Chapter 379 Die (Part [-])
The chandelier in the sky swayed back and forth.

The light comes and goes.

The entire eight cages of Alcatraz fell silent.

Thousands of people looked at Fang Yu in the middle...

And the broken limbs on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, more than 100 people died... This is really not worth mentioning for Alcatraz Island, which has thousands of prisoners.However, what made them feel terrible was Fang Yu's methods!
This gave everyone an illusion.

They were worse than ants in front of Fang Yu!

To describe it in one word, that is - life is like a mustard!
Even, maybe even worse than nothing!
Yuan Aotian knows that, as the boss of these thousands of people, he must not lose the chain, let alone lose his momentum...

"Hold on to me!"


"Don't be intimidated by him! No matter how powerful he is alone, he will still have physical strength and consume inner energy!"

"Yes, the boss is right! Hold on! Don't relax!"

It has to be said that these criminals who have lived on Alcatraz Island for a long time have already formed a strong anti-stress mentality when facing dark net masters.

Fang Yu's performance relieved Chen Daotian a lot of pressure.

Although Jiang Shang doesn't have the ability to kill on a large scale, he can still protect himself.

Under Yuan Aotian's command, the criminals became more organized and more disciplined.

There are thousands of people, talents in various top fields, and it is reasonable for those dark net masters to be killed.

at this time--

A huge net fell from directly above.

"Where are you going!"

Someone shouted.

Fang Yu raised his head slightly and saw the net.

"Tips for carving insects!"

He raised the sword in his hand and jumped up.


A sword pierces through the air!
That so-called heaven and earth net was pierced by a sword!
Everyone was stunned.

This net is a tool used by the dark net to catch criminals who may escape. It is made of special materials, and it takes a lot of effort even if it is a martial arts eightfold.

Unexpectedly, it was broken by Fang Yu's sword!

"kill him!"

In an instant, dozens of people swarmed up.

Too many people.

Those who can get in touch with Fang Yu within a certain period of time, that is, dozens of people, others can only crowd in the back, rushing forward!

Fang Yu fell slowly.

Awe-inspiring eyes!

I saw a group of prisoners below holding spears, pointing straight up, their faces full of excitement, bloodthirsty...

"See how you still accept the move!"

Swish swish.

There are many spears.

As long as Fang Yu fell down, his chest would be pierced by these spears.

Between lightning and flint——

Fang Yu sneered and said, "Are you forcing me to kill?"

Gang Qi reverberates!

Fang Yu's body froze for a moment.

The Dragon Chanting Sword swung in his hand.

"What the hell is that?"


"It's kind of like a steel wire..."

In the dim light, the sword became more and more mysterious.Only those who are close can see the appearance of the Longyin Sword clearly, but unfortunately, anyone who sees this sword will not live!

"The Hunyuan Sword Sutra, the marrow of the sword is a thousand words! Duet!"

Two huge sword shadows waved down from the air.

It's like a row of trees falling down in unison.

With a strong qi, those so-called spears were all broken.

Click, click, click...


Immediately afterwards, screams resounded throughout Alcatraz.

With Fang Yu as the center, all areas in the huge fan-shaped area in front were crushed to death by this move.

Brain burst.

It looks very intrusive.

The prisoners who charged forward were stunned for a moment, shrank in fright, and backed away.

Nearly a hundred people died tragically again!

call out.

Fang Yu raised the long sword in his hand and moved straight forward.

"Who else."

No one dared to answer.

"I asked, who else—"

Every time they were questioned, the prisoners would tremble all over, dare not speak, and their teeth chattered.

Too bad!
This man is definitely a demon.A veritable demon!A demon who kills without blinking an eye!
Yuan Aotian's eyes widened.

Seeing the mountains of corpses piled up under Fang Yu's feet, and the bloodstains all over the ground...he was dumbfounded...

Don't you have any strength to resist?
Yuan Aotian swallowed his saliva, and said timidly: "Brother... Brother... Yes, if you have something to say..."


"Let's, can... can we sit down and talk... what you said before... we, we think, think..."

Everyone was surprised.

As the number one villain in the prison, he actually gave in.So what reason do others have to insist.

They all stopped and looked at Fang Yu.

waiting for his answer.

Seeing this, Chen Daotian said contemptuously: "I told you a long time ago, I told you to listen to Brother Yu and insist on courting death!"


Just when everyone thought Fang Yu would give them another chance——

Fang Yu said lightly:
"Sorry, I said it, you have lost your chance to live!"

With the Dragon Chanting Sword in his hand, he raised his hand and echoed.

"Zhan Yu, Lei Guang!"

Fang Yu's figure was like the wind, and he got into the crowd.

Huh, huh huh!


All of a sudden, people's heads flew.

Blood sprayed.

So far—

Fang Yu was about to kill everyone!

"Brother Yu is mighty! I like this, exciting, domineering! There is no need to talk too much with these mentally retarded people! Why don't you send them to hell!"

While speaking, Chen Daotian moved.

Dodging into the prisoner, flashing fist wind.


Bang bang bang!
One punch alone!

"It's so cool!"

"Don't talk, just do it!!"

Another group of people fought fiercely around Chen Daotian.

The whole scene was chaotic!

Jiang Shang also started fighting, although his injury is still not healed, but it is almost impossible to hurt him!

As for Fang Yu, it was even more one-sided.

Every time I use my sword skill, a wave of people will fall down!

A steady stream of Hunyuan can support Fang Yu in a long battle.

Thousands of people, many?
It's like harvesting leeks, thousands of leeks, it's just a short time!
After a while, [-]% of the entire cage was dead!
Seeing this scene, Yuan Ao was in a panic.

"You are too much!"

Yuan Aotian stomped on the corpse and approached Fang Yu's face!
Fang Yu's eyes turned cold——

The Longyin sword flicked back.

Fang Yu raised his palm and patted it.

"Big Star Luoshou, a trio!"

Yuan Aotian bared his teeth and said, "Martial Dao protects the body!"

A loud bang.

Yuan Aotian took a few steps back and looked at Fang Yu in disbelief.

Arms are numb.

Blood trickled down the arm to the fingers, dripping down.

Fang Yu said coldly: "No wonder you can be the boss, it turns out that you are a nine-level warrior..."

It is an astonishing discovery that there is a ninth-level martial artist hidden in this Alcatraz island.

Yuan Aotian didn't expect that so many people died one after another, but they still couldn't resist Fang Yu's killing intent!
too frightening.

"Who are you?" Yuan Aotian said with hatred.

Fang Yu has heard this question so many times that he has long since become numb.He doesn't want to answer cookie cutter questions.


Fang Yu soared into the air.

Comparable to a move to break the air pressure in the mid-level stage——

Yuan Aotian's eyes were instantly filled with despair!

"A ground-level practitioner?!" Yuan Aotian widened his eyes, remembering what was said in an ancient book, when a person can cast more than four double images in one attack, then this person is a ground-level practitioner. The above practitioners!
(End of this chapter)

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