Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 373 Dark Codex

Chapter 373 The Code of Darkness (fourth update)
Tang Yan and Lei Hao were shocked.

He looked at Fang Yu in disbelief.

"You... how do you know the Dark Codex?"

cough cough cough.

Cough cough cough...

The two kept coughing, and the blood was rolling, causing them to spit out another mouthful of blood.

Don't look at Fang Yu's current state is not high...but Dragon Emperor's experience and knowledge make him completely superior to the two giants.In this regard, the two giants of Lei An are like children in front of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu said: "I will say it one last time, hand over the Dark Codex!"

Dark Codex.

A secret book handed down from ancient times.

It records all kinds of shortcuts in martial arts, alchemy, and formations...

Practitioners in ancient times called this secret book "Dark Codex", because of this secret book, the mind is not righteous, and the way is crooked.

Tang Yan and Lei Hao were terrified.

"The Dark Code...we, we...we didn't bring it with us."

"You don't dare to lie..."

After the venue was quiet.

Members of the dark web surged up again.

When they saw everything in front of them clearly, nothing but surprise...

Fang Yu won.

Win easily.

Chen Daotian looked excitedly at his idol, Brother Yu.

Those members of the dark net who are not afraid of the two giants at all, and put their lives and deaths aside, are glad that their choices are not wrong.Everything in front of them moved them to tears.

Fang Yu glanced at Tang Yan and Lei Hao indifferently, and said:

"In fact, you have every chance to choose another path, but chose the wrong one."

"Tang Yan, your five sense organs are damaged, and the aura you took away is too messy. You have accumulated a lot of aura that you can't integrate into, corroding your body... You probably don't know that there is something called blood-melting grass in this world. This situation can be solved perfectly.”


Tang Yan was stunned: "The Melting Blood Grass?"

Fang Yu smiled and said slowly:
"Among the practitioners, all those who snatch souls will prepare some blood-melting grass to solve the side effects of soul snatching. Could it be... your companion, Master Lei Hao, didn't tell you this?"


Lei Hao's whole body trembled.

Tang Yan's eyes changed even more——

They all relied on seizing souls to cultivate to the mysterious level.Tang Yan has been looking for a way to restore his facial features since many years ago.At that time, he wondered why Lei Hao Duo Ling was not affected!
Lei Hao was shocked and said: "Tang Yan! Calm down! Don't let him sow discord! His strength is not enough to support him to fight till now, he is deliberately sowing discord!"

The two coughed.

Tang Yan asked sharply: "Lei Hao! Do you have blood-melting grass!"

"What are you talking about? How could I have the Melting Blood Grass! Tang Yan, stay calm! Don't be fooled by him! We still have a chance!"

"I'll ask you again, do you have blood-melting grass?" Tang Yan asked again in a cold voice.


Lei Hao replied decisively, his eyes full of seriousness, "You would rather trust your enemy than your brother... Brothers have gone through ups and downs! Maybe I will harm you because of the blood-melting grass?! Hold your breath, he It's just that we have broken our eyes... We still have darknet brothers, we still have years of accumulation, and we still have a lot of joint martial arts that we haven't used..."

Hearing these sincere words, Tang Yan nodded.

But at this moment-

Fang Yu suddenly continued: "The blood-melting grass has a faint chrysanthemum fragrance. It is called the blood-melting grass because it has a special sensitivity to fresh blood. As long as it sees blood, it will be absorbed... Similarly, People who use blood-melting grass will also have the fragrance of chrysanthemums all over their bodies, and the blood will appear in granular form instead of sticking to the skin..."

talking room.

On Lei Hao's cheek, a drop of blood dripped down.

Tang Yan's pupils shrank suddenly——

"Lei Hao! I said why the fuck do you have the scent of chrysanthemums recently? You tell me that you have worn the perfume!"

Tang Yan punched Lei Hao.

Lei Hao retreated again and again, his face grim after being smashed.

Seeing this scene, members of the dark net exclaimed.


Even the two of their brothers started fighting among themselves!

"Lei Hao, I treat you like a brother, but you treat me like a fool..." Tang Yan's eyes almost burst into flames.

After nearly ten years of mask career, he got tired of the horrible facial features.

He didn't expect that the people around him, who obviously had blood-melting grasses, would ignore him!
Lei Hao bared his teeth and laughed.

Covering his undulating chest, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth——

"Hehe. So what if I just play with you? Bloodmelting grass is so precious, why should I give it to you?"


Lei Hao really has the Melting Blood Grass!
"Tang Yan, you are too good-for-nothing! You can't even deal with a low-level cultivator. I am very disappointed in you." Lei Hao laughed sinisterly.

"What?" Tang Yan couldn't believe it.

"Yes, what he said is right, I have the bloodmelting grass... not only that, I have been using you from the beginning to the end... I am the manipulator of the formation eye, and I will get 80% of all the auras that I have taken , and you can only get 20%... as mentally retarded..."

Lei Hao gradually stood up straight, "What a waste, I can't even protect the eyes..."

Tang Yan's eyes widened.

After hearing this conversation, the darknet brothers under the high platform were very embarrassed.

Heart is under the kyte!
"You,'ve been using me!" Tang Yan gritted his teeth.

" only know now, it's too late..."

Lei Hao straightened his clothes, and his voice became high, "I also want to tell you... and Fang Yu, and everyone present, a piece of unfortunate news——"

He paused and continued:
"My strength is not of the upper class. My strength is that of a small heaven!"

Little heaven!
There was an uproar!

Tang Yan's teeth chattered with hatred!

Even Fang Yu didn't expect it.

After ten years of seizing spirits, he gained 80% of the spiritual energy each time. In terms of numbers alone, Lei Hao's spiritual energy was four times that of Tang Yan's!In addition to ten years of cultivation, Xiao Tianwei, it is not surprising at all!
Hidden so deep!
"Lei Hao—you, you will die!" Tang Yan cursed secretly.


Lei Hao stepped on it.

Shaped like electricity.

With a bang, Tang Yan's chest sank.

The breath is weak, and the eyes are wide... In front of the heavenly level powerhouse, Xuanjie is as weak as an ant.

Lei Hao stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Fang Yu solemnly——

"……Now it is your turn!"

Fang Yu frowned slightly, and murmured softly: "I still guessed a bit wrong, it turned out to be Xiao Tianwei... It's a bit difficult—"

He stepped forward and slowly came to Tang Yan's side.

Lei Hao ignored Fang Yu's actions at all, because, in his opinion, Fang Yu and those Fang Yu's supporters were all dead.

Fang Yu lowered his body and looked at Tang Yan's nose with his fingers. There was still a trace of breath, then he lowered his voice and said in a voice that only Tang Yan could hear: "You have no choice. Tell me the whereabouts of the Dark Code... I, in the name of the Dragon Emperor, help you kill Lei Hao!"

(End of this chapter)

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