slow. If you don't practice hard, it will be difficult for you to achieve anything in the future." Ye Xingkong shook his head.

At this moment, he suddenly felt, was it a mistake to let Ye Wenjun enter the martial arts path?Ever since he was a child, Ye Wenjun has never experienced hardship or fatigue.

The practice of martial arts is so hard and difficult.

If you can't even pass this level, how can you become a qualified warrior?
Suddenly, a hidden dragon guard was beaten and flew in backwards, broke the gate, and fell into the courtyard.

Ye Xingkong and Ye Wenjun were taken aback at the same time, looking in the direction of the gate.

I saw that the three of them came slowly.

The leader is the woman who came last time, Shangguan Linghui.Two maids, on the left and right, followed closely behind.

"Miss Shangguan..." Ye Xingkong's face changed slightly.

Shangguan Linghui looked indifferently, and glanced at the entire courtyard.

Then he said, "Let Fang Yu come out."

Ye Wenjun said cautiously:
"You came early, he's not here."

Shangguan Linghui's eyes fell on Ye Wenjun, and she felt a little unhappy. She thought she had an outstanding temperament and was outstanding.But seeing Ye Wenjun these two times, I always felt a little worse.

She snorted coldly and said, "It's indeed tomorrow before the agreed time, but...Did I say I wouldn't come early?"

"You—" Ye Xingkong's face changed drastically.

This is playing with words.Really hateful.

Shangguan Linghui walked in.

"I was in a hurry last time... I haven't asked your name yet... Are you Wenjun Ye?" Shangguan Linghui looked at Wenjun Ye.

Ye Wenjun said without any fear: "I am Ye Wenjun."

"Not bad. Very good..." Shangguan Linghui said.

After speaking, she walked towards the hall.

The family members were suddenly panicked.

Entering the hall, Shangguan Linghui took his seat directly and said loudly, "Ye Wenjun, pour me a cup of tea."

Ye Wenjun was unmoved.

At this time, a maid next to Shangguan Linghui roared: "Ye Wenjun, are you deaf? My lady asked you to pour tea, do you hear me?!"

Ye Wenjun said indifferently: "I only pour tea for the guests!"

"Presumptuous, my lady is the guest of your Ye family...According to the rules of my Glazed Tile Sect, you ordinary warriors should kneel to greet you! Not only are you not grateful to my lady, but you are also so arrogant, which is unreasonable! I want to replace you punish you!"


The maid suddenly drew a long whip from behind——

A whip hit the past.

Ye Wenjun turned sideways and dodged deftly.

The maid was slightly surprised, and said: "Yo, you are also a warrior! I really can't see it! Just right, I'm not afraid of killing you!"

Another whip was drawn.

The black whip danced in the air like a poisonous snake.

clap clap...

Ye Wenjun dodged again.

In the dantian, the remaining trace of vitality swims along the meridians.

The gait is light and agile.

The maid was surprised again, and said, "This is a warrior? I really don't believe in this evil..."

The speed of the whip is faster.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wenjun frowned, she knew that with her own strength, she couldn't escape.

Ye Xingkong suddenly flashed in front of Ye Wenjun, and grabbed the black whip.

Even so, part of the whip still slashed across Ye Wenjun's wrist... A purple mark appeared on his fair wrist!
It was hot and raw.

Ye Xingkong stared and said: "Miss Shangguan, if you have something to say, why get angry?"

Shangguan Linghui smiled lightly and said: "I've already restrained myself... In the past, your Ye family would have died long ago! What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me..."

Ye Xingkong was speechless.

He really has no qualifications to negotiate with Shangguan Linghui!

The disparity in strength is too great.

Shangguan Linghui said: "I've changed my mind... I walked a lot just now, and my feet are a little sore. Ye Wenjun, come and help Miss Ben squeeze her feet."

(End of this chapter)

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